
Showing posts from September, 2015

Frank Wilczek's a pretty brilliant physicist.

Frank Wilczek's a pretty brilliant physicist. I recall Kureze mentioning his name a few times during Niantic. Jarvis also spoke highly of him, but I suspect for different reasons. This article crossed my path today. Bit of a brain-teaser (as are all things quantum), but worth the read. "The opposite of a simple truth is a falsehood, the opposite of a deep truth is another deep truth. In that spirit, let us introduce the concept of a deep falsehood, whose opposite is likewise a deep falsehood."

Was passing by this Portal today.

Was passing by this Portal today. I swear I felt the energy from it rip right into me -- it was as if it had been seeking me out. I've always felt a little more... mentally active around Portals, but this was something else. My mind was seeing a thousand things every second. I yanked out my notebook to try and put some of the ideas down, but they were coming too fast. It was overwhelming. Has this happened to anyone else recently? Are the Portals getting stronger, or was this isolated to me? Either way... I need to figure out why.

I was reading the comments from Klue S.'s post yesterday.

I was reading the comments from Klue S.'s post yesterday. Some good suggestions from highly skilled observers, but I'm not sure the Anazktec, a native tribe of people that Yuri Alaric Nagassa grew up among, are simulacra. I know Hank Johnson made a comment once saying he thought they were, and maybe he's right, but maybe he was not fully in the right headspace when he made that call. What I'm trying to say is: Hank goes to some strange places and does some weird stuff, and I think his journey to find Yuri took him on a pretty strange adventure while he was down there among the Anazktec. Hank Johnson flagging you. If you think I'm wrong here, feel free to chime in. But barring that, let's just say I'm not convinced. Having said all that, I do think there is another Simulacrum out there. For now, I'm keeping this one pretty close to me. I don't want to name names until more evidence emerges, I'm not the kind of guy to point fingers until after I...


Originally shared by Niantic Project

Take this with the grain of salt it deserves.

Take this with the grain of salt it deserves. Some contacts who are more wired into the grey/black hat world than I am told me that there's been some aggressive recruiting going on in that circle. According to one of my guys, both the words 'Omnivore' and 'NIA' were being thrown around in private discussions, and what's more, apparently a couple of the folks who had already been recruited were flown by private jet to a major, Chinese, coastal city. Like I said, take this for what it's worth. Cyber-warfare's nothing new in the intelligence community, but at the same time, this may be something to keep an eye on.