“Is this the end of our journey?” “No.

“Is this the end of our journey?” “No. It will continue... We are being led for a purpose. The voices in the līmina have chosen to speak to us. We will be returned.” #InvestigateIngress


  1. "Beware of the darkness that follows the light."

  2. Now we need an NL-Submarine to tour during anomalies.

  3. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​ what makes you sure about Jarvis being a smelly rotting zombie? What makes you sure he is torturing Klue?

  4. If the mine is the San Saba mine, then the man with the strange knife was Jim Bowie.

  5. Russ Darracott​ you're right. We haven't heard from her yet. And yes, I'm as most of us concerned about her.

  6. Thx Russ Darracott​ for this documented information! 👍

  7. In this light I'd say yesterday's mine must have been, as Yik Sheng Lee​ surmised, the South American site where where Die Glocke was secreted away. Nigel set up housekeeping near there under ADA's care late in his life.

    I disagree that the knife carrier was Hank or Azmati. More likely, I think, is that he was some earlier traveler we are yet to know. He may have been Azmati's ancestor or Ichtaka's descendant.

  8. To the thresholds?... Of our imagination or their time?

    Are we the voices?

    Which nest would they emerge from if they were reborn like Hank?

    Which ingress related person of interest would they return as?

    Would they retain knowledge of their previous wandering through time and space?

    Would they be aligned with Nzeer or Shaper, Resistance or Enlightened?

    A bene placito in esse

    Would they be able to adjust to our world of computers, machines and scanners?


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