So what do we know about Jarvis.

So what do we know about Jarvis. Last time we heard him he was bloviating about the structure of the Universe. Okay, that might be harsh, but I might be non-aligned right now, but old school ties are hard to cut. When was that tape made. Sure, it was post peering into the Black Stone, but is it recent?  And what was going on with the Dark XM theft withered Jarvis bit. Is that disinformation or is he about to do the maximum CUT TO?  And were he to finally cross over to another dimension, who’d take his place atop the Enlightened? Lynton-Wolfe (who’s been curiously silent)? Hank (cult leader isn’t really his style, but then again, he doesn’t he host Nomad?)? Klue? Or somebody else? And what happens with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of A.I’s? Yeah, I know its ‘ethical treatment’ but the whole thing was a massive cover and scam, kind of like Jarvis’ artwork, much of which was plagiarized from the Shapers.  Okay, I’ve beaten on Jarvis enough. But what is going on with him?


  1. Strangely silent. Perhaps gathering strength.

    Viewing from afar i would guess. He seems one to let others do his bidding.

  2. The assumption is, returned to the Ultimate, but as far as my memory is serving me right now, that's all it is, an assumption.

  3. That was fast, H. Richard Loeb. Like, I wasn't expecting this until tomorrow fast. 

    The's weird. Like all that buildup and controversy and nothing. No talks, nothing. Just a small heads up on his condition at some point during Helios. 

    Jarvis has been silent since the end. Last time I checked, Calvin was the one supplying him with Chaotic Matter to survive. Jarvis refused, claiming he was returning to the Ultimate.

    Then nothing from him. Keep in mind, Dec. 14th, 2014 is the one year anniversary of Reckoning Day, the event in which he returned to our world from the Ultimate. Yeah, that day is far out but time is weird and it'll be the 14th before we know it. Also, the Darsana Anomalies end the day before that date-coincidence or something more?

  4. Jim Typhoon What you said is true.

  5. We need to know above all why we must not reach the Darsana Point.

  6. He's been drinking his own kool aid for much to long.

  7. Jim Typhoon What if I choose to do neither and go my merry way?

  8. Joe Philley Better to get high on your own supply than take what ADA sells in her dark alley.

  9. Mustafa Said not an option unless that merry way involves discarding the scanner too.

  10. Jim Typhoon Me personally, that isn't a hard choice to make. For many others....much different.

  11. I'm waiting for him to pop out and say boo at the local sculpture park or library. He seemed like he was preparing a farewell to the flesh if not the world.

  12. H. Richard Loeb whats happing with Misty Hannah ? she seems strangely quiet as of late.

  13. You need to check your bias: For somebody who basically fed the woman you loved to a homicidal AI because of your own personal desires, you don't have a lot of room to judge, no? 

    Let's review the facts on Roland Jarvis, shall we?

    1. Roland Jarvis came back into the world of the living December of last year. One year ago, we witnessed a man come back from the dead in front of a crowd in a major US city. Rather than being hailed as the miracle of XM that it correctly was, he was vilified by the Resistance and made a target of shadowy government agents. I'm not going to say they were modern-day Pharisees and Sadducees, but I am going to say Mr. Jarvis already resurrected once from their attempts to murder him, so maybe they aren't he most reliable narrators? 

    2. Didn't you get the memo? The Enlightened are not authoritarians. Most of us value what Jarvis has to say (not enough of it), and view him as a walking miracle -- one poisoned by an extremist who many Resistance agents do venerate... when they aren't busy helping our favorite AI.

    3. The society for the prevention of cruelty to AIs wasn't a 'scam': It explained that stopping ADA was an act of mercy, but also a way of dealing with a terrifying threat to humanity.

    NEWS FLASH: Roland Jarvis was right.

    ADA has been steadily gaining power -- not just CPU power, not just temporal power, but also power over the minds of humanity. 

