The former members of the Niantic MAGNUS discuss the troubles of the world...

The former members of the Niantic MAGNUS discuss the troubles of the world...


  1. For a bunch of people who were MURDERED and forced into a resurection machine against their will, some of them seem a little snippy about the fact that they were given a second chance at livong a life without worrying about dying and losing their memories every 1331 days and then being mind controlled by a bunch of gamers who care little about their existance except that it gives them points to win a competition...

  2. The Enlightenment removed you from the Magnus because you had been forced into it without your consent. (not to mention, MURDERED!) As a faction, it would have been in our interest to keep those of you who were enlightened to create a pure enlightened Magnus, but we chose to give you your independence back.

    Personally, I'll be very happy to see many of you continue your research into XM, but as Calvin said, if you want out, this is the time to back off. And if you press on, at least this time, you do it out of your own free will.

  3. It should be noted that it was stated that the Niantic MAGNUS was doomed for failure because it was an artificial MAGNUS built by Calvin. Thus, keeping everyone in the MAGNUS would have doomed it to failure yet again. It would be like building an exact replica of the Hindenburg, filling it with Helium, and flying if through a thunder storm and expecting it not to blow up.

  4. Mario Valenzuela II I think some of them are just to confused. Also, I think they feel responsible in a way... They fact you took them off the eye of the storm doesn't mean they cannot see the storm. Maybe they can even see it better now. Not because you are not forced into something you will turn a blind eye to it, especially when you can potentially do something about it...

  5. Yik Sheng Lee​ do you truly think she knows or was she overassuming things. Frankly, I'm not sure...

  6. I think Devra's right. We do know where Lynton-Wolfe is. (Well, we have about 3 possible locations maybe more) He is most likely in an Anomalous Zone. Or somewhere in Germany where it is rumored that he fled to.
    That is strange what Carrie is dealing with. The times that Enoch has made a piece, and she decided to, she has been able to draw it out. Not like her...

  7. I don't see this as complaining, just reacting. Schubert doesn't seem all that unhappy.

  8. They finally get their own freedom and a chance to choose their own destiny. I have to wonder though how free they actually are...

    I'm also interested in this piece that Campbell created. She said they felt different. There is either more than one or she drew some one... I would very much like to see them as I have noted a difference in artwork since Noir.

  9. Ishira Tsubasa There is a possibility that after you are a part of a MAGNUS, and once you are removed, a part of you remains. But now, they can make their own choices.
    When Carrie says that Glyphs feel different to her, that normally means that they are unfamiliar. Remember, there were recently a new set of Glyphs discovered. I would like to see them too.

  10. Hahahhaha "Frankly Ive been ejected from classier joints" 😂 That guy.

  11. Matt Stevenson that's why I rather like Schubert xD

  12. enoch dalby top sensitive on exogenous signals that we know about, says there are unknown signals coming from portals. Something dangerous is clearly happening. Even Hank Johnson is looking for portal virus to prevent this potentially. Roland Jarvis may be the medium in this.

    Regarding Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's whereabouts, the last time he was seen were the caves in Argentina, trying to build Techulhu. I believe it was Cave of Hands as it was home of Techuelche people, thus Techulhu. Was OLW's Techulhu not completely destroyed? Did he manage to leave a backdoor possibility for exogenous entities? Where there was one, there will be many (one = Roland Jarvis many = whole new Magnus?) - Cueva de las Manos - Wikipedia

  13. Catalina Reyes​​​​ they way I read Schurbert's initial comments was that he was throwing shade on the concept of the Niantic MAGNUS to down play how much he wanted to be in it since it gave his life meaning, and he felt that thr Enlightened Rejected him.

    Kureze's comment about Jarvis and OLW could be seen on a similar light, "Why are we out, but that corpse and that guy who is in an unknown location huffing the tecthulhu is in?". It must have stung him hard that an absentee archetype and a corpse were allowed ti get the MAGNUS promotion but the hard working man who laid the groundwork for XM studies got the boot.


    I'm pretty sure the answer to the question of "Where in the world is Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​​?" will be sitting in his mind palace's tiki bar sipping a mint julep and huffing the tecthulhu while Opra and Dr Phil plays on his TV."

  14. Mario Valenzuela II it all could be... (Tiki Bar hahahaha).

    But then again... I cannot really judge intentions so baldly if I can't hear their intonation when saying it. Since I know that I would be filling that in with my mind's ear. And that wouldn't be fair.

    THAT BEING SAID, what I feel (as subjective as this is) is that Kureze doesn't know if he wants in or out (probably since not remembering is a thing), but he finds it odd that you render the Magnus useless (for the time being, at least).

    Regarding Schubert, I think he cannot help himself. He needs to be poyorative (especially if Lightman is around). Besides, think about it: He came to Niantic as punishment, not believing anything, but then he became convinced. That must've been pretty strong for somebody as stubborn as he. I don't really know how much he remembers from his Niantic period... we don't know if he is still on a relationship with Marlie or if recursing already took its token on that too... :(

  15. If they wanted to stay they should have spoken up. We would have given them the chance.

  16. Typhoon Jim They can still go back. There is always that choice. But yes, they should have spoken up. Then you could have kept them there.


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