I've been able to obtain these declassified documents related to the upcoming #ViaLux Anomalies on August 27.

I've been able to obtain these declassified documents related to the upcoming #ViaLux Anomalies on August 27. They provide a detailed picture of what's at stake, and how Agents can help affect the outcome. All Agents be advised. #InvestigateIngress


  1. A few notes:

    - Any change to make fielding great again is welcome. However, the prize offered is really very modest. During the Obsidian anomalies, numerous sites had targets fail to manifest for the entire contest. As far as we can tell, this had minimal or at best modest impact on scoring.

    Some suggested alternatives might be intel for winning a field contests (shard or target info), some sort of handicap (loser needs level 7 portals for one wave or something else clever), or even fractional points.

    - The points for losing sites simply for showing up is puzzling. As written, the points seem mathematically irrelevant. Could this be the result of a garbled attempt to implement a feature like "let losing sites contribute"? Its not clear, but as is, this change is only cosmetic.

    - Can we get confirmation that every fielding target portal set will be posted by Visur as in the example?

  2. Brandon Downey The change in the Points System is not irrelevant. During the Aegis Nova, a primary was worth 2 points and a satellite 1 point . If you lost the primary, you could even out the score by winning both satellites. Now that´s not possible: Winning the primary + losing both satellites gives you 4 Points (3+0.5+0.5), while losing the primary and winning both satellites gives you only 3 Points (1+1+1). Even when there are three satellites to a primary, the score will be 4.5 to 4 for a team that wins the primary and loses all three satellite sites. This point System shifts the focus of the factions more on the primaries, like it or not. Niantic Project NIA Ops Niantic John Hanke

  3. Yup, I don't disagree thedeacon 1972.

    It's just that the 'participation points' are not really why this is so. You could make primaries worth 4 points and secondaries worth 1, and it would be the same as this system -- so is this intentional, or an artifact from an early iteration of the rules.

    Whether or not requiring 4 satellite wins to match one primary is a good idea is definitely a question worth considering.

  4. At least this time there's no way to have a both factions with the same score...
    And one faction has to win at least two primaries to win the whole series.

  5. Setting the primaries is the key to favor one faction, as seen in Obsidian and Aegis Nova.

  6. Martin Zehetmayer​ please elaborate..? I'm curious as to your reasoning, not critical. Brooklyn and Orlando seemed lined up, and as in Savannah teams just gave up after M3.

  7. Kevin Shaw There were always rumors that if you want the Resistance to win you put the anomalies in Europe - or if Enlightened should win you let them play in Asia.
    During Obsidian there was an uproar when the number of shards where increased but not the points - leaving us, the Enlightened, to win. In Aegis Nova we had the same - only one primary in Europe, Enlightened wins.
    Sorry, so much out of character
    *cough* Enlightened will prevail!

  8. Is it at all possible that some New Wave Enlightened may be lurking in the Anomaly areas, not just the New Wave Resistance?  Though that does make me wonder how one would tell the difference between a NWE, and someone who is just really into tattoos and piercings.

  9. The points for losing a site are just silly. Their effect is the same giving 2 points for winning a primary site and 0.5 points for winning a satellite. Or as Brandon Downey points out doubling that to make a primary 4 points and a satellite 1 point.


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