It's rare, Investigators, that the universe reminds us that the seemingly mundane cycles of ordinary life can hide...

It's rare, Investigators, that the universe reminds us that the seemingly mundane cycles of ordinary life can hide the anomalous and (perhaps I'm channeling Misty) the magical...


  1. Thinking about this Yik Sheng Lee observation and the possibility of an XM eclipse, I can not think of the famine that hit the Portal Network when the Obsidian Shield had been deployed (5, 6, 7. 2016)

    If there is a flow of exotic matter and a, trivializing, distribution network, and we all commonly accepted the connection with the flow, referred to the xm, then perhaps celestial phenomena related to the sun/stars (neutrinos, photons, storms and solar shifts, variations of the magnetic fields favored by the stars) - as the moon's motion can affect the tides - may come to change the normal existence of xm.
    And, with it, that "normal" influence that we have used to know affect human minds.

    The bad omens of the past related to these phenomena may have been psychologically induced by a change in the normal existence of exotic matter.

    I do not want to look too much at the thing, but Lovecraft assumed that a particular planetary alignment was necessary for the return of the Great Ancients. I would not want to reveal new biologic techthulhus from PortalNetwork.

    Even the hypothesis about Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's return does not seem so impossible.

  2. We know then when Misty Hannah was still with her mother in Marfa, TX she experienced a phenomenon called Green Flash occurring at Sunset accompanied by seeing some mystical figure. That was her realization of the magical powers she possesses. I would speculate that Totality as Green Flash may be the occasion when sensitives are able to get signals, messages or revelations from Exogenous Entities. I truly believe they will see something new which will have - Green flash - Wikipedia

  3. This is defiantly strange. And yet very dangerous.

  4. the events of Via Noir come to mind. Will we finally hear from Oliver Lynton-Wolfe again?

  5. Hearing from him would be good. But I agree.

  6. I don't see how a solar eclipse would affect XM and humanity. Unless the sun is also a source of XM? Then again, some people are more creative at night which would contradict this hypothesis since XM pushes people to be more creative.

    What if there could exist XM fields between stellar bodies? Perhaps one exists where the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are its "portals". If they are aligned, the field could temporarily weaken or temporarily be neutralized?


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