The Enlightened have gained control of their twelfth Archetype: The Catalyst, currently occupied in the Niantic...

The Enlightened have gained control of their twelfth Archetype: The Catalyst, currently occupied in the Niantic MAGNUS by Devra Bogdanovich. With a single Archetype and less than 20 individual Shards held in the balance and just over a day remaining, --…


  1. #shardssuck #wedontcare #freeouragents

  2. Even though RES most likely won't take part in it, I'm interested to see how the process of voting on replacements for the archetypes will be organised.

    Also really interested in what happens to the characters who are removed from the magnus, and what the choice of replacements are. New characters or existing

  3. Vicki Ellen Hopefully a vote per shard - I am just wondering who is really voting. Players? Which players? At the Magnusreawaken Event? What about the rest of us?
    Or vote "the leaders"?

  4. Martin Zehetmayer does sound like it could be quite complicated

  5. I would expect the acolyte decides who stays in the Magnus or not?

    She would be foolish to keep any blues in the Magnus, particularly a blue such as Dr. Bogdanovich, a known catalyst!

  6. Yik Sheng Lee​, do you suspect that Hank Johnson​ is anti-magnus?
    He was the one to tell us about the N'Zeer after Helios, he had known about them and the beacons before that obviously.

  7. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ has done great things, but as he showed from the very beginning he's too reckless on his pursuit of truth. He developed great weapons and artifacts, but at a great cost and by any mean necessary, ever showing regrets.
    If there's a possibility for new characters, I'm quite sure there are other great scientists now working under the grid.

  8. Didn't his research in power cubes ended with a big blast, Michell Smith​ ?

  9. Michell Smith​, wise but reckless. Do we really want to risk everything on his path for truth?

  10. Mengele was that kind of a scientist

  11. Can't say I'm happy about his return.


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