This is part 4 of a classified White House briefing about the history of XM.

This is part 4 of a classified White House briefing about the history of XM.

The first, second and third fragments can be found at



  1. Wow, this is so investigation... LOL

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​​ not going to happen. There is no purpose for a third party to be involved in our struggles if all they will do is stand there and take it in the chin like OLW and his Tecthulhu did during #ViaNoir. Fighting an enemy that doesn't fight back is not my idea of fun. If they do fight back, than it will be awesome; but I doubt many of the current agents will want to lose all their access levels and support to join Red Exogenous-Faction.

    If REF has no human support, I only for see trouble once they decide to kill a GP, spoof down a field, and or a hard to reach anchor.

  3. You know ur talking bull, don't you?

  4. [singsong] Take down the shield! End the drought! Everything's gonna be ok!


    I'm not sure what we learned from this briefing. Jarvis previously spoke of "our friends" and the N'zeer substrate is a collection of something I seriously doubt is a good old fashioned library given how badly A Detection Algorithm​​ was jonesing for its next hit once it was disconnected.

    We need to consider how the shield came in to our (read: human) possession. It's been said many times that there's a point when a superior technology is so advanced that it appears to be magic and its wielders seem like divine beings. I doubt we came up with the obsidian shield on our own. Was "Zeus" an exogenous friendly unaligned with Shapers or N'zeer? If our node is online for "see" it might be on our best interest to sort what we can use for defense most ricky-tick while we figure out if we have any neighbors that don't want to consume us friends.

    Did anyone catch the glyph sequence around 17s in? I'd really hate it if we missed another message telling us to leave well enough alone before we go barreling past it for bragging rights and glory with the minor inconvenience of having our reality shattered once we poke another hole in the space-time continuum.


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