Look. I’ll address Yik’s questions from his post on Operation Essex community ( bit.ly/operationessex ) but right now the most important thing is that you see the video I took as I was approaching Devra on Saturday night. See if you see what I see. I won’t spoil it. Was that a New Wave Resistance Agent? I don’t know. My mission was to save Devra. Yes. I know what she did in her last recursion, but she doesn’t even remember that. Or does she? It seems like both the NIA and the New Wave Res (NWR) both want to know. And, yeah, there was lot of hacking and counter hacking going on. Welcome to the age of Snowden, WikiLeaks and now the NWR. But we’ve been living in that world for a long time, haven’t we? None of this should surprise us. I’ll tell you right now that there are things I’m keeping to myself, for good reason. But in time, the truth will all come out. -PAC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbGVt8L3bSw