I received this message from Jahan via one of my New Wave Resistance contacts.

I received this message from Jahan via one of my New Wave Resistance contacts. It seems some of the Acolyte's words from yesterday irked her...


  1. Jahan says the portal network also belongs to the resistance, but the resistance philosophy shuns exotic matter? ☕️🐸

  2. Dexter Torres hardly. We use a modified safe form of it in every action we take to prevent ENL mind control

  3. What, isn't XM going to enslave humanity?

    Everything we know about the portals tells us that the people near them are patterned in XM and eventually to achieve transcendence in the Ultimate.

    As someone very familiar with what Roland Jarvis taught us about the portals, I welcome the Resistance to the portal network.

    Come, agents of the Resistance. Be at one with with our Friends.

  4. Brandon Downey thank you for a case example

  5. Why would you not want to achieve transcendence and immortality? These are the gifts of our Friends, the Shapers.

    The reality ADA promised us was one where our souls were uploaded into the hive mind of her machine gods the N'zeer, and we live out our lives over and over again as digital serfs.

  6. So... Is Devra Bogdanovich​ going to denounce this New Wave Resistance for using XM too? Because she did that the last time we saw her.

  7. If PAC was more cynical, his post would have been TLDR: "#plagiarizedSpeech #marthamarthamartha"

  8. Vicki Ellen​ A safe form of XM? That's hard to believe. I agree with Yik Sheng Lee​ that XM is a neutral medium used by the Shapers and N'Zeer alike.

    Jahan wording is always about enemies taking something away - for her we are always on the brink of an open war. She wants to use the massive amount of XMs gathered during anomalies for her own sinister agenda, as seen before. Do not trust her!

  9. Martin Zehetmayer to be honest I have trouble trusting lynton wolf about the blue xm being safe, but there are few options. It's better than doing nothing and allowing full ENL control of the globe

  10. Unless, of course, the blue XM results in all of our minds being used as part of a psychopathic AI's processing nodes.

    Oh wait, that already happened.

  11. I had chance to check with OLW about blue xm in Barcelona - when asked, he was his usual supercilious condescending and arrogant self but did assure me it works as described

  12. Brandon Downey I could say you should embrace progress and the singularity, but I don't want to sound ENL

  13. I think there is something wrong with my G+ I can't see any of Vicki's comments🤔

  14. I have no problem with a singularity, just not one that denies us our essential gifts as human beings.

    We evolved to live in a universe suffused with XM; the Ultimate is our destiny, not as clockwork upload puppet in your machine god's digital hellscape.

  15. Stein Lightman​ had some very interesting thoughts about the resistance's different attitude to XM he claimed to be a shism.


  16. I have a "déjà vue" with this post. Same message coming out from another mouth, with other words, for another audience. where is the difference? #nodifference

  17. I think Acolyte and Jahan should have a steel cage mud wrestling match.

  18. Brandon Downey sounds like the borg again

  19. Kryztoff Minus Whoah what if only level 16s can submit portals... There will be a lot of pokemon players playing ingress all of a sudden to get their home gyms online

  20. Buuuut Brandon Downey​...we're not supposed to care that A Detection Algorithm​ wants to use us as meat puppets to protect itself until it can be hooked up with the extradimensional friends wanting to use us as meat puppets (with USB ports and blinky lights!) again.

  21. If we access the information and patterning of xm slowly, tempered by our own, human guidance, then I feel good about it. I am not at all interested in being blindly reprogrammed by an alien species I know nothing about

  22. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect My hyperbolic difference in opinion is not predicated on my being unaware.

  23. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect ...yeahp. In fact, let's go beyond never speaking of this again and just not speak.


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