I've been able to obtain this secure document related to the upcoming #13MAGNUSREAWAKENS Anomalies.

I've been able to obtain this secure document related to the upcoming #13MAGNUSREAWAKENS Anomalies. The document is a detailed guide to many aspects related to the upcoming Anomalies.


  1. What Marcin said. In the table it's got Volatiles listed as worth 5 points, down further in the text it says 4 points.

  2. Does the Camp Navarro anomaly count for the total score?

  3. Yik Sheng Lee​​ intel is clouded? You mean like it has been obscured somehow?

    Could be worse, shards could appear when we didn't know they would.

  4. Is there anything investigators can do to reveal the background Intel? Ingress​

  5. Mario Valenzuela II "Analysis ongoing. This section will be updated as intel emerges."

  6. Alastair Gilfillan​ I read that as "Calvin Ball."

  7. I dont think this field frenzy is a good idea. Have you ever tried to establish only one useful link during an Anomaly?

  8. Ingress When will the detailed 50/50 division of the anomaly zone for phases 1 and 3 be published? Soon / Advanced Intelligence / When the portals light up / ... ? Thanks!

  9. Sven W Plenty. Also, I remember certain anomalies where one faction won by being better at fielding. It honestly eludes me how one would ever be able to do that, but well, they did.

  10. Vinzent Höfler it works when only few players try to link, the cell network doesn't fail and Niantic Servers dont fail. Based on my past Anomaly experience, I dont believe this will be fun.

  11. Sven W almost in every single anomaly.... and successfully

  12. Sir Viente​ I don't say it's impossible. I've been to smaller anomalies we won by superior link strategy myself, but when I remember how unresponsive network and Servers have been at large events, then I cannot believe this will be fun.

  13. Sven W Well in Rotterdam, Utrecht, Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Bilbao, Granada, Flash shards in London and many others we do fields, links and even cover the entire play area. Ghost fields are allways a risk, but I am a lot more worried about the physical resistance of the agents than the links or fields. We are talking that even in the "30 minutes pause" the people will be walking to the next play area under heavy sun conditions in summer. I do not believe that many agents manage to end the anomaly, and the abandonment percentage will be very high in both factions. For me looks more like "American Gladiators" episode

  14. I personally think it would be awesome if they did an RPE session the night before and gave intel to "winning" players for their faction..... but that's just my opinion

  15. Sir Viente​ you see me impressed, at least in the last two Clusters of Milan and Utrecht my teams could barely interact with portals. Same for Hamburg, Berlin and other cities. But Reykjavik Was super smooth, maybe because we were less than 50 players in total. Rotterdam I cannot tell, I slept during measurement because goruck ops. 😂

    And btw doing a big Cluster field or covering the whole city produces a completely different Server load than hundreds of players trying to interact with the same portals. You cannot comparable large scale fielding with what's happening inside the cities play area.

  16. Fielding finally removed from anomalies

  17. Peter F. Mayer Huh? What do you mean, removed? Phase 3 is all about fields... Or did you just mean overhead fields?

  18. Not a question, just an observation: this is the hybrid rules, with each component separated into a different phase. Last year, we were concerned with shards, cluster portals, and fields/links all at once. We had to balance the value of each aspect of the game on the fly.

    Now we're just going to worry about one thing at a time.

    This is less interesting.

  19. Vinzent Höfler don't listen to this guy, he's all into conspiration theories (see his blog, basically everything ingress related he posts is about that goruck wants to buy niantic and form a paramilitary commando group out of players. i have screenshots to prove in case he deleted anything.) and blocks people just because they do goruck. it was a pita to work with him in vienna last year because he tried to sabotage the whole event.

  20. "it may be useful to think of the Anomaly Zone as being divided into two distinct sections, one for phase one and one for phase three. Phase two would encompass both these sections."

    Does this mean that phase 2 will be an intermediate area halfway between phase 1 and 2 or that phase 2 will span the entire playbox?

  21. Joe Ramirez "Phase two would encompass both these sections." Like in the previous hybrid anomalies.

  22. Amazing. HE HAS BEEN ABLE... 😂

  23. Normally Ingress / NIA is not able to do anything. ...E.g. Portal edit submissions ... they are not able (or willing) 😑😑😑

  24. wow, these rules mean car teams will basically win the day.

    so long walkers, you are strategically of minimal importance.

  25. Travis Smith​​ How so? In any anomaly city I've been so far, getting around by foot or bike was faster than with a car. So, as long as you don't refer to something else than raw speed where a car has an advantage in theory, I don't see the relevance here.

