Another intercepted message to Hank Johnson from the group of NIA operatives:

Another intercepted message to Hank Johnson from the group of NIA operatives:

"Hank -- storm coming this way -- a big one.. Diodati class... Someone or something does not want us here. We are falling back to basecamp. Will return to the dig site when it's safe. REH was more of a sensitive than any of us knew... His visions may help us more than we first thought."


  1. PAC -- I don't love being that guy, and I hope you won't hear this from me often. But. This is sensitive, please cease posting regarding this matter.

  2. Hank Johnson ahhh don't silence him so soon after he finally started talking again! We were getting worried about him... And you...

  3. Plus this is all rather interesting considering how you are connected to the site Hank Johnson

  4. Also you may want to tell flint dille to be quiet then too.

  5. Some things should not be disturbed.

  6. So what's your connection to the NIA, John Hanke

  7. Disturbing the wrong things can certainly stir up bad energies...

  8. John Hanke I hope you're following your own advice on that. Whatever is in that hole might not wake up on the right side of bed.

  9. Nice glyph grid in the back, with of course creativity/thought/idea/mind on it. You could walk "close/clear" and possibly ward off the bad energy....

  10. ...Northwest TX...
    A large cluster of storms persists over northwest TX as of 00Z, and is propagating southward into a warm air mass. These storms may continue to pose a damaging wind threat for a few more hours over a small area before capping increases and the complex dies. To the east, other storms were situated along the southward-moving outflow boundary, but were rapidly dwindling across northeast TX. As such, severe weather is no longer expected in this area.

  11. So Hank has gone from the guy trying to expose information to the guy keeping it contained...

  12. Dude....I hope it doesn’t last all summer...

  13. Unsurprising: put an ENL agent in charge of the NIA and each corrupts the other. RES needs to be on high alert.

  14. Now that we have learnt a lot about the AZ's and the prime objects and the possibility to disrupt another dimension you still want to play with fire, don't you? Hank Johnson
    I sort of thought you were different.

  15. Blue Bird I find that interesting. Is Hank trying to suppress Intel because of his ENL leanings or is he doing this from a more neutral point of view because of the fear that whatever the NIA is investigating could get dangerous if exposed?

    Also, if Hank was RES wouldn't the response from the ENL be the exact same as yours right now?

  16. Blue Bird Mustafa Said Arkham's razor:. Reguardless of what faction Hank Johnson is intel would be suppressed especially since he is a Government employee (causing mass panics = bad specially when nothing noticable happens).

  17. Mario Valenzuela II you are right on that. I think he is acting as the head of the NIA. Not as an ENL agent.

  18. Yes that's my point. I don't see Hank doing this for the ENL but as part of his responsibility as director of the NIA.

  19. I still believe that Mr. Johnson should've learnt to be more careful by know... And NIA or not, I still dislike his two-faced discourse...

  20. Mustafa Said I would suspect that Hank Johnson 's newfound concern with secrecy is NIA's influence. His naive confidence in the wisdom of opening the door to the Exogenous is a quintessential ENL trait. As for the ENL response if HJ were taking this action as RES, you speak of something that would not occur - as if these were mere teams in some game, whose actions were interchangeable. Those who would defend humanity know that we must be ever watchful, and those who would leave our gates unguarded cannot be trusted with the keys....

  21. Hard to tell what side anyone is on these days...

  22. What are we looking at here? Is it a crime scene or an archaeological dig? It almost looks like they excavated an old privy.


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