This is the beginning of a new project for Investigate.

This is the beginning of a new project for Investigate. I've been wanting to build out a dictionary -- a glossary of sorts for new Investigators and the generally curious. Feel free to add to this definition in the comments -- make sure I didn't miss…


  1. H. Richard Loeb​ I'm not sure how I feel about the positive reaction equals enlightened while negative reaction equals resistance.
    But I may be thinking in terms of faction and not what the definitions of those two words mean

  2. I'm with Melissa​; the definitions can be taken as harsh or biased initially but this is where the fundamental line is drawn between the two main factions.

    Perspectives can start to cross over with #NWE and #NWR but we must remember that these terms aren't a judgement of a person's creativity (potential or realised), merely a catalyst for the radical manifestation of that energy. 💙🤖☯️🙇💚

  3. The Resistance ethos is to reject or limit XM. That is a pretty negative reaction to exposure.

    Otherwise we're going to have to redefine (yet again) what the Resistance "stands" for.

  4. To me, sensitives can have a poitive or negitive reaction to XM, it's just how they view the impact of XM on humanity that defines the faction that the sensitive aligns with.

  5. "A Sensitive is somebody who is hyper aware of the presence of XM and might find their abilities enhanced by XM in certain ways. Some sensitives react positively towards XM, experiencing optimism and enhanced creativity. Thus they tend to be labelled as ‘Enlightened.’ Others react negatively against XM — they experience concern, sometimes fear. These individuals tend to be known as ‘Resistance.’" - yeah. word. If this descriptor can make it to faction description when they first launch the Scanner.

  6. Resistance is not against. We just want to understand better and not blindly follow a Messias.

  7. Alastair Gilfillan against the forces that enslave. that doesn't necessarily mean against xm.

  8. It's hard to take a black-and-white approach to define a sensitive, because not all sensitives are the same. (With the NWR/E somewhat confusing the scale if you will,) It could be easier to explain via degree of alignment, as just because one is 'aligned' by faction choice, that in itself does not define a sensitive.

    Look at Klue. ENL, to RES, back to ENL. (I'm far too pained and tired to cite a better example at the moment.) Just because she is aligned to the Enlightened does not necessarily put her in one set alignment. Her time in the Resistance via her connection with ADA showed a level of fear towards XM to a degree; something that by the strict definition of the Enlightened that should not happen whatsoever. Would this put her in more of a grey area, if you will, due to the conflicting points?

    Just like many Agents, we may choose one side, but ones dedication to that side (or level of sensitivity in this case) can vary from extremely staunch to very minimal at best.

    Perhaps I'm just confusing the issue. shrug

  9. Edgar Allan Wright
    H. Richard Loeb

    I read the definitions given by my fellow agents in the discussion, and as I find myself in agreement with Melissa and Alastair Gilfillan, I want to try to further deepen the concept

    I'm not convinced that the "creation" of the movement of "resistance" to the exotic matter arises from the fact that the psychic in question - whereas by definition Nia, each agent is a small part of a psychic - have negative feelings.
    Nor that, when it experiences increased creativity and optimism, it can be considered as "enlightened" only.

    If we consider exotic matter as a medicine, a chemical, then it is possible to have a beneficial or an adverse effect of the same: so we will have people who have a normal management XM and those who have allergy symptoms to that.

    Increased creativity, the possibility of better thought, clarity of mind, as well as fear, panic or feeling of loneliness - the same feelings described very well by Lovecraft in his works - should not, however, in my opinion, to define the FACTIONS, but only the attitude of the individual subject.

    So, we can say that a SENSITIVE to the XM is the one who can perceive - without the help of other tools or in part the use of scanners grace - the presence of exotic matter itself, and can interact with you on many levels - creative, improve, destructive (portal creation, portal mod, portal distruction)

    I also feel that, the more the exposure time to the exotic matter is prolonged, the more sensory perceptions may be strong enough to render unnecessary the scanner tool support.

