Tuning back in.

Tuning back in. Investigate -- for now -- is safe. Bugs hunted and squashed. Dark code sought and brought to light. Today's post is an interesting read: If you ever wondered what the IC thinks about some of the topics we have covered over the course of…


  1. I was lucky enough to get copies of these at the event. There's definitely a few things noted within them that Essex has questioned. Like the researcher on the archetypes.... Who provided the information for it before Ariel Diana​

  2. Ishira Tsubasa yeah I'm wondering that to. And if they are referring to me, I'm just now learning of a new job that I never remember applying or interviewing for.

  3. Great hearing from you again PAC, nice to see you're safe.
    But yes, this document is pretty weird. It's full of mistakes. It even confuses the Niantic project with Niantic Labs... A mistake very few people would make, specially people having all the other information listed here. So it calls my attention... Maybe this document has mistaken information on purpose??? To misguide as so as to who wrote it. I have a hard time thinking whoever wrote this was SO sloppy...

  4. Nice to hear you..😊 I don't understan what you and others talk about there . But I like read those. Sorry my bad English...😕

  5. H. Richard Loeb
    Richard please explain the prease 'The ‘Azmati’ family is one known bastion of 13MAGNUS members.'
    Does it mean the Azmati's house was an asylum for some 13MAGNUS members,
    or members of the family were the iconic examples of the society?

  6. Alexandr A​ The Azmati family has been in charge with guarding the secrets of the 13Magnus, even if they might not form a Magnus themselves. That's why Azmati was "mentoring" Hank...


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