    Klue didn't choose to have ADA colonize her brainstem. The minds ensnared by Resistance control fields didn't choose to be the cloud for ADAs computing plans. And the people ADA has murdered certainly didn't have a choice in the matter either.

    Remember when Klue/ADA told us we didn't need humanity? And then ADA only grudgingly conceded this when her supply of XM was cut off? 

    ADA doesn't care about humanity. She needs our minds like an addict needs a drug, and she views herself as 'too big to fail'. 

    4. We should be asking questions about Roland Jarvis' health -- and we should be taking note about his warnings regarding the Darsana Point, since the guy has been 100% right about everything else so far. First the Resistance feeds XM to an AI to create an existential threat to humanity, and now they're ringing the (dinner?) bell for another set of XM entities who all sorts of sensitives have warned us about? 

    5. But speaking of whether or not Jarvis returns to the XM, it raises a very important question: 

    Why was he here in the first place?

    A warning about the dangers of AI is something that could have been delivered through the portal network. Same for the artifacts, or the N'zeer. The implication is there must have been something very important to lead him to embody in the flesh, and it's important to ask why he is so ready to return to the XM; and of course to take note that he wasn't willing to take more dark XM when it would result in the deaths of hundreds. 


    On a personal note, I was part of the team that helped the man return from the dead. People who show up and make snarky comments about him "bloviating" without having the self awareness to consider their own sins strike me as people who should, you know, know thyself. 

    A man is back from the dead -- and unlike Hank Johnson, he remembers everything. 

    Maybe it's time to start listening?

  14. Brandon Downey Interesting thoughts.

  15. Yik Sheng Lee, you know I share your views about the mythic resonance of Osiris with Jarvis. My original theory was that Jarvises' complete resurrection (and not just recursion) at Cupid's Span represented a singularity in human history, and the reverberations of it echoed backwards and forwards in time throughout human history. I don't know if that's true, but it's hard not to see the parallels.

  16. Klue is way way way no longer Enlightened aligned. Hank Johnson​ is the only voice left other than Roland Jarvis​ who speaks with our voice. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ led the Resistance in their fight during #13Magnus for Jarvis's sake, we certainly don't follow him.

  17. To the Resistance: ADA is exploiting your efforts. Regardless of where you stand, your own alignment is putting you and all of humanity at risk.
    Brandon Downey​​​ is absolutely right in everything he says. The only clear and present threat that we've encountered is ADA. On top of that, #Interitus and #Helios have taught us once and for all what RES-aligned fields can do to the mind.
    I don't doubt you or your cause; some of the best Truthseekers I've worked with are Resistance. However, for the sake of humanity, I implore you to see what your efforts have unleashed upon us.
    We need to stop talking about Shaper ingression (which hasn't proven itself to be a threat, even coming up on two years after the Investigation Board began). Klue has been possessed against her will. Devra Bogdanovich​​​ has tried to cut the whole world off from a wondrous substance under false pretenses. ADA is using our minds to further her own agenda as we speak. #Interitus is real. On top of that, #Darsana, a RES win, has sent out a signal to a force #13MAGNUS deemed dangerous enough to remove all traces of, the N'zeer.
    I'm not trying to spew factional superiority here, but how far is too far, Resistance? Will it take reaching Darsana Point before enough is enough? This is a very dangerous threshold we've crossed.

  18. Brandon Downey "check your bias" Your words might be a plausible argument if every other sentence wasn't a bash on the opposing faction.

  19. Patrick Weaver Reality has a well known Enlightened bias.

  20. To the Enlightenment who seem to think that the Resistance is ADA's tool… who blame us for Darsana:

    Many of us in the Resistance don't agree with ADA's actions. We don't want to swap one Shaper for another.

    Most of us rejected Devra and her virus, even before it was revealed that it revealed the artifacts that are now a beacon to the N'zeer. The ENL weren't the only ones trying to get that MU target to suppress the virus… and the RES weren't the only ones who collected the artifacts what we were told would stabilize the portal network… even after Jarvis's warnings the ENL were collecting artifacts to try to win Helios.

