Met Klue S. in person for the first time in a long time.

Met Klue S. in person for the first time in a long time. 

I took an oath of secrecy about everything I observed and learned. I know truthseekers aren’t supposed to do that, but I did it for her. As I think we were all expecting, she’s in a state of transition, and worried about lots of things. Who is what, who knows what, more.

It was interesting, and, like most mysteries, the truth was right in front of my face. That’s all I can say, for now. 

Now on to other topics, I’m no Lightman, but I do understand the complexity and intricacy of the Shaper Glyphs. Pyxaron Dragon ‘s analysis of some of the potential hidden meanings is quite amazing, and worth a deeper study. I've attached his image here, and the post can be found here:

It’s actually an old post, but it’s only come to my attention now. Just one of those many treasures buried deep in this community of minds. Stein Lightman … I hope you get a chance to see this. I’m sure you’ll unravel much more from this than I can.


  1. Jerry Shoemake​ i already have. She's not who she appears to be. But that is for you to find out for yourself.

  2. Glyph analysis is always an interesting topic. Some good notes here. Also, I'm interested in how Klue S.​ is doing, but with some patience, I'm sure we will all know soon enough.

  3. he and James Thirteen​ both do amazing speculative glyph work

  4. I'm glad to see that my work seems to make sense to others as well after all, thank you for taking time to look at it.

    Also, as far as keeping secrets go, I think it's more than understandable considering the situation. I appreciate you being upfront about it, instead of trying to hide it behind lies. As someone mentioned recently, secrets seems to want to escape...

    I'm sure what needs to be known will come out with time.

  5. Well, if you deploy the XM Glyph with L7 resonaters the portal has 10 times more XM then a regular L7 Portal... .-)

  6. "Portals bring elements of the past into the present to shape the future."

    That is so elegant and profound. However, "Nature does not record history."

    I completely disagree. There are too many archeological examples for us to accept this statement.

    I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one that scribbles and takes notes. Thank you +H. Richard Loeb and +Klue S.

  7. Yevonne Williams About the "Nature does not record history" part, seen that way, I totally agree with you.

    But what I meant there was not that it doesn't leave traces, what I meant is that, let's say a deer, will not be able to record events in a way for future generations of it's own kind.

    A civilization will keep records of wars, major events and such. There will be memorials, remembrance days and traditions. Future generations will be able to indirectly "witness" the past through those things.

    In a more natural setting, there will be physical evidence of such things happening, but there won't be a transmission of information from those who were there to future generations, through pictures, text, traditions, recordings or anything of the kind. There might be some behavior changes that remain through generations, but there won't be actual knowledge of what went on, and why those changes were passed on.

    The information we can get through archeological discoveries is often not something that can be understood without some more advanced knowledge. Not something that could have been understood 'naturally' in many cases.

    I know there always are some exceptions, but in a more general kind of way, that seems to make sense to me.

    When there are too many exceptions and things become complex enough, it can be seen as a sign of evolution toward a more "advanced" state, toward some form of civilization.

    Also, this can easily turn into a debate as to if humans are or aren't part of 'nature' and what constitutes  'civilization'. But that would get more complicated than glyphs pretty fast.

  8. It's seem that your conversation went pretty well, and that you two spoken about the stuff that you needed too.
    Taking into account, the nature of the meeting point, I completely understand that you need to keep in secret what you talked about, would be quite pointless to take the effort to speak in such area to reveal the conversation on the regulars channel.
    The glyphs are really interesting, have anyone noticed the sharper one "bringing the hidden or forgotten to the present"

    About nature not recording the past, it's only half true, nature, specially trees and rocks, is very good recording changes on its own realm, but normally not human changes, being the C02 contamination and nuclear exposure the big exemptions, hence everyone being worried about it,
    A meteorite crash or a sudden activity on volcanoes worldwide will be permanently recorded (or at least until that part of the earth is subdued to the manto again) the war between the French and the English, not that much...