    All agents have experienced what it is like to be assured of having perceived the xm somewhere - even unfamiliar - just reached, and has received confirmation from the scanner that in effett, what they believed to be a portal - or a series of portals - it was / they were.

    The Enlightened - correct me if Im wrong - have always been considered the xm as a TOOL to be actively used to INCREASE, and PUSH, and DRIVE human evolution.
    A tool that - history has taught us - or other exogenous entities have built, or are able to better manipulate how can we - that we are now facing us in this knowledge.

    Instead the Resistance aims to avoid using the xm as evolution TOOL, leaving the way for humanity is one that naturally should take.

    The judgment that I'm expressing is not about this contents: my personal idea is that the xm is a tool, a neutral tool that can be used, within certain parameters, to improve the lives of all people.

    I disagree, however, with "extremists" who want positions XM or total acceptance, as if it were a truth of faith, or its total negation. Like any extremism, I think this is a wrong position.

  10. Lol this is a peculiar thread H. Richard Loeb.

    I would agree with Daeniem Loidlan and Melissa.
    A sensitive is one who is more easily affected by XM/CM then someone who is insensitive.
    To be a sensitive or not does not define someones alignment. Nor does it predict the impact XM/CM will have on someone.
    Then there is the effect of XM/CM on the human brain, does it instill paranoia, leading one to cut oneself off from all loved ones or does it open the brain to others thoughts, leaving one at the whim of others.
    Alignment differs to sensitivity and the effect/impact of XM. Alignment is down to wanting to have your destiny controlled by others or wanting to protect the free choice of others.

    For an example of the differences between sensitivity to XM and the impact of XM lets look at - NL-PRIME Nagoya - Google Drive
    Where 3 humans were illegally and immorally experimented on, subject D is obviously highly sensitive, E falling between sensitive and insensitive, F either too young for there to be a solid baseline or mostly insensitive.

    The impact of XM on each is different, subject D looks to have become paranoid or negatively impacted. Subject E looks to have been impacted in a mixed manner, becoming paranoid and becoming open to others thoughts. That subject E misses XM is worrying. Subject F, it looks like was beneficially impacted with some side effects which aren't mentioned, however it isn't clear if XM exposure stopped so it is difficult to come to a conclusion on subject F.

    In the above study, alignment isn't revealed.

    Many seems to conflate sensitivity, impact and alignment. These are 3 seperate things.
    -Sensitivity is how easily XM affects you.
    -The effect/impact of XM is paranoia/openness(susceptibility/suggestibility).
    -Alignment is all about wanting to protect others from the negative effects of XM and shaping or in wanting to use XM to control others.
    Alignment is about Resisting or submitting.

    Best of luck with the dictionary H. Richard Loeb!

  11. I like where you're going with this, Daeniem Loidlan. Where do we place those who struggle to hold onto themselves in the face of these creative states? How do we define the alignment of well-known example like Oliver Lynton-Wolfe (who certainly isn't alone).

  12. Alastair Gilfillan

    About Oliver Lynton-Wolfe , surely we can not try to decipher his "alignment" because, in fact, does not have one clear and defined over the time.
    He change "mask" depending on what HE wants or needs.

    Precisely for this being a Sensitive and react perceiving the exotic matter in a certain way it is not a sufficient parameter to categorize the alignment and MORAL INTELLECTUAL of an agent.

    Because, to me, it seems clear that the "FACTION problem" must be tackled on the ETHICS and MORALITY level.

  13. I am glad so many understood where I was going with what little I said.
    So to expand on my thought, I think I would say there was one word that was wrong. Resistance. It leads to the misconception that an entire group of people within this community are resistant, or immune, to the effects of XM.
    Sensitives exist within each faction.
    So if we could, can we change that one word resistance to resistant?

  14. In my opinion being sensitive isn't related to any faction. If we believe in NL Prime's XM sensitive test it depends on eight factors. I believe it's about light and darkness which means for me known and unknown consciousness and emotions.

