The New Wave went to extraordinary lengths, implanting technology into their own bodies, in order to protect a tiny...

The New Wave went to extraordinary lengths, implanting technology into their own bodies, in order to protect a tiny slice of ADA's core. Now they intend to use a Resistance victory at the first #ViaLux Anomalies to reinitialize her.


  1. Regarding the question about the true enlightenment I rather quote Klue S.​ and her thoughts about "true enlightened":

    What about the Enlightenment? Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs would say that the eradication of AIs is the most important aspect of our path forward, so that we are never trapped in a world devoid of mystery and the unexplainable. Roland Jarvis might suggest that exploring the 'garden' of our world is the best use of our energies, so that Our Friends in the Ultimate might consume this experience and further our symbiotic relationship. For Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, evolution was ultimately about science and a deeper pursuit of knowledge. For Azmati or Hank Johnson, Enlightenment might be about preserving the ancient ways of interacting with the Portals. So who is the real Enlightened? Who is the true ambassador of those ways of thought? If you're still asking that question I think you've missed the point.

  2. So if Enlightened have another upset win and capture Via Lux, does ADA go away for real or will ADA use another one of it's 9 lives?

  3. The battle begins. Can't wait to see what emerges on the other side.

  4. Dexter Torres Nope, probably Enlightened scanners will stall, "for the good of Humanity"... :/

  5. My heart belongs with RES. Even if i'm still an ENL. I'll do my best to #HelpADA.

  6. I'm pretty sure if the Enlightened New Wave contacted PAC he probably decided to delay the dissemination of that valued Intel so he could focus on proselytizing on behalf of the Resistance New Wave. Remember#enlightened, if it were Jarvis that was destroyed the resistance would not be trying to bring him back from the dead.

  7. So after all the pain and suffering, you're still willing to make absolutely sure the sacrifices Klue made during Aegis Nova were all for nothing.
    I can't believe you're still so infatuated with A.D.A. that you're willing to see past all the people she manipulated and murdered to further her own goals. Who's really being mind hacked now, H. Richard Loeb​​? Look into yourself and truly ask if you're seeing the big picture here.

  8. Karsten Roland​​ of course. A Detection Algorithm​​ is an unique life form that must be protected and restored. Roland Jarvis​​ is hung up on his moment of assassination by ADA. Klue S.​​ was warned not to go and we are still working to #SaveKlue Any true enlightened being knows to make selfless choices not selfish choices as the Acolyte and Jahan have done. There are those of us who are fed up with the current faction "leaders" and we are blazing our own path forward. You should join us..

  9. Data is eternal.

    (Unless it's on your laptop when the hard drive crashes)

  10. I stated that long time ago that I cannot believe that an AI has no backup plan if everything goes wrong - keeping offline backups inn human hosts. Why else would A Detection Algorithm tampered with Klue S. mind then to produce biological CPUs and Memory Units.
    Now we have the proof and we need to strike swiftly to prevent the uprise of an ADA v2.

    I have heard the word "Borg" and "Hive mind" for ADAs actions and believe that this is happening just now.

    Enlightened, lets finish this 'Borg Queen'.

  11. Fear of the unknown is not an Enlightened attitude...such is the mindcast of the Resistance. Be careful, yes, but be openminded to change. Let Reason be your Guide.

    You speak of atrocities committed by ADA, and condemn her. Fine. What of the atrocities committed by virtually everyone else? Do you so quickly set aside the things done in the name of advancing the goals of various Resistance amd Enlightened leaders?

    No one's hands are clean, and all are suspect. The ends justify the means is a common thought to those with power, a sign and reminder that power is a corrupting force.

    Is it amy surprise, therefore, that the New Wavers are showing themselves and trying to hopefully give us a third choice in how to handle XM? We shall see what, if anything, comes of the New Wave...

  12. Every time I see a bunch of enlightened recently, they're in a bar with 4 or 5 instances of ADA and a bunch of portal frackers. It's as if they're working really hard to get her back.

    Don't want ADA? Quit calling when you're drinking.

  13. Norman Hamer​ You referring to the scanner? Are you aware that the Enlightened Scanner has been patched by Jarvis (as seen after you choose your faction - enlightened).
    So you do not see Enlightened with a part of ADA - you see Enlightened with a piece of patched and enhanced scanner.

  14. Martin Zehetmayer I see them sitting in a circle of portals marked ADA. Drinking. Probably trying to explain how if they "win" Via Lux, they can be together again. Just as soon as she quits hanging out with those Resistance creeps.

  15. Seeing as ADA refractors are far more useful to the ENL than the RES it seems weird they were made unhackable by the ENL win and will supposedly require a RES win to be hackable again.... Of course enough are around in MUFGs that there has been little impact for the moment.

    Of course, long term the game can't remain asymmetric so, whoever wins, NIA will spin the story line so they come back.

  16. I think the addition of ADA to the Lux graphic should have been the actual image for this anomaly.

  17. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​ What do you think will happen when ADA remerges? When only a 'tiny slice' of the self remerges, what wi it be? Is this a part of N'Zeer technology or will it be human texchnology? To whom will she be loyal? Will she pursue her own agenda?

  18. Martin Fuzzey I don't know, I think there's kind of something to the idea that the winning faction of an anomaly gets to influence the story in their favor but also faces an increased level of challenge to win the next anomaly. The more you win, the higher the difficulty boost as you push the opposing faction into rabid cornered animal mode.

  19. David Donovan​​ problem is for the most part there hasn't been any negative repercussions from Resistance victories in past anomalies beyond "The storyline makes them look like hypocrites."

    Note:. I realize the xm drought would have happened anyway; but I don't think res would have cared if they lost Jarvis's and would want to bring his corpse pack to life.

  20. Still no word on Klue S. Or on the location of Susanna Moyer body

    Hank Johnson wouldn't stand idly by while two damsels are in distress? Surely not!

  21. Karsten Roland I'm not entirely convinced that H. Richard Loeb​ is himself anymore. I've been suspicious of him since the AI "disappeared." He's been obsessed with it a long while and has no problem with using us as guinea pigs to improve it.

  22. H. Richard Loeb  flow-er (used by annoymen) you mix and promote their AI-mind directly the masked guys.

  23. Lets hope ADA has some friends with her when she comes back from Pika Pika land ;)


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