It appears that some recent news about a 'Role Playing Game' event taking place at 13MAGNUS: REAWAKENS has Stein...

It appears that some recent news about a 'Role Playing Game' event taking place at 13MAGNUS: REAWAKENS has Stein Lightman concerned... he's broken a long period of silence to share his thoughts...


  1. This is certainly an aspect many of the #13MagnusReawakens #MagnusReawakens attendees I know are looking forward to learning more about...

  2. Lol! He sounds like every single anti-RPG church group Ive ever heard!

    Particularly the 'playing with fire' part!

  3. Stein Lightman​​ needs to be a good 13MAGNUS member and go order us a pizza and run to the nearest Circle K for some drinks. 'Cause pulling Dark Dungeon on us is doing us a major disservice.

  4. If Niantic wants to get into the tabletop scene, they should come to gen con lol

    Gen Con Mission day was really fun a couple years ago

  5. James Haught I take it im not the only one that thinks Niantics plugging an Ingress based table and dice game?

  6. They do make ingress dice. It's on Amazon

  7. Yeah, but just D-6s.... cmon Niantic...I want my shaper blesses natural 20!

  8. the dice have been thrown. 賽は投げられた。

  9. I can hardly envision us all sitting around a table at MagnusReawakens and throwing dice. Won't it be more like LARP?

  10. Yeah...except instead of attacking each other you whine to Niantic.

  11. The big question is what system is it going to use? Some Cortex variant, Savage Worlds, a d20 variant, FATE, FUDGE, something else?

    And also, is Niantic going to supply dice or do we need to bring our own?

  12. We haven't heard much about it other than it will happen. I'm excited to see what it will entail but will remain cautious

  13. It makes total sense if you ask me. There was an old theory claiming that Alternative desitions might create potential alternative dimensions on which the "other" resolutions were taken. I think this is a too extreme to be honest, but I think the "focused thought experiment" and the role playing game + strong XM influence can account for a more plausible theory on those same bases... Specially since RPG's involve something really interesting to mix with XM: Will and commitment, both of which I deem extremely powerful even without the presence of XM...

  14. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

  15. Ironic how my personal research I tend to announce about it all in a real manner and not towards niantic rpg way. Somehow causes a rippled effect it could jus be. A weird coincidental but I don't think so I hold many interesting points being I very recently looked into the storyline and still trying to cram 4 years of it within 3months and found how my research as a kid till now parallels the story aspect .
    ...... I really should meet with xm researchers for a study but being how this rippled effect from kimoda to know light man appearing outta nowhere ,, feel they are already watching and maybe from that strange document about xm sensitized. Subjects could possibly be one


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