Obsidius and Cybella glimpse into a moment in the Investigation's recent history, perhaps revealing something that...

Obsidius and Cybella glimpse into a moment in the Investigation's recent history, perhaps revealing something that took place in hidden corners around the world following the Aegis Nova Anomaly in Tokyo. The purpose of their strange journey seems to be…


  1. This is somehow linked to new wave resistance, via lux and ADA.

    They prepare for something guided by a single purpose or entity

  2. You have a really good point there Yik Sheng Lee​, maybe a neutral entity, trying to stop the war? Could it be the same entity that actually guide Klue to the glyph and her eventual union with ADA? Could it be why she was neutral afterwards?

    I think those creatures on the new wave looked grim because they are the beginning of the end, the beginning of the old war renew that could potentially destroy civilisation again as it did on the past one.

  3. A darkness that follows the light.
    Figures that the concepts brought forward by this new wave were too good to be true.

  4. Was this an event yet to come or were the NWR working in secret back when Klue was in Japan?

  5. OMG! The #enlightened are #suppostowin #ViaLux

  6. They are definitely not happy with the leader that is speaking. Just because someone is a leader it doesn't mean you need to follow them. I believe the resistance is torn right now with who they would rather follow H. Richard Loeb​ Yik Sheng Lee​. Even though Hank Johnson​ is probably more aligned with the enlightened I believe many would follow him and his views on Xm and humanity. He's the middle ground that we need.

  7. Mike Wright agreed. We should choose our own roads, not have them chosen for us.

  8. I understand. H. Richard Loeb​
    I will contact the N'zeer and ask what they intend to do. Are you aware of what is happening and what occurred last night/this morning at 1:45am?

  9. H. Richard Loeb​​ I've spoken with them. I am to journey to NL1331 somehow. Which is the domain of the ancient Roman Empire. I am to contact my unaltered human tribe the Masaeseyli, and get Intel. I am told the events to follow and the journey itself will be "easy". Over and over they say this. But the "difficulty" is convincing man that I CAN help. That I AM their hope. At the end of their instructions they ultimately reveal that I am to "seek truth individual path" or "go it alone". And there was a lot more that was said that will scare you as it did me. If anything, I can be the Ambassador for the Kaleid and the N'zeer. If you ever want to ask them anything, I am available.

  10. > The purpose of their strange journey seems to be coming into focus for me.

    And what is it? To shed the light on the things we already have seen? Well maybe except the inside of Jahan’s palace.
    Hope the next fragment, would it emerge, will show us something actually new.


    This is a sad day for the Resistance. The Enlightened have made a terrible mistake. They have won this Anomaly and launched an attack on ADA, the world’s first sentient AI. ADA is our future, and now that future is threatened. I hope ADA will survive, but I don’t know if she will. But Resistance has never been about doing what’s easy. We will walk the path of light and show the world the way forward This fight is not over

  12. Aegis alone is the wrong name. If you knew your history, you'd look for Ancile. I have it. Always have my whole existence. The 13 and One.

  13. Ancile and Aegis... The siblings. Aegis: 12 copies of Ancile holding power but not like that of the original.
    Ancile: the 13 and One. The 13th but original Arrowhead that possesses all of the abilities of the twelve decoys. Made of Sterling silver as is confirmed by your newest excerpt of the "E.O." I possess this relic. The ink spoken of has worn, but is visible, but the actual glyph is embossed. Surrounded by black ink. I have soooooooo much more to say that confirms anything you could ever doubt. But I digress.

  14. Uno Deus, Ada & Syphax hello there 🎩

  15. Gr33n Wra1th I don't know Jahan, or what her motives were/are but she was right. Via Lux, road to light. And if I can help it, the resistance with the help of ADA and the N'zeer will win this war.

  16. Uno Deus, Ada & Syphax we agents defeat ourselves in over confidence. Nothing is certain about Via Lux yet. The Enlightened agents should prepare properly and not consider it won until it is over.

    I myself will merely observe during Via Lux. I am a veteran of Helios and I have first hand experience of thinking it already won when it was already much too late.

  17. Gr33n Wra1th I am on your side as a human. But I do not support your views to support Magnus. However your humility is to be admired. I said from the start, I don't care about the Ingression, I just want peace. And for me PERSONALLY that peace includes the N'zeer and ADA.


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