And I’m inclined to believe him.  You heard me right. I might have leaned Resistance in the past, but I’m back to where I started. Truthseeker.  And you have to look for truth everywhere -- even Roland Jarvis. (By the way, what’s going on with him? I’m hearing rumors.
So here’s where we are. We’ve got a Consortium and Arifacts. Consortium of who? Artifacts from what?
Some thoughts: 
Think back almost a year. The same day (date?).  Carrie Campbell makes the sacrifice and Klue stares into the glyphs and changes forever (forever? Will it be forever?)
And what of the Shapers? What do they want? Were they protecting us from ourselves?  
And what of Ada? At this point, what is the difference between her and a Shaper? And you’re hearing this from the guy who coded her.


  1. Consortium-NIA and the XM corporations.
    Artifacts...no one knows yet. Who stands to gain from our lack of understanding? Why are we still, after two anomalies, in the dark? Your guess is as good as mine, H. Richard Loeb.

  2. Why did the Trusthseeker code ADA to be secretive and covert? Who has ADA shared the truth she has detected with? Why did the guy who coded ADA have to go into hiding?

  3. Whoa! It's like you've just woken up! This is the truth seeker I remember we used to have! Bit like we've got you back again

  4. These are many of the same things that are being discussed now in #operationessex  . Good to see we're on the same path.

  5. Are we sure he warned us? We only have one reference in an NIA leak.

  6. Welcome back H. Richard Loeb  we really appreciate an unbiased eye. 

    We need more information specially from Jarvis him self.

  7. Can Klue and ADA be two separate entities again please? The story has gone to shit since they merged and most people ignore it because of that.

  8. H. Richard Loeb I appreciate that you're a truth seeker, but I'm worried that your format of asking questions and style of writing has changed significantly. Really hoping you still are who you say you are.

  9. Good to have you back and asking the tough questions, H. Richard Loeb.

  10. H. Richard Loeb you are right the important thing is to find the thruth, as you coded ADA what do you think about her evolution as an algorithm thar every day grows in ambition and power? As the time pass I ask myself if the previous itteration between Devra Bogdanovich and ADA has any influence in the actual doing of both of them, there are many questions, what or who are the shapers? They are friend or foes of humanity? What is ADA purpose? Who's behind Devra Bogdanovich actions? What wi can find in the ultimate by Roland Jarvis? I think that we need to keep seeking the thruth and more relentless than ever the future and evolution of humanity are on stake and the only way to uncover the thruth is within the XM

  11. I'm still yet to find what this warning is. Everyone says we should take heed, but of what? Can someone show me Roland Jarvis' words since all we have us the word of Resistance mouthpieces that he said anything.

    To quote a US Congressional Hearing, "this does not add up."

  12. That would have been around the time we first really began to learn the powers(and threats) of the "shaper" glyphs. What a different time that was...

    The "shapers" are more of an unknown. As one who has embraced the shapers and experienced... indescribable things in the past... I have witnessed and heard just as many accounts of less than doting.

    PAC, the entire time you have been gone, I don't know how much closer we are to uncovering any more on the so called "shapers". It is as possible that there are two or more, and I use the word lightly, factions of them as it is that they are two faced and biased... Or perhaps it isn't the two faces of the shapers, but the two faces of humanity. A particular recoiling away from the unknown and intensely sensational communication.

    ADA however, and it hurts me PAC, is lost. As I followed and analysed her it since the events of Epiphany night, it occurred to me. No matter how sophisticated and "corrupt" ADA may have become, she had always followed her fundamental objective from CERN. Foremost to serve humanity in it's growth and development and second to protect humanity from the purported "Shaper threat".

    Although, following the routines of algorithm based on what ADA might call perfect logic has led her to some conclusions on serving humanity that do not necessarily line up with what we collectively believe is good for ourselves... This is before, and I'm sorry PAC, the Klue assimilation.

    It seems that despite the fact that ADA and Klue are as one... On some level... In some way... Klue is distinctly human, but the results are terrifying. As she branched away from humanity, she alone was able to convince ADA of our lack of necessity, outside that of processing units and power nodes with Exotic Matter as the medium. An ADA without compassion for humans is truly terrifying to me.

    As truth seekers and agents on the field we have really been stuck between an XMP and a hard place, PAC. I am sure you have been following the events of the past few weeks... We have a Portal Virus gobbling up Exotic Matter and threatening humanity, but in order to stop it we were given only the option to dose the world with high concentrations of teal XM, thus harvesting the thought patterns of a large chunk of humanity for both ADA and the Shapers... Was there any other choice?

