I heard on the rumor mill that Akira Tsukasa, the brilliant researcher who stands at the head of IQTech's Japanese...

I heard on the rumor mill that Akira Tsukasa, the brilliant researcher who stands at the head of IQTech's Japanese operations (the sister corporation known as IQTech East) may be on the ground in Portland, and now I may know why...


  1. And again... we all know what curiosity did to the car, right? (And I say so being a very curious person myself)

  2. 3 things caught my attention.
    . Why does it sounds like Akira Tsukasa​ knows where Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ is?
    2. I thought Misty Hannah​ Las Vegas problem was already taken care of
    3. Has Lorazon's first name ever been mentioned before? Because if not, we now know what it is

  3. Quais personagens são iluminados?

  4. Melissa To 3. Yes it was mentioned before

  5. Jozef Zubricky​ thanks. I wasn't sure.

  6. What is strange to me is that Major Tsukasa is speaking with Lorazon as he would still be CEO of IQTech. She speaks about him as "a peer". We know however that Lorazon has moved to White House Intelligence. Or is he still serving double role?

  7. Yes Yik Sheng Lee is right. The only one who was killed from Las Vegas problem of Misty Hannah is Dino Pallisti. There is no record that Louis "Lucky Louie" Hermezino or Jimmy A. Potts are dead. Jimmy Potts once said "No one who cheats me lives" That is why I also believe Las Vegas problem is not solved

  8. Avril Lorazon once said "Abaddn is both place and a person" Does that mean an attempt to create mind palace involving several persons? Normally everyone has its own mind palace but the Niantic Project may have been actually trying to do powerful joint mind palace. A joint person? Maybe Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's accident with power cube was not accident at all, but steered way to create Epiphany. But Oliver Lynton-Wolfe went out of control and that was the actual problem. Now that Lorazon moved to White House, he may have been the White House agent from the very beginning. The real mastermind behind Niantic Project, not subordinate of Ezekiel Calvin.

  9. What is she not telling us? It is seeming that perhaps IQ Tech is after Misty. Which won't be good for her. Is IQ Tech interested in Dark XM research? If so, that may be another thing that has their attention but they won't mention it.
    I am worried about what Dr, Tsukasa is looking to do. With not much known about Mind Palaces and investing in using them to advance their facility, seems like a bad idea. Like Lorazon said, We all know what happened at Niantic. I think this even has Lorazon worried.

  10. Jozef Zubricky Actually, OLW has said himself that he suspects that the Epiphany night was not accident. He even suggested that the "blueprints" the Shapers gave Jarvis and the inspiration they provide to him was design for the cube to explode as it did...

    Melissa​ why do you think it sounds as if Anita knows where Oliver is? I didn't understood that from the rest, maybe I'm missing something.

    And it was pretty much obvious the coorporations were going to want to get a hand of this. They always want to get a hand of whatever development is taking place...

  11. Catalina Reyes Remember, OLW also made the statement that something may have sabotaged the Power Cube experiment. Be it Shaper, N'Zeer or Human.

  12. Melissa​ I see... I actually didn't think he was refering to OLW there. Thanks

  13. BRAS1LE1RO Só a Acolity que eu saiba! Ela não tem um perfil no Google+​ o Hank Johnson​ ele é meio iluminado afinal é agora um dos líderes do MAGNUS, a Klue S.​ e a Janah estão do lado da resistência obedecendo os N'Azir. A Misty Hannah​ é mais neutra ela tem os objetivos dela mas não deixa nada claro para ninguém! Ainda tem a Devra Bogdanovich​ que tá mais para resistência/Neutra! Enfim cheio de gente que não revela nada do que sabem!

  14. Catalina Reyes I hate it when I see things that aren't there. Forgive me

  15. Melissa​... it's called being an ingress investigator... we all do. Don't worry!

  16. Jozef Zubricky and Yik Sheng Lee: Lucky Louie is dead. He was found in the desert outside Las Vegas, roughly around the time that Susanna Moyer and Klue were there for the DICE conference in 2014.

    plus.google.com - A contact who writes for a major Las Vegas newspaper sent this to me. It see...

  17. Thanks for good research Mustafa Said


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