Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.... And while we're at it, I'll plug my new book.  Well, its actually a compilation of books until I handed it over to Verity Seke:  https://play.google.com/store/books/details/P_A_Chapeau_Ingress_The_Niantic_Project_Files_Volu?id=DVWWBAAAQBAJ&hl=en


  1. Nia documents are federal government properties. How can you sell them?

  2. No paper?
    digitial doesn't archive well if electronics fail

  3. Yeah, this was an instant purchase for me first day.

  4. William TNSheep there were bound copies on the table at flint dille and John Hanke's DICE presentation this year.  Being able to store them locally is a big step up over having them in the cloud, and makes it easier to print a copy for reference if you're so inclined.

  5. new name new game or is it still the same ?


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