  26. the pace is faster and the win will go to the team which can reposition its assets more quickly.

    the gamefield will change too quickly for walkers to keep up. if you can reposition your troops quickly as the map changes you will control the gamefield and the victory.

    read the rules again and think about how it will work if you had to take a team made of mostly pedestrians against one that was mostly bikes and cars.

    walkers are of strategically minimum value, in actuality mostly hassle, with this ruleset

  27. ATTN: Andrew Krug / John Hanke / NIA Ops

    Just wanted to say I love the new anomaly rules!

    Something old. Something new. Something complex... that will be blue. :-D

  28. i am a skateboard agent, through and through thats my role. i look for ways to exploit that mobility and this seems like the best ruleset ever to go against a pedestrian team. literally score circles around pedestians with high mobility units

  29. Travis Smith You're American, right? Ever moved your car through an average European city? Brussels, Prague, Rome? Have fun being faster. You won't even get a fucking parking spot before the walkers arrive.

  30. Vinzent Höfler​ you dont need a parking spot when the passengers pour out and the driver becomes a destroyer.

    no need to park if the vehicle is attended.

    and yes, usa.

    for usa cities running this series - i have extensively ingressed all of the listed sites - it will come down to high mobility units. pedestrians will be of limited strategic value and mostly hassle

  31. Travis Smith Well, might be in the US, the lack of sideways there is indeed astonishing. Yet, Europe is different for certain. Those cities are not built for car traffic, they've been built for horse carts if at all.

    Consider the cluster fight with a two minute window, so you have 13 minutes to move to a different location. That gets me a mile further. With a car you'd be lucky if you even make half of that, not even considering the time needed to get back to the car wherever the driver blocked the whole traffic 15 minutes ago, because they decided to stop in the middle of the road where barely two cars fit side by side.

  32. Travis Smith​ I'll be the drunk guy in a wheelchair yelling nfg entire 4 hours

  33. The HuK we are making sure to make preps for limited mobility/disabled agents, came to our site 😀

    the kc streetcar is free and goes from one end of the play zone to the other, it has wheelchair provisions

  34. Trying to make kc .. Its football season and busy at work Travis Smith​

  35. Martin Brenner That does not explain if phase 2 will encompass all of both sections (i.e. the whole playbox), or a portion of both sections (i.e. 50% of the playbox portals in the middle of phase 1 and 3). I am hoping NIA Ops or Ingress will be able to clarify since they stated they are the only "official" response that can be trusted to be accurate. Makes a huge difference to planning agent movement.

  36. Travis Smith car teams n mobile teams have always played a huge role and don’t see this being any different. But by saying it favors mobile teams more than other rule sets Show a drastic lack of understanding of most anomaly sites including Kansas City. As someone that actually lives and walks the playbox I don’t understand where you’re logic is coming from. And the streetcar is packed on Saturday’s so it’ll help but not like a hundred agents can just jump on and move instantly either. All these folks from the suburbs swarm us on the weekend and make it a nightmare.

  37. Hello Andrew Krug.. is the 50-50 division for phases 1 and 3 geographically marked or does it just mean 50% of total number of portals?

  38. replying to multiple comments here, my reading is that phase 1 counts the whole 50% zone at each measurement, so no drastic movement from one area to another between clusters. Phase 2 encompasses the whole playbox, shards can appear anywhere in it, and targets are anywhere in it, targets do not move.
    Having half an hour between phases, and really only half the players needing to move much between each phase should help with the mobility issue.
    The 50% division looks to be geographical, just like they did with clusters before, since it is called a zone.

  39. There is no rule text about shard's randam jump. Then, Shards doesn't jumps randomly under 13MR Anomaly rule , really?

  40. 中田吉法 shards attempt to move every 5 minutes for an hour, and all 16-24 shards are there from the beginning with 4-6 targets. Sounds like it's going to be a frenzied battle, with random jumps not needed, they would only complicate things. If one side focuses on tying down a shard so it can't move, the other side can just move another shard. So maybe random jumps were intentionally left out.

  41. Andrew Krug just retagging in case you missed this post while you were away. :) Some clarifications are awaited. Sorry i was not able to tag +Ingress

  42. Kevin Sexton thanks for the response, that's what I was looking for. Now if only Niantic NIA Ops could confirm that before we would start planning strategy based on that information....

  43. Ingress​​ : Will you...or H. Richard Loeb​​ ...or whatever source he obtained this secure document from also be releasing a hashed list of all Measurement Times, something similar to the intent of the previous rules?:

    "A hashed list of all Measurement Times, accurate to within approximately 30 seconds, as well as all Active Cluster Portals and intel-only Portals will be publicly revealed prior to the Anomaly."

    I guess along with a plain-text or something to help see what the measurement times in the measurement windows were would probably be needed at some point too.....or we can go Via Noir style.


    Andrew Krug​ / John Hanke​​ / NIA Ops​​


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