It's been a busy few days for our Enlightened friends.

It's been a busy few days for our Enlightened friends. In a series of rapid, sweeping operations, the Enlightened have gained control of three additional archetypes -- The Visionary, currently bound to Victor Kureze - The Interpreter, currently bound to…


  1. Excellent worldwide effort and teamwork, Enlightened!
    We're on our way to sweep MAGNUS and claim all 13 researchers. #13Magnus #InItToWinIt #ENLFTW

  2. #freealbay #FreeFrizzy #free42 #free_j3n5 #freedaluko #freederbluthund #freetobixx #freeallididnotmention #TurnOffScanner #VoteWithYourWallet #ShardsSuck

  3. Gavin Treadgold storyline is on a loop anyway. We fought for all of them in abaddon and their alignment made no difference

    That's not to minimise the actual shard game, but the plot side is meh

  4. This statement from you, H. Richard Loeb, makes me think a lot.

    "[...]It may even be possible that the Enlightened are able to form a true 13MAGNUS — entirely composed of Enlightened leaning individuals… time will tell. [...]"

    Maybe I do not remember correctly, but in previous anomaly, many agents have claimed on the field alignments of some researchers, placing them within one or the other of the two factions.

    This new anomaly through the shard I had felt it had the clear intention - as well as "capture" the researchers Magnus Nia, to change their way of thinking because they found a new location within the course of history.
    The statement - Official - I've included a little above would seem to confirm this.

  5. Vicki Ellen No, in abaddon we fought over the researchers and their alignment. Now we fight over the archetypes they represent in the Magnus. It will not change the researchers alignment this time, but the winning faction can replace a "incorrectly" aligned character with one of the "correct" one. The researchers themselves will not be affected by this from what I gather.

  6. Vicki Ellen Peter Mohlin H. Richard Loeb

    And how, may I ask, the whole faction of the ENL may modify or replace an archetype of a different one?
    Through a mass vote? Or will the story itself to be modified by the writers because the faction win can replace the archetypes incorrect.

    From this second hypothesis it follows that now, in the present state of things, the existing 13Magnus is composed of researchers with archetypes "not correct."
    Or, again, if ENL could replace some archetypes with others to fly this magnus to a different destination than would taking all researchers, with WHO could replace them?

    Or just about replacing the archetype of individual researchers with one another?
    Or, for example, to remove the "humanist" archetype from Nagassa and replace it with another one?

  7. Quantum Effect​ uh, you do know that ADA forcibly took over the minds of people and murdered others while Devra (under Res control) experimented on humans. Also Klue's was not tortured. She asked to go under a psuedo medical procedure. If smurfs didn't try to interfere with the XM flows that day she would have woken up unharmed.

    You can't take a high road when none exists.

  8. Mario Valenzuela II And all Niantic researchers were there of their own free will, right?
    Inside the Nia history, my friend, there's never been anything true, ethical or volunteer in anything that has been done.

    UltraStrikes were invented with the express purpose of being a sniper weapon powerful enough to bring down Jarvis. And I do not think that at that time had to do in any way any faction.

  9. Yik Sheng Lee​​ IF the ENL sweeps the entire shardfest we can. Considering that Acolyte, Akira, Kodoma are confirmed Enlightened we need is to capture a total of at least 10 researchers so we can rebuild 13magnus assuming Azmati is not a simulacrum and is in fact dead.

    Also if need be, can also try and find Ben Jackland, Wrenegade, and or Tycho and toss them into a simulacrum chamber to fill our magnus.

  10. Daeniem Loidlan​ they "have" free will but once they forcibly align with a faction the researcher tends to act on that faction's interests; however Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ seems to be a special case.

    I'd argue that OLW's creation of the US did have to do with a faction. He was working with the N'Zeer. I speculate that they wanted to eliminate Jarvis so that OLW could take control of the enlightened and then turn it to a N'Zeer cult. When OLW was "captured" the last time I suspect that his connection to the N'Zeer was severed so he may have been acting on the whims of another set of exogenous benefactors (assuming he didn't hear the voices of tecthulhu in his dreams and wasn't inspired by that).

  11. Mario Valenzuela II I do not think so, although the fact that OLW was working by following the "other" plan is certainly plausible - n'zeer, or other exogenous entity.
    The US were produced under the patronage of IQTech, which is certainly not aligned with neither side; Instead aligned, if you will, to the flow of money.

  12. I hate to be that investigator, but why are we doing this and who are we really doing it for.

    Every time we don't stop and find out, it ends badly.

  13. Kobalt Blues if you ask me personally, I do know the truth. The most profound and real, beyond the motivations - as good or bad - that have led to certain events happen.
    It is to know what is real, fundamental, from what is just speculation and fiction.

  14. Funny thing is, I don't pay money for ultra strikes, I hack them from portals. Unless IQtech runs a few gear selling websites I don't see how they are making money off XM unless they are responsible for updating the ingress scanner on either the Android or Apple app store, or are printing the anomaly or nl1331 packs.

  15. H. Richard Loeb​ if the term "Shapers" is attributed to Victor Kureze, explain why in Ingress Origins, Carrie Campbell asks Calvin "Did they send you?", then explains "they" is the Shapers, the ones shaping our minds. She is also seen with drawings of glyphs on the papers around her.


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