    (Thanks Alastair Gilfillan​ for the picture)

  15. From a biological point of view, sensitivity is about receptors and thresholds.
    1) Receptors - how do we detect XM?
    For myself, I am completely insensitive to XM, and have to rely on my scanner app.
    For organic beings who can sense XM, as a wild-ass guess I suspect a cell membrane protein expressed only in certain (central? peripheral?) neurons, that changes conformation when stimulated by the presence (frequency) of XM. This is how your retinal neurons are sensitive to energy in the 400-700 nm wavelength. If one could isolate the protein or genetic sequence, you could CRISPR up a virus that could insert this gene sequence into non-sensitive stem cells in the form of a plasmid. This might be how sensitives are "made"... unless the sequence is /already/ in all humans and merely silenced by normal epigentic markers, in which case you need to isolate it and unmethylate it.
    2) Threshholds
    The other factor is how much XM is needed to trigger detection. If, for example we all have this XM sensitive receptor, there may be an enzyme, like a drug or a specific physiological state... that lowers the amount of XM needed to activate the receptor. This would account for normally insensitive people feeling "something" when there is a large XM event.

    People (with lower thresholds?) who have detected XM since birth probably also have the neural structure to be able to integrate that information into thoughts and meaningful sensation: voices or images like glyph patterns. For the rest of us it's simply an enigmatic sensation around a monument, a battlefield, a historic structure or perhaps even a surprising number of concrete lawn ornaments... You could possibly learn to integrate XM sensation in the same way that people with spinal cord injuries or loss of their special senses are able to re-learn movement and sensation, because neuroplasticity is an awesome thing.

    From this POV, the difference between the RES and ENL is that whether sensitivity to XM is a viral addition to the human genome, or an unmasking of an ability that was there all along.

  16. Wow - Isabel Kessler! If the mind units and energy that have manifested from these views being shared is being harvested by H. Richard Loeb or some other #Infiltrator, it would outshine the pre-drought #xm stores that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe controlled.

  17. I would agree with Melissa that the concepts and our perception of a positive/negative force it misunderstood and often it leaves no other alternative but to see black and white. As references to male are often pointed to the sun or the light, women are represented by the moon and the darkness. Humanity is neither prone nor inclined to find balance whether psychological or physical, it is only through great effort and devotion we find balance as individuals - as a society forget it.
    I also agree with Daeniem Loidlan That XM or the divine substance is neutral. It is neither a positive/negative until a force acts upon it defining it.
    Which brings us to the sensitives.
    Since XM affects us all, it impacts us based on these perceptions or psychological states and in everyone they evolve. Some believe humanity is incapable of managing these states of existence and need someone, something to do it for us. Then there are those who prefer the freedom that as individuals we are able, not capable but able to manage ourselves as we see fit. In either perception this leads to campaigns to support either perceptions and in the end it creates a polarizing effect that separates humanity until both faction views are so far apart nothing will be achieved. I believe it is time we look to find those sensitives that seek a balance in the use of XM. Some middle ground to once again begin a progressive move to the betterment of mankind. Sensitives who would prefer to shed an allegiance to one or the other and attempt to express XM as I see it in a purer form. To say that those who express their sensitivity to XM with"optimism and enhanced creativity" are Enlightened and those who react to exposure to XM "experience concern, sometimes fear" are Resistance only works to coninue creating that polarizing effect. There are in all of us abilities of both perceptions and without either nothing is attained. It is our lack of understanding that without one the other fails luminescence. We can deny this and continue to polarize the factions or choose in some way to attempt to achieve balance of XM and find multiple paths that lead not just a few but all of humanity to its ultimate expression. Remember "All Ingress Agents are Sensitives by definition"

  18. Also, I posted this on Investigte:

    This seems to be an unnecessarily judgmental view of the resistance as fearful and uninspired. It's not the XM that is cause for concern, it is it's use by outside entities who seem to be much more proficient at using it, and may not have humanity's best interests at heart. I could be equally facile and say the enlightened embrace XM because it makes them feel good, while the resistance are more concerned about the potential danger.
    I'd just like to see a more neutral wording. :)

  19. Sven W Not follow the Enlightened Messias. But following Jahan and ADA to the N'Zeer.
    oh, you are not doing this? Sure :-)

  20. I agree with most of it accept for the first part ...

    "Some sensitives react positively towards XM, experiencing optimism and enhanced creativity. Thus they tend to be labelled as ‘Enlightened.’ Others react negatively against XM — they experience concern, sometimes fear. These individuals tend to be known as ‘Resistance.’"

