If you were wondering what defines a Humanist, a Listener, or a Spiritualist, it seems these pages hold the answer.

If you were wondering what defines a Humanist, a Listener, or a Spiritualist, it seems these pages hold the answer. I will share the remaining ones at a later time. Where this information came from, who its author is -- as of now this is unknown to me.


  1. I have a feeling that the author is an individual, who works for Niantic, with a known past within the comic industry, the role playing gaming industry​, who also has ties to academia.

    The images themselves are all over essex since many of us participated and uploaded the archetype cards. The most important question I have isH. Richard Loeb​​ did you manage to get a scan of every character sheet from your source?

  2. Exactly what i thought Mario Valenzuela II

  3. Mario Valenzuela II There is also a large chance that whoever wrote this, was present at #13MAGNUSReawakens.
    From what I can tell, there are 2 other pages. Maybe by the time we have all 3 pages, we will be able to find out the author.

  4. Michelle Smith​​​​ You forget, I was at the #13magnusreawakens event and participated in the RPE. That page is a condensed form of the archetype cards we were given which that many of us in the 3rd session took home. So yeah, the writer was at the event, and its 100% likely he was watching at least one full session and that the writer's identity is not exactly a mystery.

    Hell, I wouldn't be amazed if NIA once abducted him in Seattle causing GORuckers to search him out prior to an anomaly and if he responsible for unearthing knowledge about the tecthulhus earlier this year with tycho's assistance in Hollywood.

  5. I already know the human definitions of those words. I don't need the Shapers to redefine them for me.

  6. Mario Valenzuela II I know you were there. I saw your constant updates. But who knows what they were up to.

  7. I so wanted to go badly but lots of issues cropped up

  8. Hope i can grab some characters attentions maybe i got a plot twist many to noone will expect


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