
Showing posts from October, 2014

So what do we know about Jarvis.

So what do we know about Jarvis. Last time we heard him he was bloviating about the structure of the Universe. Okay, that might be harsh, but I might be non-aligned right now, but old school ties are hard to cut. When was that tape made. Sure, it was post peering into the Black Stone, but is it recent?  And what was going on with the Dark XM theft withered Jarvis bit. Is that disinformation or is he about to do the maximum CUT TO?  And were he to finally cross over to another dimension, who’d take his place atop the Enlightened? Lynton-Wolfe (who’s been curiously silent)? Hank (cult leader isn’t really his style, but then again, he doesn’t he host Nomad?)? Klue? Or somebody else? And what happens with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of A.I’s? Yeah, I know its ‘ethical treatment’ but the whole thing was a massive cover and scam, kind of like Jarvis’ artwork, much of which was plagiarized from the Shapers.  Okay, I’ve beaten on Jarvis enough. But what is going on with him?

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah. And while we’ve been talking about Romantic Poets and Kipling stories, there’s something we haven’t been talking about. That would be Dr. Devra Bogdanovich. I’m not seeing her on any class lists at the University, so what is she up to? 10-1 she’s got as many people after her as Hank, but she’s probably hiding in plain sight. Her Portal Vaccine is a hugely unresolved issue. I’m saying we keep an eye on Farlowe, Wright and Hulong. They seem to be deep into the darker aspects of XM.  And it wouldn’t surprise me that there are certain people who might want to take her out of play (remember the whole Bobby affair? Whatever happened to him? My feeling is that he either went the way of the coed or he’s mixed up in a mess). As speaking of Devra, what of Roland Jarvis.  More on that tomorrow.


Whoah!  So Devra Bogdanovich  really kicked over a hornets nest today. I'm just seeking the truth here, but what if what she's saying is true.  What if she really is the victim of a smear campaign by hostile forces recklessly leaking XM into the world for power and profit?  I'm not saying I believe that, I am simply asking the question.  We have to ask questions.  If you were to offer a defense for her, what would it be?  We have to think all the way around problems.  And consider this.  Even if she is wrong, does it make the other side right?

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.... And while we're at it, I'll plug my new book.  Well, its actually a compilation of books until I handed it over to Verity Seke:

I'll be honest.

I'll be honest. I was part of the Niantic Project. Well, a footnote character before the project really began. I thought this all more or less started out there and haven't really placed a lot of stock in the ancient origins of all this...  Not that I'm criticizing people who do, but that just wasn't my focus, and it probably won't be my focus, but I have to say that the chain reaction of discussions caused by a Stein Lightman post, followed by a Yuri Alaric Nagassa post has got me to thinking...  Does History itself endlessly recurse in different guises?   Okay, I'll stop thinking that now.  Back to the here and the now.  My question:  What's going on with Devra Bogdanovich?  She's been curiously silent since her ouster from the Center.  And for that matter, what's the last we heard of Hubert Farlowe  and November Lima.  So many rogue operatives, so little time.

Okay, so back to Hank in Afghanistan.

Okay, so back to Hank in Afghanistan. Unless I’m very wrong, he somehow snagged Kipling’s map and books left by 'Danny Dravitt (aka Josiah Harlan or something like that) and is reverse engineering the guy played by Michael Caine in the movie's overland path to India.   And if I’ve figured this out, you can guess all sorts of other people who would very much like to waterboard Hank have already figured it out. That would be the NIA, Visur, Anti-Magnus, maybe 13MAGNUS because Hank seems to be off the reservation, Ada and a host of others.   So where is Hank? He’s been kind of spotty about  his location in his reports. Can’t say I blame him, just saying that he’s not exactly sending us an itinerary. There’s the Afghan map that flickered on the Ingress Report, but that pre-dates Kipling by centuries. But then, maybe it was good enough and that's what these two Masonic low-lives used. But I doubt it.  I suspect he’s using a later British map. The questions remain, where’s he goi...

And then there are the Romantic Poets.

