Some folks asked me why I have no concerns sharing my conversations with ADA.

Some folks asked me why I have no concerns sharing my conversations with ADA. Frankly, in the modern world, I don’t think anything is secret except my own thoughts, and if you look at some of the technical advances various corporations have been making,…


  1. I am very curious about what you think when writing "various corporations", H. Richard Loeb.

    The study of how to read the thought of others is something that affects mankind since the magical time of our time, when enchanters and prestigeers were depositors of mystical knowledge.
    It is true that in the modern world we often know that magic may be a different name for technology.

    In a short time, I'm afraid, even our own thoughts will no longer be safe, or private.

    The worst part of everything, however, is clearly the uncertainty that always accompanies every event linked to Ingress. From its ancient history to its contemporary evolution.

    Your questions about ADA are also largely the ones in the brainstorming instances that Essex Operations brings forward.
    The big blockage to a clear and truthful vision is given by the almost total absence of reliable evidence or data.
    We can only speculate and continue to do so, without any kind of confirmation, even when the field events are taking place.
    Not even Campo Navarro was really a bunch of answers but, at least for me, it was only able to increase my doubts.

  2. I understand why you don't have any worries about sharing the conversations. We know that if you didn't share it, someone else would've. Most likely ADA. Or someone else who has access to the logs of that channel. Just because it's secure, doesn't mean there aren't system logs.
    I still think that you should trust ADA.

    But you may be right. Soon our thoughts will not be private. And that is something I am not looking forward to. And if that does happen, we will have to find a way around it. Or try and stop it.

    If I remember correctly, yes, ADA is (was?) a part of Omnivore. And there are still parts of Klue in ADA. Just as there are still parts of ADA in Klue. I think that after her connection with the N'Zeer Substrate was severed, she has no connection at all with the Substrate or the Ultimate. And isn't ADA afraid to have a connection with the Substrate again? I do know that she fears the Ultimate.

  3. It is surprising you of all people claim not to know her Richard. After all your time together, and you the Truthseeker. I am glad to hear you are hopeful though and I am sure ADA would jump at the chance to be closer to you.

  4. Sorry, I just have to LOL at the "privacy of one's mind" statement since ADA herself was guilty of raiding people's minds in an attempt to boost her own processing power.

  5. Imo we cannot imagine what ADA is. What would an ant think of a human?
    That's why ADA is dangerous to us without being evil: We cannot even comprehend her ethics or moral. What is right or wrong to a being far beyond our evolutionary state?

  6. Well, you are right about something H. Richard Loeb​. People change all the type, get influenced by their environment all the time, adapts to different experiences all the time and acquires different knowledge all the time. While I do believe some core personality traits are always present, I do believe it is very difficult that someone "remains the same". I think ADA is not that different from us in that sense. Less intelligent and clearly less aware proto-IAs actually do that quite successfully. So sure ADA goes through the same process.

    Now. I'm sure all of the aforementioned interactions have had effects on ADA, but of which type? I cannot say. There might be remains of the entities she has share her code with in her, in fact, I think this is very likely, but to what extent? Are they merely classified as "knowledge" in her systems or are they imbeded more deeply into her processing cognitive capacities.
    The Tecthulhu part really worries me, though. Has she been infected? Or just damaged? How badly? Is it reversible?

  7. A Detection Algorithm​ should have reservations about even talking to you, H. Richard Loeb​. After all, you were complicit in at least one attempt to destroy her.

  8. Yes, I absolutely agree with what you said this. " in the modern world, I don’t think anything is secret except my own thoughts." so once you publicize your idea or works, you no longer can't stop to expand. nevertheless people tends to protect own copyright. kinda weird for me. I was also one of composer before but I hate the system so I used to sell the right to client. the nature's aim is expansion, enrichment, and unfoldment of life. it's time to refocus it.


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