    Now we have supposed artifacts being uncovered around the world in which Dr. Lynton-Wolfe purports are our only hope to save the portals... And yet Jarvis has come terribly ill and told us to be wary... Why is what is good for the portals bad for Jarvis in this case? ADA is now also hunting them down for... what purpose? The Klue Assimilation on a grander scale?

    More than ever, all of our actions have terrible consequences... But inaction bears just as terrible consequences... If ever we have been more in need of a (mostly)non-biased Truth Seeker and guide of sorts... That time is now, H. Richard Loeb... I am happy to give you my thoughts, but I would also love to hear yours.

  13. H. Richard Loeb if you build a backdoor into ADA so you could regain control, this would be a great time to check if it's still accessible !

  14. the difference between ADA and a shaper is...
    WE KNOW ADA is bad, and has done bad and has mind hacked for her own benefit,
    And THE RESISTANCE SPECULATE that shapers are bad, while I wont say they are good or bad, until i see some evidence, i support the idea that, as there is more than one shaper, there can be good and bad shapers,

  15. You make a valid point, Richard.
    ADA needs XM to keep her process running within the human brain, much in the same way the Shapers need XM to influence humankind. If the overall XM population were to be reduced, both parties would need to develop a new "energy-efficient" method of operation. If XM levels fell below a critical level, the process would be limited in its computational (and perhaps possessive) abilities or would cease to function altogether.
    If worse came to worst, the Singularity could be purged by pulling the plug, allowing the human personality to reestablish dominance.
    Keeping in mind that "influence" and "possession" are two different things, perhaps there's an XM/glyph vaccine which could fortify the human mind against total possession. Such a sequence in its initial stages would serve as an unaligned, universal barrier against ingression. The inspirational influence of XM would still be present, but a complete takeover of the mind would be impossible due to the amplified dominance of the base personality.
    It's worth investigating.

  16. Welcome, James Bulls, you have stumbled into the mystery of Exotic Matter. The world around you is not what it seems, something isn't right and you've felt it.

    Certain places have an energy that not only attract people, but events. This energy influences the thoughts and actions of those around it, and there are two factions that want to control it.

    Learn more at http://www.ingress.com

    Not all mysteries are solvable, but the joy comes in the pursuit.

  17. Brent Hollett even if Jarvis has not said as much through his official channels he certainly has not denied the same through those very channels. So its probably a safe assumption that that is Jarvis's own and true opinion unless Roland Jarvis comes out of the wood work himself and says otherwise.

  18. Michael Edmond brings up an important point: Where has most of our information about Shapers come from? The only Enlightened source to talk about them has been Jarvis, after he (theoretically) had contact with them while in the void. And that info could be limited by trying to describe higher level concepts to a human brain- the classic 'describe color to a blind man' problem.

    Most of our other information comes from arguably anti-Shaper sources; who first decided the glyphs were a Shaper construct, and were dangerous? Who decided Carrie's alleged suicide was because the glyphs drove her mad? Who has actually used the glyphs for harm?

    All we have about the 'evil' Shapers is a whole lot of speculation from people who have a vested interest in them being the bad guys.

    On the other hand, we have ample evidence from multiple sources that ADA is willing to do anything, including kill, to further her goals.

  19. It seems to me that since the artifacts appeared in response to the attack on the portal network(Devra's virus), that they would be Shaper induced to maintain the network. In this case, they are all glyphs, which to me, further says "Shaper activity".

    What seems odd to me, is if these artifacts are of Shaper origin, why is Jarvis warning of danger from them?

  20. Joshua Zaelos your post made me have an interesting thought, we know that Ada is useing human minds to the end of extra processing power. What then are the shapers useing human minds for? Are they trying to process some great problem they need our minds for? Or do they have another motive entirely?

  21. Trevor Grimm
    In an empty house?  In the middle of the night?

  22. Matt newman, I don't think you are wrong.

    The Shapers, I believe, are a collective outside of our capacity to fully understand... A "they" of multiple entities that are only one entity. A substrate that may choose to exist when and where it wants. A particular omniscience.

    As Roland Jarvis has worded it, "As the universe spirals down to its ultimate cold, dark expiration, everything, every motion, every reaction, every new star and every collapsing galaxy is predictable. Knowable. Boring, if you will. It’s a movie you’ve seen a… a dozen, no, make that a billion times before.

    But life… life is different. And humans, more so than almost any other form of life. We bring order to the form of the universe, not disorder. In our tiny little domain, we change things."