And then there are the Romantic Poets. You’ve got to love this one. Four notables get together during the Volcanic Winter at Villa Diodati near Lake Geneva (is that ringing bells or what?). The notables are Percy Shelley, his wife Mary, Lord Byron and their friend John William Polidori. They read a bunch of German ghost stories one spooky night and out come Frankenstein, the first Vampyre novel, a Vampyre Poem and Ozymandias, arguably the first mummy story. Sounds like a volcano infused meeting of a bunch of Romantics (can you spell Enlightened) who peer into a dark abyss and create the Universal Monster franchise. But its a lot more than that.  Read between the lines and you see Recursion, Simulacrums, Osiris and the conquest of death. Of course, just like the Niantic Epiphany, the ripples spread out. Hank was onto this and planted Breadcrumbs all around the world.  (Somebody mind catching me up on the ones that have been found).  And, of course, these breadcrumbs lead us right back t...

Hank is on the move.

Hank is on the move.  Follow this closely. I'm getting chatter that a net is closing on him.  Alert him or me of anything you find.  Also, find the Breadcrumbs. Originally shared by Hank Johnson I believe that the breadcrumb I left about the so-called ‘Diodati Epiphany’ was intended to remind me of a theory I had, that, during the ‘Volcanic Winter’ of 1816, Mary and Percy Shelly, Lord Byron and John Polidori experienced something world-changing.   They sat around a fire one night during that winter and read each other ghost stories, then challenged each other to write their own. From this one night came the novel Frankenstein, the Vampyre (the first modern vampire novel) and the grains of what would become Ozymandias, which can be read, almost as a mummy story. In short, the universal monsters emerged from that night and those minds, but more importantly, we have stories which all one way or another mirror what has come out of the Niantic Project. The themes -- men reaching to the ...

Hank's Breadcrumbs Recovered and Suspected Sites (will be updated) Please assist in hacking for media drops.

Hank's Breadcrumbs Recovered and Suspected Sites (will be updated) Please assist in hacking for media drops. Possible drop sites are related to the works of the three Romantic poets, Percy, Mary and Byron. ---------------------------------------- Recovered Breadcrumbs 1. Shelley Keats Museum, Rome - Fate ( ) 2. Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park, London - Adonaïs ( ) 3. Ramses II, British Museum, London - Ozymandias ( ) 4. Burg Frankenstein, Germany - Frankenstein ( ) 5. Byron's Meadow, Lake Geneva, Switzerland - Villa Diodati ( ) 6. Castle Drachenfels ("dragon rock") - Königswinter, Germany ( ) 7. Radcliffe Camera, Oxford - location of old Bodleian Library where the original manuscripts of Frankenstein are stored ( ) 8. A portal in London (location uncertain) - Harriet Shelley suicide (

Okay, so where are we?

Okay, so where are we? We seem to have two threads running. There’s the whole Kipling, MWWBK thread. I get it. Hank Johnson, Kipling’s guy ‘Peachy’ who’s really some American Quaker and Alexander the Great all found the same anomaly zone in Afghanistan somewhere. Alexander got married somewhere around there, Hank got killed and then recursed and this guy in Kipling’s book got killed, but I’m thinking he didn’t really get killed, but kept going, because he turns up in San Francisco and dies around the same time the Niantic Hotel sinks into the ground in San Francisco. And there’s something interesting. On the last voyage of the Niantic they stopped in Peru to pick up four mysterious passengers under order from the American Consulate. Who were they? What was the Niantic carrying? I’m discovering that there are no accidents in this world.  And more importantly, if Hank is following ‘Peachy’s Map’, why do I think Kipling wrote about that journey too? Maybe he never published it?  Somebody ...

I heard a rumor that Agents completing a mission in Huntington Beach near this event were uncovering a pieces of a...

I heard a rumor that Agents completing a mission in Huntington Beach near this event were uncovering a pieces of a secret conversation between two intel operators, one from the NIA and the other from the CIA. Can anyone confirm? Originally shared by Endgame: Ancient Truth Tues Oct 14 at 7:00 PM Barnes & Noble 7881 Edinger Avenue #110 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Meetup at Taco de Ojo Sports Cantina & Grill (7881 Edinger Avenue) following the Endgame book signing with James Frey. Note: Ingress Agents who complete the "Endgame Book Signing: Huntington Beach" mission prior to the meetup will receive a raffle ticket to fast-track their last 100 Portal submissions.  #Endgame   events/clq3l3otes6n6to2of0nrpoptc4