The cryptanalytical minds within the Investigation went to work shortly after my update yesterday.

The cryptanalytical minds within the Investigation went to work shortly after my update yesterday. Here is the hidden message they uncovered from within the unknown series of signals.


  1. Oliver saught omnipotence when he constructed his Tecthulhu. Now that ample time has passed I suspect the New Wave movements will once again work together to construct something for the benefit of all.

  2. So it is a cycle? A MAGNUS can build a Tecthulhu and a Tecthulhu is needed to create an anamolous zone, a nest to enable formation of a MAGNUS. This would also explain Oliver Lynton Wolve's message "Where there was one there will be many" (Tecthulhus?)

  3. the transposition of the one who is observe and the one who is be observed. sounds like the behavior of quantum. now it's time to rebirth. welcome to ingress 2.0.

  4. Sorry, but It reminds me the manga "Ghost in the Shell", when master of pupets takes a body to scape.
    Is Ada coming back to a phisical enviroment or it's anything else???

  5. I feel a bit terrible about this research. It may not be going to awake not only Tecthulhu but also any other old one.... callde Cthulhu.

  6. If you were going to organize a local event for the same timing - what might it look like?


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