Was passing by this Portal today.

Was passing by this Portal today.

I swear I felt the energy from it rip right into me -- it was as if it had been seeking me out.

I've always felt a little more... mentally active around Portals, but this was something else.

My mind was seeing a thousand things every second. I yanked out my notebook to try and put some of the ideas down, but they were coming too fast. It was overwhelming.

Has this happened to anyone else recently? Are the Portals getting stronger, or was this isolated to me? Either way... I need to figure out why.


  1. Did this have anything to do with mushrooms?

  2. Sheesh, relax.... You just need a Trojan Rabbit.

  3. Geometry of the portal apertures is shifting, & regional network topologies are shifting throughout. C/XM throughput on the rise.

  4. Was this portal specifically making you feel that way?

  5. Has this anything to do with the upcoming #Abaddon PS in San Francisco? Is it a volatile? Something else?

  6. Tough to say without hearing more about the images. It could be that someone is sending you a message.

  7. When I first started playing I've hallucinated a green field after waking up in the middle of the night. At that point I knew I needed to take a break. Lol

  8. Is this a cycle?  Things often ebb and flow in cycles

  9. Strong portals? It means the xm flow, at portal network, has raised? Natural or artificially? This would be something for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ to study.

    Also, Hulong Transglobal​, Visur Technology​ or IQTech Research​ may to take advantage of it.

  10. So ... what are you doing wandering around Coit Tower at 2am?

  11. I am quite sure that fancy hat of yours acts like a XM lens.

  12. Hi, H. Richard Loeb. I visited this portal today and interacted with it in a few ways, but did not notice anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps it was a transient state? Nonetheless, any clues for your fellow seeker of truth would be appreciated.

  13. Bryant Durrell did you get any new "media" items from it? That's what I would expect to see...

  14. Forgive me but the Pic looks like a Cardassian standing in San FranCisco

  15. Is that a Shaper or a N'Zeer?  Do we really know who has control of the XM Portal network at this time?

  16. I noticed the distinct number of stairs as I headed to the portal this morning. Glyph hacking yielded "See Truth, See Future" on the Columbus portal and I looked around in non scanner view as well but turned up nothing.

  17. Maybe someone just wants us to get a lot of exercise. On another note entirely, Coit Tower is one of San Francisco's three power spots in Urban Shamanist belief...the other two being Sutro Tower and the Pyramid. Metrogeist - the City Spirit - uses these as antennas to reach its cells - people, machines, animals, buildings, plants, vehicles, network cables and plumbing pipes...all that makes up a City. These are 'high places' so naturally, they also would attract exotic matter...


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