My sources at Visur and IQTech-East just shared some interesting news with me.

My sources at Visur and IQTech-East just shared some interesting news with me. At Visur, the technology being used to power the highly desired 'AXA Shield' has been ported to a new XM object called the 'Aegis Shield.' And over at IQTech-East, Akira's…


  1. Will existing constructs continue to function as they do currently under their current names or will they be converted to the new construct?

  2. do we get some bye bye party to celebrate AXA and MUFG's parting with XM world? :o Like an explosion or two would do!

  3. Wouldn’t that just translate to “the Shield Shield”?

  4. A little bit of clarification please - 1. Existing AXA/MUFG disappear. 2. Existing items are rebranded. 3. Existing items stay/new items are rebranded.

  5. So... The axas and mufgs in my inventory will go away in the next few days?

  6. Ben Jesseph

    Shhhhhhhhh. Don't ruin it for him yet.

  7. Por favor aclarar si desaparecen los AXA y MUFG

  8. It doesn't sound like they're getting rid of existing ones (just the corresponding sponsored portals) but better safe than sorry.

  9. What is expected to happen to existing inventory on MUFG capsules? Would disappear? 😱

  10. Does this include Union Bank portals in the US?

  11. Clarification, please: a MUFG with 98 AXAs in my inventory will be:
    a. completely deleted as if it never existed.
    b. rebranded both capsule and contents with these new terms.
    c. stay unchanged but new AXAs multiplied will be Aegis.
    d. inventory will explode and I will go back to 0 AP (most probably :P)

  12. This is going to be perceived as faction bias if AXAs hoarded in inventory go away, and as faction bias in the other direction if AXAs deployed on portals go away.

  13. Well, VRLA never seemed to have been removed, new ones were just never generated. They also never stopped producing Lawson Cubes (or removed them) when K-Cubes started coming out. I doubt they'd remove the older items moving forward.

    I'm just speculating though.

  14. Mihail T Are you asking if H Richard Loeb is trusted? If so. Yes. As trusted a source as Niantic has.

  15. Any chance that Quantum Capsules will be able to be given custom names?

  16. Aegis shield? Sweet reference to Final Fantasy games. Waiting now for the Ragnarok Amp.

  17. Do you think MUFG capsules will be removed? Or will change for the new ones?
    And the items in them?

  18. Do I need to start emptying my MUFG capsules?

  19. My guess is that MUFG capsules will turn into a new capsule type which only replicates items as you get your Sojourner tick, thus making mule accounts less valuable.

  20. So for those of us who don't bother with the sojourner are out of luck...

  21. Aliza Panitz Ha, I love that idea. Or make it so you have to deploy something or do something COMM visible for your replicator capsules to work. Mules would still work to hold gear, but they'd be useless for duplicating it because everyone in the area would see the name pop up in COMM daily.

  22. Nate Hoy ooh that's an even stronger version. Would be most effective in sparser areas. For most effective squashing of mule patterns, have a Comm message like "AgentOfChaos picked up a capsule dropped by Agent99."

  23. Dropped MUFG is picked as "Quantum Capsule". Voice and model is still "MUFG capsule".
    So I think that answers the question that the inventory will remain and just the names will change.

  24. sounds like axa's will disappear soon.. better use them while you can and quantum capsules will only regenerate certain items (ie.. not aegis)

  25. Will the MUFG capsules just disappear with their contents? Will our AXA just be renamed? Or disappear?

  26. WOW!!😍😍😍😍 So, it looks like AXA Shield and MUFG capsules will become the Aegis Shield and the Quantum Capsules as the new items!

    That was so......... PERFECTION, BRILLIANT AND EXCELLENT!!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

    I'LL TAKE IT!!!😍😍😍😎😎😘😘

  27. I am waiting for obsidian shield to come to the network that makes xm drought around the portal which has it in its mod slot.

  28. Just took everything out of my MUFG'S in case they disappear. Ingress said they'll be removed from the portal network in the coming few days.

  29. Since when is IQ Tech East trying to help agents?...

  30. I have 15 MUFG, could we please get clarification?


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