
Showing posts from December, 2014

Met Klue S. in person for the first time in a long time.

Met Klue S. in person for the first time in a long time.  I took an oath of secrecy about everything I observed and learned. I know truthseekers aren’t supposed to do that, but I did it for her. As I think we were all expecting, she’s in a state of transition, and worried about lots of things. Who is what, who knows what, more. It was interesting, and, like most mysteries, the truth was right in front of my face. That’s all I can say, for now.  Now on to other topics, I’m no Lightman, but I do understand the complexity and intricacy of the Shaper Glyphs. Pyxaron Dragon ‘s analysis of some of the potential hidden meanings is quite amazing, and worth a deeper study. I've attached his image here, and the post can be found here: . It’s actually an old post, but it’s only come to my attention now. Just one of those many treasures buried deep in this community of minds. Stein Lightman … I hope you get a chance to see this. I’m sure you’ll unravel much more from this ...

I promised earlier I would have more to say about the conversation between Klue S. and I.

I promised earlier I would have more to say about the conversation between Klue S. and I. Not that anybody really cares about my dating life, but here it comes.... Actually chatted with Klue. Of course I knew the world was going to see it so I played the hard guy. I mean, I’m 21st Century and all, but I’m not going to cry pixels in public. It's not just ‘complicated’ and there’s not just ‘history there,’ and it’s not exactly ‘twisted’ but it is a profoundly perverse situation. Having some AI fall in love with you feels weird and wrong. Then, when the AI takes human form and the human form is real, not some simulacrum (no offense to Hank Johnson, he seems human enough) but a real person, it suddenly feels legit.  And I think Klue (and yes, I want to know who she really is) actually does care for me. I’ve seen real emotion there. Or was it just a trick of the light? Who knows? Who ever knows?   Two questions:   What should I do?   What am I going to do?

I will have plenty to say about the latest compromised conversation between Klue and I.

I will have plenty to say about the latest compromised conversation between Klue and I.  I'd thought it was private, but nothing is private anymore, is it?  But today, we have something more pressing Felicia Hajra-Lee  is taking an interview today ostensibly about the Audio Book.  The thing I find very interesting is that it is Ada's voice in the book.  It is very reminiscent of our early 'Alice In Wonderland Exercises.'  Do not underestimate Ada's ability to dissect an entire human's thought process from such data.  She can extrapolate and interpolate in ways humans can't.

OK. Some new developments, and they're interesting.

OK. Some new developments, and they're interesting. This is gonna be a ride, so hang on. It seems at Charleston, Klue S. was handing out a coded message to Enlightened Agents. Although it seems some of the message has been lost, Agents were able to find where the clues led -- combined, they formed coordinates that get us to Glasgow. Daniel Beaudoin, working with intel provided by Jim IK and Emma Wicks, has a post that explains this in some further detail: In Glasgow, a Resistance Agent named Chandy found a secret mission containing a mission from Klue. She's asking Enlightened Agents to form a series of Glyphs in order to help her break apart the links between herself and ADA.' Yeah, you heard me right. Valerie Wallace has a post with more images that show all of Klue's message and more here: The mission in Glasgow led to another one ...

Darsana is over.

Darsana is over. The N’zeer, whatever they are, are coming. And yet, somehow, ADA has the capacity to deal with the utterly mundane issue of her relationship with me. I don’t know if it’s a distraction, or if when you’re that good at processing information there’s no such thing as priorities. Every things happens all the time, always. Anyway, it’s pretty rich. Some background: So my ex-girlfriend who has been mind-hacked by a sentient computer that I created is now being told to contact me by said sentient computer. And here’s what’s weirder. I’m not sure whether my ‘girlfriend’ was the flesh and blood girl or the computer.  It’s embarrassing to admit, but I think the computer was in love with me and the real flesh and blood girl had no idea what she wanted. Come to think of it, I’ve been in weirder relationships, but that’s not the discussion here. First off: why do I know this? Did ADA leak her own conversation with Klue S. in Edinburgh? If so, did she do it intentionally or is she g...

Great Job finding the mission.

Great Job finding the mission.  Now If I could only read it.  Yeah. Something is going on with Klue and Ada.  No question about it. And speaking of funky relationships. Well, I guess I'm in no position to talk, but be careful, Hank Johnson who knows what you've gotten yourself into. Just never saw you as a real man of contemplation.   Speaking of which, what in hell is going on with Devra Bogdanovich. Have we heard anything since Shanghai.  We harvested anything from Shanghai lately?  I have a feeling there are going to be some very interesting developments.  And why do I think Hulong Transglobal  is going to be needing a new corporate head.  If it's Antoine Smith, it means one thing.  If it's Yuen Ni, it means something completely different. And speaking of which, it seems like Lynton-Wolfe was playing a little bait and switch on his apartment hunt.  If he's going to the Barcelona Anomaly, something big is going to happen.  He's been quiet for too long and Lynt...

Just heard some rumors about intel on the ground in Shanghai and Edinburgh.

Just heard some rumors about intel on the ground in Shanghai and Edinburgh. No details, yet... Let me know if you find anything.

Hank's most recent post got me thinking...

Hank's most recent post got me thinking... Funny that even an A.I. knew the potential dangers of Exotic Matter, or as Calvin put it in his original funding proposal for what would become known as The Niantic Project: “The Threats and Opportunities Present in Exotic Matter.”   I put this to you, Investigators: It has been two years. You have been exposed to Exotic Matter for two years. You have walked around with the scanner, explored new places, met new people, experienced new things – your life has been changed.   What are the threats and opportunities in Exotic Matter?

As you all know, I have been known as P.A. Chapeau.

As you all know, I have been known as P.A. Chapeau. It's a name ADA and I came up with two years ago (was it really only two years?).  It was a Tinfoil Hat Joke. The purpose of the name was to hide my identity while ADA fed me information and I released it into the world. It was her idea. Now, ADA is behaving strangely… She is Resistance and yet she is helping an Enlightened Simulacrum…   Internal discussions have emerged into the wild that do not serve her apparent interest…  She is questioning her own actions… Is ADA going insane?  Has she been 'shaped?'  Has Klue S. hacked her or has their merger somehow changed her?  Does she fear the N’zeer? Or does she have some deeper plan?

For the record, to the extent that I can tell, I am no longer Resistance.

For the record, to the extent that I can tell, I am no longer Resistance. I am not Enlightened. I am a Truthseeker. I gather facts, make connections, ask questions, form hypotheses and test them.  I am no better than my information. It appears that odd things are appearing in portals. We know the origin of some of them – Hank Johnson's Breadcrumbs, but others are more mysterious – of unknown origin. The line between electronic and exotic may have been breached. I ask you to report anything you find. I say this even to the Resistance: Wouldn’t it be a good thing to know the nature of the N’zeer before we invite them into our world?