Hank Johnson weighs in on the New Wave with some interesting thoughts and ideas that connect this relatively new...

Hank Johnson weighs in on the New Wave with some interesting thoughts and ideas that connect this relatively new phenomenon to the ancient world.


  1. Yik Sheng Lee Man you got the point! I can't agree with you more!

    From past til now through future, human being are so anxiously to embrace the power. and complete ignore the balance. Yes, there'll be always dark after light, always night after day. Pushing on too hard only make things pushed to edges. Like OLW's concerns, putting off ADA may enforce something even more powerful.

    The ancient knowledge have revealed, like yin-and-yang, positive-and-negative. RES and ENL. Everything should comes balanced. otherwise the world will tile by the unbalanced and eventually convert itself to reach the balance.

  2. Nature strives for balance and a vaccuum/hole is always filled or collapse can happen. If a new wave develops, what will the system do to balance?

  3. Also, look at how many biological forms have evolved over time and what tends to happen on an organic level when you create evolution in any system and you do it at a rate faster then the natural system moves; instability of the entire system often forms. I give an example of the atmospheric system. When you make a change faster than the rest of the system can accommodate (the sourcing of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere), this often changes the system in a way that potentially overrides any of the "benefits" of the evolutionary change. Evolution by definition is simply "Change Through Time". What is implicit in that definition for "non destructive" evolution is the rate of time must equal the system's ability to process the change.

  4. It's amazing how soon after Hank Johnson posts that H. Richard Loeb reposts... Just sayin'... ;-)


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