OK. Some new developments, and they're interesting.

OK. Some new developments, and they're interesting.
This is gonna be a ride, so hang on.
It seems at Charleston, Klue S. was handing out a coded message to Enlightened Agents. Although it seems some of the message has been lost, Agents were able to find where the clues led -- combined, they formed coordinates that get us to Glasgow. Daniel Beaudoin, working with intel provided by Jim IK and Emma Wicks, has a post that explains this in some further detail: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116675615740217671707/posts/23WGPMYc75J
In Glasgow, a Resistance Agent named Chandy found a secret mission containing a mission from Klue. She's asking Enlightened Agents to form a series of Glyphs in order to help her break apart the links between herself and ADA.' Yeah, you heard me right. Valerie Wallace has a post with more images that show all of Klue's message and more here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106338885327893433093/posts/hnVgUuoAnZu
The mission in Glasgow led to another one in Riga some days later. An Agent named edzuslv seems to have been the first to uncover it, and there's a post by Edgars Blūms that shows the second message from Klue. Another call to help make a series of Glyphs to help her 'gain her independence.' https://plus.google.com/u/0/109165169430637097837/posts/8rnEVvjwCut is where you can find that post.
Well, by now, it seems Agents had figured out exactly how, too. The missions themselves seemed to be tracing paths. The first Glyph got put together by an Enlightened Agent. I'm not sure, but it might have been by SK8ZION. The second one was put together by a Resistance Agent. edzuslv from the post above. Check out https://plus.google.com/u/0/116675615740217671707/posts/MSACutHtkYX and https://plus.google.com/u/0/109165169430637097837/posts/8rnEVvjwCut
And just like the first, the second mission leads to another clue. This time it's not coordinates, just a name: The City Eternal.
So (after pulling my eyeballs back into their sockets), I put my thinking hat on for a bit.
The first thought: Is this real, or some kind of hoax? Is Klue trying to make a run for it? Asking if ADA knows is a non-question... of course so does, so what's her move? Does she want this too?
And what does it mean if both Resistance and Enlightened Agents are making the Glyphs. Does one outweigh the other? It's 1:1 now. The next Mission will probably appear around the 23rd of this month. If the Resistance get the Glyph first, does that mean Klue's still connected?
I don't really know yet, but I do know something's going down, and we should all be paying attention.
H. Richard Loeb does that make a blue glyph a "blocking" glyph that will continue binding Klue S. to A. D. A.
ReplyDeleteNo. Have you forgot the true blue manifesto?
ReplyDeleteNIA wasn't the resistance. Nether is ADA the resistance.
The true resistance is all of us who fear for the freedom of humanity and resist whatever forces may try to undermine it.
I wonder what happens if the mission gets down voted lol...
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, this has many implications if either of the outcomes come to fruition. What if agents abstain from completing the mission? So many questions...
could be that only the final sequence is significant - and that it needs to be administered to Klue rather than the portal network. As I recall the global glyph-drawing protocol has been disused since #Minotaur while we've seen ongoing personal use of glyph sequences.
ReplyDeleteEither way, Klue (assuming she's in the driver's seat for mission creation and it isn't some scheme of ADA's) is specifically asking for public release rather than spreading the missions through back-channels. If the first finder's faction has some bearing on the outcome I'd call that an error we'd be unlikely to see from Klue even before the investigation got underway. I'd say getting the glyphs identified and distributed ASAP is probably enough to get the job done no matter what color they're drawn in.
Ivan Russell Operation Essex will not fail.
ReplyDeleteMike Wissinger does make a good point, in that the first time agents were coerced into creating glyphs on the earth with XM links, it was a trick to get us to awaken something evil.
This very well could be the case again.
But for now, it appears it is the only way to save an innocent woman from mental slavery. And it is our duty to try.
The first mission did have a message to the enlightened, however it didn't say that it had to be enlightened agents completing the glyphs for this to work. Agent Chandy is my husband Craig Wallace by the way.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be something wicked behind the entire thing... Still, it would be nice to separate Klue and ADA. I hope the Resistance glyphs do not block this because, as most of people of both factions want Klue free, it would be annoying if the only way for Res agents to win would be not to disturb.
ReplyDeleteThe reason A. D. A. is not interfering is that she has calulated a significant percentage value for Klue S. being the source of leaks that has been bothering her.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. A mission that runs the path of a glyph...
ReplyDeleteYik Sheng Lee This seems possible, but you could also look at it from the POV of a captive. One does not rightly decry their jailer whilst a gun is held to their head. If Klue S. needs ENL to glyph her away from ADA via the portal Network, then perhaps a forceful removal without mediation via the network would be deadly to her. ADA could have her life in a chokehold.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there will be no more need for human hosts once the N'zeer are here.
ReplyDeleteI already read about this in Big Fucking Deal magazine
ReplyDeleteYou forgot me, Agent LuckyDayze, I provided a good chunk of Intel to +Daniel Beaudoin.
ReplyDeleteYep. Julianna Whitehead and several others from CHS worked together to find these. Including, Roxie Ballard who recovered a card that had part of the longitude on it as well.
ReplyDeleteFrom the way ADA has been communicating, she seems somewhat confused. Perhaps this is why Klue S. believes that she can escape.
ReplyDeleteDavid Marshall you're about 10 months late with that
ReplyDeleteLong live the users!