The Enlightened have managed to take control of 4 of the 7 Shards associated with the Interpreter Archetype,...

The Enlightened have managed to take control of 4 of the 7 Shards associated with the Interpreter Archetype, currently bound to Stein Lightman.


  1. #free42 #free_j3n5 #freedaluko #freederbluthund #freeallididnotmention #GiveBackOurRESAgentsAccounts #NoMoreDiscrimination #StandUp #TurnOffScanner

  2. Why are you know that Interpreter = Lightman???

  3. I also want to know the answer for YutoRaion 's question.
    Why or How do you know Lightman's Archetype?

  4. I have some doubts.
    Why do you know Lightman's archetype?
    You know all archetype of Niantic project members?

    Who choose lightman's future?
    Acolyte? or others?

  5. YutoRaion​ MailEater​ "he released a document called ‘The Lightman Decipherments‘ — the first known English to Shaper Glyph dictionary system" Sounds like an interpreter

  6. Ingo Schildmann Yes, I am the same idea as you. What I want to know is WHY PAC KNOWS it is correct.

  7. Did you know the answer of the archetypes but were asking the agent? H. Richard Loeb

  8. miu2d4r ミウツー I am persuaded that it is the normal behavior of a group accustomed to moving in the shadows, to make his tracks and muddy the waters so often that even inside there are so dense networks lies to obscure the sun.
    We are only the "end users" of this web of deception, and that's why we have to be vigilant.

    It is not hard to imagine that NIA has long since many of the answers that we find it hard to find, digging in troubled waters.
    They, however, we are committed to do what they want.

    Yik Sheng Lee "[...]* Carrie Campbell's journals preceded this, but she approached the task of exploring Shaper Glyphs from a more artistic POV, vs. Lightman's direct approach.[...]"
    I would say that this small excerpt of the email left to agents clarifies the NIA's view of the difference of approach between the two people involved.

  9. Daeniem Loidlan
    I could not understand well, but what you want to say is that the PAC and NIA guys are on the upper side of the information network, so we can not know the information first.
    (The above is machine translation. I'm sorry.)

  10. Only I'd like to know wheather PAC knew the archetypes of the leaks before they were painted white or not.

  11. QuantumIngress EffectIngress I agree with you.
    Unfortunately, while we spend time to find that thread that connects the subtle truth in the lies of the NIA, it can easily take all the time you need to hide the truth even better, and propose that as they see fit.

    miu2d4r ミウツー No problem, man. We understand each other equally. ;D

    What I mean is that we can not be certain to have, it by CAP, it by NIA, the full truth - not only because no one can have the information straight from the source, but no one can see -; we must trust what we are told, and look for inconsistencies.
    But this process takes time, and a lot of energy, and often you get to the answer sought too late for it to be useful.

    In this "game", often, I fear, you have to hope for a fortuitous discovery of the truth.

  12. So, does that last part mean Carrie Campbell is the Spiritualist?

  13. currently bound ... does that mean the archetype roles can switch?

  14. Martin Zehetmayer
    I think that this article is probably helpful. - NIA Shard Manifestation Document

    > We will be able to choose if the current Researcher should continue to serve as their archetype in the MAGNUS, or if a new individual should be found who represents that archetype.

  15. Carrie could be the Dreamer possibly....

  16. Personally, I think that it is correct that PAC declared: Lightman = Interpreter.
    But I want to know how he declared.
    There is no problem if he knows it already and he did not reveal it.

  17. Everyone focusing on which archetype belongs to which researcher - but another aspect in the message is that ENL has secured a spot in the Magnus. It is suggested that if we choose, someone other than Lightman could be assigned said spot.

    Determining what PAC knows and what NIA is telling us truthfully is very important. But it's also strategically reasonable to consider our alternatives for which 'shardified' researcher/archetype is assigned to this spot in the Magnus.

    If PAC or others know which archetypes belong to which researchers, perhaps they also understand the possible outcomes of a Magnus with different combinations of archetypes assigned.