    I could understand that this may be bias and possibly a generalization but I personally do not believe that XM effects agents so differently like that. I know plenty that are the opposite of these definitions so it isn't fitting to me. Maybe remove the factions?

    Put simply, a Sensitive is somebody who is hyper aware of the presence of XM and might find their abilities enhanced by XM in certain ways. Some sensitives may react positively towards XM, experiencing optimism and enhanced creativity. Others may react negatively against XM — they experience concern, sometimes fear.

    Each sensitive is different and I feel shouldn't be defined by their faction.

  21. Sven W​​ the N'Zeer and AI called and left a message. I would have wrote the whole thing down but it was 15 minutes of solid laughter proceeded by the phrase "The resistance are against forces that seek to enslave humanity."

  22. Interesting graphic for the discussion as I think it represents the GREY FACTION as well. Thread worth rereading.

  23. Sensitivity should be defined as the measure of the intensity of a reaction to an agent. In our collective case, the agent is XM.

    We dont have very good contemporaneous data to determine the rate of sensitivity and strength in the population: we have agents who are self-reporting and reports based on what happened to those part of the NIA magnus. The "testing" done by other corporations and the NL teams may not be comparable because of different testing standards.

    Because of the amount of time we think humans have been exposed to XM based on what evidence we believe we see in history and anthropological study, assuming a normal distribution may be a good place to describe the levels of sensitivity. A potential schema could use the demarcations of each deviation to describe the strength of response to XM exposure. If the median/average individual doesn't care one way or the other about XM, the first deviations from the median are those somewhat repulsed (-1) by XM or somewhat drawn to it (+1). At -2/+2 are those who are either debilitated by XM exposure (-2) or find themselves/their abilities enhanced by it (+2). The outliers at -3/+3 deviations from the mean likely have an extreme negative (devolution) or positive (ability to use XM to evolve or transcend what we understand to be "normal" laws of physics, like independently reappearing as an XM construct).

    I wouldn't tie alignment (faction or otherwise) to sensitivity because it is fluid. Based on the alignnent survey regarding tolerance to exogenous presence and use of XM, it does change with time or experience for a lot of individuals.

  24. Very insightful, Kobalt Blues! I'd love to see test results. I believe that the experiences, like the subjects themselves, are prone to change. Exposure on one occasion can lead to brilliance like #EpiphanyNight or #RegressionToTheMean and #Transcendence to only few know what.

  25. Alastair Gilfillan​
    It opens up the possibilities of studying if the application of XM and dark XM alter sensitivity and strength of reaction, if you can push an individual from one level to another with acute vs. chronic exposure to XM of one or both kinds, and the like.

    It also leads to some ethical dilemmas we might not want to broach.


  26. Kobalt Blues​​ Best hashtags, ever.

    Hey, are you in the Boston area? We should put together some XM research proposals... we don't have to go to CA everything we need is here at MIT and MGH... :)

  27. Isabel Kessler​
    Don't give me a reason to finish my LATG cert: this will almost certainly lead to meddling in fringe science and a YouTube channel.

    So maybe we should.

  28. Kobalt Blues I don't think AALAS covers aliens, so we're golden.

  29. It covers primates, though, and we have to take care of the people volunteers, no? We start with rats and work upward. Besides, the idea of a Substrate-powered knockout rat makes me giggle.

  30. Fruit flies! I've dissected the brains out of hundreds of 'em.

  31. Isabel Kessler
    Spiders afterward? If we expose a species that ordinarily weaves disorganized webs and they shift to building webs that are impossibly elegant or industrial deathtraps, we'll know fairly quickly if the exposure took and how they are aligned.


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