#FateOfThe13 has come to an end.

#FateOfThe13 has come to an end. It's been an incredible ride, and I am in awe, once again, of the power that Ingress Agents wield when they work together.


  1. you forgot to mention all the agents that could not play because they were false positively banned, and those who chose not to play because niantics lack of communication and will to review. so, what happens now, will there be an official voting process? not that i would care about the pointless story, i just want to start bitching around when there's no vote but just an entitled group deciding. #shardssuck #wedontcare #freeouragents

  2. Sven W Just accept that they have been banned and move on. Nothing can be done about it

  3. So OLW stays in the Magnus then?

    Could Ingress​​/Niantic please clarify his faction status? He was originally Enlightened and remained as such after Abaddon but clearly he's had a somewhat..... peculiar.... time of late.

    How does this play out in regards to the Magnus being reformed and how it could serve one, both or neither faction?

  4. Wait a second...

    Enlightened captured 3 OLW shards, Resistance got 2, yet he isn't controlled by the Enlightened?!?! HE better start a third faction because there is no way he should be resistance after their inability to get a plurality of Oliver's shards and the Enlightened's winning his corpse back in 2015.. #calvinBall

    Sven W​​​ no one cares. Move on. It's been over two months, those banned accounts are not coming back.

  5. Richard Jennings, I'm hoping we hear from Oliver Lynton-Wolfe regarding his intentions (if he still exists on the same wavelength as us).

  6. Georg Schneider​ all spoofers during the shard game got insta-banned. Ask anyone.

    Also, http://www.welostshards.com

  7. Where's Ingress Report Report​ to report the news?

  8. RES, you saved him. Well done! I was boring because of ENL's overwin. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​, you're not influenced from both faction. Plz just follow your intuition. It leads you right way.

  9. whatever...... we did a great job - I was very happy to see that the communication between the countries worked quite well and i'm proud having participated at this journey... well done ENL πŸΈπŸ’šπŸ‘

  10. Would I be right in reading this as all those trapped in the Magnus, affected by epiphany night, living at the whim of XM now have a chance to be free of XM and regain their humanity.....if they can convince the acolyte and Roland Jarvis to release them?
    The one who is ultimately responsible for this is going to continue to be a simulacrum and is destined to remain affected by XM?
    Perhaps Operation Essex could help clarify if my reading is Wright or wrong?

  11. Quantum Effect​, no it is not the Acolyte's and Jarvis who chooses, it is the Enlightened faction as a whole that choose who stays, who goes, and who will join... That is except for Oliver. He stays trapped in the Magnus.


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