The source is unclear.

The source is unclear. According to my sources in the IC, a series of signals emerged via the Portal Network and -- when assembled -- this image was uncovered. At this point, that's all we know...


  1. Anomaly!!! Did someone decoded the dots?

  2. I have seen this Symbol before. From all what we currently know, it's not an Anomaly and only limited to northern california. Which would be a punch in the face to all players in the rest of the world when there's a medal for attending whatever event this may be.

  3. "I must see and be seen. I must hear and be heard. I must touch and be touched. I must smell and be smelled. I must taste and be tasted. I must know that which is unknown and unknowable. I am that which gathers am that which gathers MAGNUS. I am that which is built by MAGNUS. I am Tecthulhu. I must be built. Soon many will sense the secret."

    Dots -> 0 & spaces -> 1, binary -> ascii.

  4. This looks as if some of the pieces at the top have been folded/bended back to form some sort of portal into the hexagon. Maybe soon either more pieces will fold back to reveal more of what is behind or this will be the sy,bol for getting access to something new. The Magnus chamber?

  5. it says "I must be built" and not "I will be built" is that important if we compare to the other parts of the text ?

  6. It's time to rebirth? Perhaps ingress 1.0 will be closed and get restarted as 2.0.

  7. Yes, it is a Phoenix. I can see it now, too.

  8. What's interesting is the Phoenix has 12 sections. If it's rep representing a Magnus, then something is missing. A subtle clue perhaps

  9. Kevin Hughes Unless the 13th piece is the culmination of all the other 12-the medal or image itself.

  10. Nothing so strange.
    After the fire ceremony in which there was at the beginning of the new year, in which agents of both new factions have collaborated in the creation of the "mental world", here, as soon as the shard will be gathered, you can attend a new 13Magnus, and a real renaissance.
    We hope for good, although I suspect that as there will be intrusions possible on hold.
    Jahan has not made his move, and even the Acolyte

  11. Mustafa Said I was wondering about that. Perhaps the space between the pieces is the thirteenth as well

  12. The 13th is the shape holding it together. The Orange border or portal.
    And the beak is an open hand holding something. On a platter maybe?
    I gave someone crap about inkblock test responses and all I can see are the parts not the.whole.

  13. I don't see a pheonix, I see moltres.. OMG legendary Pokémon are coming!

  14. H. Richard Loeb​ Good! You got the newsletter too ;)

  15. Mustafa Said

    There's that Ancile-being-one-and-thirteen motif again.


    The thing about Ancile, though, is that there's only supposed to be one real shield (to perpetuate the empire) and eleven fakes that were indistinguishable. For the sake of argument, let's say the discrepancy in the numbers is because of what happens any time humans tell a story and share: some details get fuzzy.

    If a magnus is a metaphor for the shield (or vice-versa), would the wrong combinations of archetypes (and prime objects) be fakes? Don't do much of anything, maybe. The factions of human followers are none the wiser and exogenous Rome keeps on trucking.

    Until the Vesuvians.

    What if the Vesuvians were glassed because they figured out the right combination to end the empire?

    Or, conversely, what if the reason we're in Tecthulhu tartarus is because a "fake" is a trap? The punishment from the gods for stealing fire has to play out somehow.

    At any rate, we've had Epiphany [Night] and Darsana. Maybe this beginning is the precursor to an (the?) end: Ultimus.


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