Oh yeah.

Oh yeah. And while we’ve been talking about Romantic Poets and Kipling stories, there’s something we haven’t been talking about. That would be Dr. Devra Bogdanovich. I’m not seeing her on any class lists at the University, so what is she up to? 10-1 she’s got as many people after her as Hank, but she’s probably hiding in plain sight. Her Portal Vaccine is a hugely unresolved issue. I’m saying we keep an eye on Farlowe, Wright and Hulong. They seem to be deep into the darker aspects of XM.  And it wouldn’t surprise me that there are certain people who might want to take her out of play (remember the whole Bobby affair? Whatever happened to him? My feeling is that he either went the way of the coed or he’s mixed up in a mess). As speaking of Devra, what of Roland Jarvis.  More on that tomorrow.


  1. She seems very confident with her private investors, but who in the world are they? Anti-Magnus? Hulong is an interesting take, being that they have far more interest in Dark XM than regular XM and portals.

  2. J.J. Ramirez Interestingly enough, I recall that Hulong was interested in obtaining Devra's work from the CDC.....

  3. I wonder what shadow organization is tangled up with the CDC. Whos the good guys, Magnus or anti-magnus?

  4. Devra wasn't looking over her shoulder. I didn't get the impression that hiding was on her to do list.

  5. I hope they kill the game with this storyline by destroying all portals

  6. Hazel Vizion no I'm just disgusted by all the in-game commercialism they've even got the players doing it through various affiliates that produce custom merch it's fucking sickening.

  7. Hazel Vizion ingress has gone full retard, they really jumped the shark long ago


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