Frank Wilczek's a pretty brilliant physicist.

Frank Wilczek's a pretty brilliant physicist. I recall Kureze mentioning his name a few times during Niantic. Jarvis also spoke highly of him, but I suspect for different reasons.

This article crossed my path today. Bit of a brain-teaser (as are all things quantum), but worth the read.

"The opposite of a simple truth is a falsehood, the opposite of a deep truth is another deep truth. In that spirit, let us introduce the concept of a deep falsehood, whose opposite is likewise a deep falsehood."


  1. Devra Bogdanovich  talked about quanta in her welcome to NIantic audio speech -

  2. Great finding. What deep falsehoods are we looking for?

  3. evil witch listen to Donald Trump and you'll hear a few.

  4. Reading about Frank Wilczek helps me to appreciate incredible intelligence mixed with someone who knows how to enjoy life, which seems to be something Roland Jarvis was focused on (pre-portal entity). So with the concept of a deep falsehood, I think of the factional divide. Many feel that the Resistance/N'zeer is the best way, which others feel is false and that the Enlightened/Shapers is the best way. But according to the theory, the opposite of a deep falsehood is another deep falsehood, which means both opinions are equally deep falsehoods.

  5. Saying things that are wrong and asserting that they are true, does not make them true.

  6. If the deep falsehood is that the Shapers are a myth, does that mean that the N'zeer are also just as much a myth?  Perhaps the entire history of XM has been simply an argument between 13Magnus and freedom, and Anti-Magnus and control.

  7. Well, I will understand this as if the initial fears about the shapers being a danger to civilization are true, the actual fears about the n'zeer danger are also true now. And lf those fears were false, most probably, the actual ones are also false.
    Shaper and n'zeer are two sides of the same coin, trying to eliminate each other and failing for the same reason that a dog always fails to catch his tail

  8. Mmmmh, all this just reminds me that if you start with a wrong hypothesis you can correctly demonstrate that something is true and also that the same thing is wrong.😱

  9. So you cannot have one without the other. There would not be a resistance without the enlightened and visa versa. Having a equal balance or perfect symmetry would be ideal or is that the insanity we fight? Tipping the balance just causes a different result each time and an unpredictable outcome where the future is still questionable and can not be predicted. Harmony and symmetry would cause complaceny.

  10. It is to someone's advantage that the factions perpetuate an environment of volatile portal resonance fluctuation. Who?


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