#AgentOlympiad has come to an end.

#AgentOlympiad has come to an end. By all appearances this was a truly unique event. It pushed Agents both physically and tactically as they fought for AP and to win a number of challenges including cluster battles, flash shards, dead drops and more...


  1. I tuned in, along with what looked like about 5K others. It was amazing to watch remotely, the Agents and facilitators did a great job.

    In discussions in Operation Essex​ with other Investigators, cough cough Ishira Tsubasa​ , we were talking about some of the most unique glyph hacks EVER in Ingress​. Although the confirmed sequences did not seem new... reports of massive pay outs, such as 300 xmpb in a single glyph hack, were reported. That is some serious XM manipulation right there...

  2. Matt Stevenson do you know if there's a recording anywhere?

  3. Terran Dunklee it looks like there was an option to "timeshift" the broadcast via the site, which would have recorded it. I didn't do this... but perhaps someone else did? I'm unclear if that method allowed for more than one viewing of the recording or not.

  4. From what I was able to watch, and from what I heard, it was a very interesting event. Yet again, the Enlightened were very organized, and they must have had it well planned. Or was it simply fate? But, I give them my congratulations and respect.

  5. It certainly was quite an event. I wonder what Akira is going to do with all the data she's collected from this.

  6. Is everything okay Agent KodamaSmiles? Are you safe?

  7. What a strange event. Still so many questions without answers. I wonder what happened to Agent KodamaSmiles. I really hope that she's alright and not in any form of trouble. Does anyone know anything about Kodama's last known location? If something happened, we should defiantly start there.

  8. We got information on the new Portal Mods and we were able to observe very high XM concentrations.
    I don't know yet what this means, but I hope that Agent KodamaSmiles will bring it together soon.

    P.S. PAC, the event was held in 2017 ;)

  9. It was wonderful experience.

    Massive Exposure of XM during midnight was extremely awesome incident that is beyond my words.
    Agent KodamaSmiles will tell you soon this tsukasa's experiment.

  10. absolute 119966 Be careful. Exposure to that much XM can cause many side effects and reactions later on. But I am not surprised that this happened given who lead the event.


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