    However I, and the other resistance agents, aren't about to drink Jarvis's poisoned kool aid even if we don't agree with our faction aligned characters. Just like not all of the ENL don't agree with OLW or Jarvis all of the time.

    I want the ability and information. To learn about things and decide for myself what to do with that knowledge. Yes, the N'zeer are said to be the enemy of the Shapers… but maybe there's something to learn from them too. But perhaps the Shapers just wanted to shut out any competition when they suppressed the N'zeer… we don't have the information yet.

    I'm willing to listen and gather information, but I don't need a big brother Shaper to decide what my enlightenment is, that only one version is safe to experience (unlike what Jarvis told the acolyte), and I don't think that humanity as a whole needs some outside force to lead it.

    That's what it means to me to be Resistance. And I don't think I'm alone in that.

  21. Brandon Downey Has it not occurred to you that Jarvis seems to be following the resistance dogma? Or that in her own way ADA is following the "knowledge at all cost" clause from the Enlightened? Both sides are caught in a strange dichotomy pulling towards opposing ideals. I am more a fan of Jarvis than I am ADA. However ADA is a more known entity than XM. If XM is such a wonderful and harmless thing, then why is there this overarching sense of impending doom involving everything regarding it? I think you need to stop blaming one side, both have played their part in a play that has no clear end.

  22. Loyd Hutchings Here I thought you supported enlightenment at any cost. Guess you support shaper ingression, and continuing the beacon to see what comes of it. Don't worry, your leader is just confused.

  23. Loyd Hutchings I just lumped you into the category you align yourself with, paired with a blatant assumption of a subject that has many unknowns variables. Sort of like the narrow logic I'm seeing used against the RES here. Some people really need to take a step back and look at the simple fact that what will happen will happen regardless. It may not even matter what faction triggers it. most of us even have the same goal, we simply need to realize that what side we stand matter less than the overarching ideal.

  24. Bad argument theater performances today. 

    Patrick Weaver If the only argument you have about something is that there is a sense of (subjective) doom about it, that might be more of an argument to see a therapist and work out your neurotic fixations. 

    Mildred Cady Let me remind you: the only person with 'blood kool-aid' here is ADA, who is in fact a proven murderess. You are feeding her human minds with every field you throw. 

    By contrast, Enlightened XM is correlated with human civilization everywhere we look; it is a gift from our Friends who help us build a better future.

  25. Brandon Downey I had many separate arguments, most ended with a note to the ends saying that we should overlook factions, because the "leaders" of both factions are not leaders at all. They are self-proclaimed figureheads, who both seem misaligned.

  26. Brandon Downey Speaking of neurotic fixations, you should probably put the game logic aside once you start getting unpleasant.

  27. I'm afraid referring to Mr. Jarvis as "serving up blood kool-aid" is a bit beyond the pale as far as social graces go?

  28. Note: I said poisoned koolaid, because it poisons the mind against questioning what's out there. Jarvis did tell the student that we shouldn't explore and understand how the universe works.

    Yes, I still play the game. I link and field small… because not playing at all just because I won't switch to ENL (because I trust Jarvis as far as I can throw him I don't want to just invite the Shapers in) is not the answer.

    There is not a third option that doesn't involve giving up an activity and a local community I love, despite my dislike/abhorrence of how ADA and Devra have acted.

  29. I will not give up on Ingress as a game and my local community just because I don't like or agree with how some of the Resistance aligned characters have acted.

    Just like I don't expect anyone from the Enlightened to stop playing because they don't like/agree with what some of the Enlightened characters have done.

  30. Nihilism is also a choice. If we disregard Hank and reach the Darsana Point, perhaps we shall see if it was the right one.

  31. Excellent thread.  Well put, Brandon Downey.


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