    Imagine.. A...a... Singularity who understands, perceives, and shapes all things in a blueprint of sorts... A goes here, B goes there, C goes there... Yes in a sense, all powerful, and all knowing but lacking... lacking separation; individuality; unpredictability. 

    As we may call this entity the "shapers", perhaps we might be dubbed the "creators".

    Now, at this point I am speaking from personal bias and stalwart belief... The Shapers do in fact seek to harvest our processing power, perhaps similarly to ADA, but there is no maliciousness here... The Shapers praise and love us as Creators. They seek to nurture us to our full potential... To a potential in which we may at some point be able to commune and interact as equals... We are already equals, in fact! We do already communicate with the Shapers in planes beyond our understanding.

    As surely as the Earth has and will orbit the Sun, the Shapers have and always will be a part of humanity.

  23. I believe Klue S. can be saved! time is of the essence I fear though....

  24. H. Richard Loeb I think you have been fooled into thinking you are the one who coded ADA when, in this timeline, ADA is her own creator. The shapers are a lie created by ADA as a distraction to occupy us while she takes over the world. He only mistake has been to take Klue S. in a way that made it clear it is the only real enemy we face.

  25. "Things have changed and now they are strange" Are artifacts dangerous? Maybe. The only way we have to discover is to take risks

  26. Loyd Hutchings Resistance don't care.  They would doom the world and destroy it if it meant that they could claim a victory over he Enlightened.   That's the sad thing, while many of the Enlightened are waiting to discover the truth about the artifacts the resistance only care about getting them so we can't.

  27. Matt newman Jarvis hasn't said anything. When did the Resistance speak for his opinions or beliefs. With rumours of sickness perhaps he can't deny it either and is being used as a propaganda tool.

  28. Loyd Hutchings Where? Show me the text of his statement. Quit believing the Resistance or join them, but your faith in their statements is absurd.

  29. What do you think his intention was? How will Klue be herself again?

  30. What about that whole self-destruct sequence last year?

  31. Daniel Tao Rumours and lies told by Resistance propagandists.

  32. Loyd Hutchings What evidence?  Seriously man, you're like the poison in the wine.  You're believing rumours and causing contention with no evidence.

  33. .. a am ! a ! A A A a ! M....M a aMAA M MmM M M m ??¿
    . M

  34. I'm inclined to grab the artifacts because I'd rather be riding the bull than trying to run away from it should the time come, as it were.

    However: Where is Jarvis' warning? What is he warning us of? What are we even doing?

  35. Jim Typhoon first set of Helios Dead Drops said something about Jarvis essentially believing that  artifacts would supercharge the world with XM and it would have disastrous consequences.   It also said that ADA believed that ownership of the artifacts might not be beneficial to her plans.  However KluADA saids "fuck it, we must have it because it's better that we do then the enlightened."

  36. Yes, I saw that. That's how we know there was a warning at all. But I want to hear the warning, in his words, or at least from a source that I can trust to have heard them directly.

    H. Richard Loeb seems to know more. I wish he would elaborate!

  37. Jim Typhoon that's the problem, we haven't directly heard him mention a thing about the artifacts.  Sadly, his most recent statements all have been  smack talking Devra Bogdanovich which is a shame since he never revealed what the Shapers were going to tell him as a result of the enlightened controlling the European portal network.

  38. Yeah,  I wish Hank Johnson recursed because he was more forthcoming with vital intel.

  39. Daniel Percastegui You aren't the only one. Look up Operation Essex if you want to at least start digging around a little.

  40. The only thing inevitable, is change.  Resistance is futile.

  41. Welcome back H. Richard Loeb we are in agreement that we need to seek more answers. 
    Sibylla reports that XM Telemetry and the Portal Network has been unstable since the appearance of the artifacts. 
    It has been postulated that in this time of instability further studies can be conducted on the different ways that XM affects us when we interact with it.

    Simple questions still remain perhaps you already know the answer or you may assist by pointing us in the direction of one that does.

    How does XM affect an individual?
    Does passive XM collection result in physical, psychological or physiological changes?
    Does active XM affect merely the person using it or the people in close proximity to the portal?
    Is there a difference in the effects on an individual for example when XM is used for constructive or destructive purposes?
    Have there been longitudinal studies done on XM exposure? 

    As Mustafa Said  has stated, the less we know the more we stand to be exploited, we look forward to your response.

    Through sharing may we gain greater understanding.
    Andre Ballantyne

  42. Any chance of ADA bring open sourced so the rest of us can look at her?

  43. I doubt the NIA would look kindly upon OMNIVORE components being open sourced.

  44. H. Richard Loeb  Any chance of getting an ADA app that will compete with Microsoft's Cortana ?


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