  9. I am sure your oath will be tested. Hopefully, you can use what you have observed for the betterment of XM usage!

  10. Ana Prados I'm aware of that aspect of nature recording it's past.

    As I replied to another before you, the kind of recording I was talking about there is in a more dynamic way, not simply leaving traces in an unconditional way. There are ways for us to read signs of past events and such in nature, but there's no real mechanism for (most) animals, plant life and other forms of life to communicate complex information across distance and generation, in a way that could be read by the kind as the the one who recorded it.

    In other words, and in the context of shaping, there's no information recorded in nature that could be modified to change nature's behavior. The human civilization however has plenty of things that if changed, would affect it on a global scale. Adding or removing certain information from religious texts, as example, could trigger a war or prevent it from happening. Changing the wording or laws could have far-reaching impacts. Imagine what could happen if the US constitution was written while under shaper influence. Or, maybe it even is, and it would have been very different otherwise. One way or another, it's a minimal change data-wise that can have a huge impact as far as society goes.

    I can't find an equivalent to that in nature, that would have such a direct impact on nature itself.

  11. Pyxaron Dragon the closest equivalent to small changes with far reaching results would be changes to the genetic code .... mutation, the driver for evolution.

  12. Devon Frost
    But then again, who of us is 'really' who he/she appears to be?

  13. Yevonne Williams I agree with your thought on "Nature does not record history;" however, perhaps it is our interpretation of "record" and "history".  Did humanity not record history before there was what we now call a historical record of the past?  What is the difference between our historical record and our archeological record - the activity and intent?

    Nature may not actively "record history" in the way that humanity now does.  They instead become history and history becomes them.  Just as we grow from our past experiences, becoming what we are because of them and incorporating them into who and what we become - perhaps this "nature" is like that.

    Pyxaron Dragon exactly!

  14. Rocket ship, dorito, home plate, left vagina, Harry Potter. 5 out of 5. Give me a code.

  15. Gee, that clears so much up. Thanks H. Richard Loeb​!

  16. Body+Mind+Soul looks like a 3D glyph.
    Human :-)

  17. Last I saw klue she was shown the glyphs and then yeah.... so can't wait for her to tell us what she knows

  18. I'm not can read the work b cuz . Well I'm sure you know if I do .well the answer is no cuz. I'm not woken for free any more.!!!!

  19. Not going to read it . I'm not being used .abused. etc. I deserve better.then that. If it's God's will it will b done in the or maybe have. I love u sweet heart.

  20. The non-random path of cultural evolution Harald Tveit Alvestrand looks like "past strong future" glyph with designed pattern language.

  21. Speaking of nature recording, it clearly does. Tree rings obviously. DNA explicitly with data redundancy. The past present future portal config as a story telling device is a very accessible concept.

    Other than a huge magnetic anomaly reading of the buried Chicxulub visible from oil magnetic sensors we don't have many dinosaur first hand Dino accounts, other than fossils and a thin stratigraphic layer. While there are not any dinosaurs, their possible descendants, birds, are clearly talkers. And thus the Chichen Itza portal replicates exactly the pattern of a Quetzal bird when you ping it with hand clapping in a sophisticated audio filter built out of stone. So that is the designer preserving the cultural value integrating the man made with nature. But XM and transdimensional portals are clearly threatening to some.

    It's a documented fact that Mayans that tried to retell these stories were systematically hunted and murdered in the 1980s by political factions supported by our own government that had odd theories regarding the potential use, imagined, of alien technology.

    That was well after the Spanish burned almost all the Mayan texts while looting their gold. Those texts which were highly detailed and illustrated, and feature clearly advanced tech like wireless communication devices and the glyphs have taken years to decode.

    Similarly Jewish prisoners were tasked with making Nazi wonder weapons and we have only recently dug up the buried factory. What traces we leave behind when digital media becomes obsolete every ten years?

  22. James Thirteen it will be interesting if Ingress dies or keeps going if these portal locations will remain over the century's forever really even when the phsyical objects are gone and the continents have moved how humans will look back at out silly portal network and go "gee I wonder what playing that in 2015 was like" as they flip some neural switch and play a virtual reality recreation of our time playing Ingress like it is now..

  23. What, you play the original version on those things they called "smartphones"?


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