Okay, so back to Hank in Afghanistan.

Okay, so back to Hank in Afghanistan.

Unless I’m very wrong, he somehow snagged Kipling’s map and books left by 'Danny Dravitt (aka Josiah Harlan or something like that) and is reverse engineering the guy played by Michael Caine in the movie's overland path to India.  

And if I’ve figured this out, you can guess all sorts of other people who would very much like to waterboard Hank have already figured it out. That would be the NIA, Visur, Anti-Magnus, maybe 13MAGNUS because Hank seems to be off the reservation, Ada and a host of others.  

So where is Hank? He’s been kind of spotty about  his location in his reports. Can’t say I blame him, just saying that he’s not exactly sending us an itinerary. There’s the Afghan map that flickered on the Ingress Report, but that pre-dates Kipling by centuries. But then, maybe it was good enough and that's what these two Masonic low-lives used. But I doubt it.  I suspect he’s using a later British map.

The questions remain, where’s he going, who’s looking for him and why?  Its not just about finding breadcrumbs or he would have gone there earlier.  I think its about something that almost rhymes with Laser.


  1. For all we know he may be done with his search already. He made it clear he was delaying publication for each post to avoid being overtaken. That would help explain his connectivity.

  2. Anybody else at a loss for relevant things that rhyme with laser?

  3. David Timothy N'zeer almost rhymes with laser.

  4. I am still worried about how disjointed Hank's mind may still be after his recursion I hope that any secrets lost are recovered in time to help us prepare for the N'zeer.

  5. Taser, Phaser, something that goes pew pew?

  6. Even with all the resources of the NIA and ADA and others it may still be difficult to pinpoint Hanks location in the mountains. I believe Hank knows what he is doing avoiding detection.

  7. You lot keep forgetting the waterboarding........

  8. I suspect that Hank Johnson is being as cagey with his location as you can be from time to time, H. Richard Loeb.

    And for the same reasons: to stay away from those who you believe intend you harm. A belief based on experience and fact; multiple aligned and unaligned forces within this tangled web have proven that they will not shy away from murder if it suits their goals.

  9. "Turn things to Gold" Midas touch - was probably an allegory. I suppose it meant unlocking the potential of otherwise mundane objects. Usually Midas Touch have a negative connotation - its like when you have an oversupply of wealth - it devalues objects that were once scarce. So, would it be good for all human beings to unlock their true potential with accelerated evolution via XM exposure or AI-augmentation? If every human being becomes "super", how will those who are already special and exclusive take to the devaluation of their status and possible monopoly over power?

  10. Hank is on a path to finding out what the N'zeer are and we will soon learn if we should fear them... or join them? When the Nomad searches, he always finds what he seeks. My question for you H. Richard Loeb, what are you going to do about ADA? Last I heard, you said she had to go down and then disappeared.

  11. It would be fascinating to know what was inside the mausoleum at Halicanarsis.

  12. I believe we'll be discovering a connection to Hulong Transglobal soon, or more specifically, Antoine Smith. Why do they hunt for Hank Johnson so ferociously? They don't interfere with the other sensitives this way.

  13. Sigh. don't forget afghanistan wasn't always afghanistan, at one point it was cccp. Also even the 161st wont fly to some places in afghanistan by helo as the machines cannot handle the elevation or sand very well. Secret organization or not, no air means no fly. That would be severely limiting and considering hanks post, makes figuring out where he is vastly easier.

  14. Derek Longbow and Yik Sheng Lee are reminding me that I have to go back and look at the events of 13MAGNUS and Thomas Greanias' The Alignment: Ingress.


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