  18. Dexter Torres​ that's one hell of definitive statement based on not a lot of information. Misty?

  19. Richard Jennings hah ok, settle down. It's an informed interpretation just like everyone else's. You are able to handle other's point of view, correct? Carrie Campbell was known Carrie Campbell was an XM Sensitive and a language expert. She was romantically involved with Enoch Dalby, the pair of them being synesthetes-when Enoch would create music and share it with her, she would become inspired and sketch down images based on the music.
    She went on to to discover the Shaper Glyph language, writing down her initial thoughts in what she called her “Vision Journal”.

  20. Dexter Torres​​ 😂didn't mean to come across as narky... other options could've included - 'Carrie Campbell could be the Visionary', 'Maybe Carrie Campbell is the Visionary', 'Carrie Campbell is the Visionary?'... leaves room for discussion

  21. Richard Jennings All good. I'm confident in my statement and tend to shy away from making statements without the confidence to support them.
    Richard, so as to not come across as snarky to others, other options can include - 'That's an interesting statement. Do you have more information?' It leaves room for discussion.

  22. How did PAC obtain correct information of archetype?
    For example, did someone send the correct answer to PAC?
    Or are there correct archetype written on the finished lightman's shard?
    Or something media came out from the goal portal?
    Why does not anyone wonder about it?

  23. Stein Lightman is like the Ratata of ingress right?

  24. Calvin Ezekiel = snorelax, Hank = gyarados, Devra = pikachu, misty = gengar

  25. hmm... I didn't mean to force the discussion...

    However, I just wanted to know how H. Richard Loeb got the confirmation that the combination of Interpreter and Lightman was correct...

  26. Same as YutoRaion, I have same question. Why PAC knows the CORRECT correspondence? Does PAC have the complete NIA document?

    I think the identities of the archetypes as below. 13 archetypes are organized in 6 groups.

    The Explorer : Hank Johnson
    The Dreamer : Misty Hannah

    The Alchemist : Victor Kureze
    The Humanist : Yuri Nagassa
    The Spiritualist : Roland Jarvis

    The Omniscient : ADA
    The Interpreter : Stein Lightman

    The Trickster : Oliver Lynton-Wolfe
    The Skeptic : Martin Schubert

    The Listener : Enoch Dalby
    The Visionary : Carrie Campbell

    The Patron : Ezekiel “Zeke” Calvin
    The Catalyst : Devra Bogdanovich

  27. If Carrie Campbell is visionary what is Roland Jarvis?!?! According to the definition both could be a visionary since Jarvis only became a "guru" after he came back from the Ultimate and lost his creativity and charisma (due to the Resistance's 13magnus shard captures)

  28. Howard Sanchez The wording leaves room for interpretation, but does it make sense to limit the choice for a replacement to known individuals associated with the Niantic Project, or is it not that we, the Enlightened should search for someone from our own ranks. For example, we have someone who studied the glyphs and created the Glyphtionary, as there are others who studied and theorized about the Glyphs and could fill the archetype of Interpreter.

  29. Post update detected.

    It seems H. Richard Loeb don't have "correct answers" currently, right?

    Of course Richard will surely know the correct answer. I wish I could say so at that time.

  30. I confirmed the corrected post.
    I understood that it was just PAC side idea that Lightman was The Interpreter. Thanks, that was my question.
    So, we will also consider to match archetype and Shard that will be completed by our discussion in the future, right?

  31. Wait, now I'm very confused. Read this description of the spiritualist:

    "The Spiritualist is someone that is seen as being caught between the material world and the supernatural world. The Spiritualist may be seen as a mystic or a healer but can also be thought to have powers gained from their connection to the supernatural world, may believe that the spirits of the dead can speak with the people who are alive and may advocate the philosophy that the spirit exists separate from matter."

    Roland Jarvis was (or is) a man caught between our world, and the world of XM. He has powers based on his connection to the Ultimate, and spoke to people while his body was dead -- and was the first archetype of the separation of spirit and body (and then again in reunion).

    Steinman, while a theologian originally, is the man most responsible for translating glyphs -- surely a good candidate for the Interpreter.

  32. Martin Brenner I find what you propose to be, not only fascinating, but reasonable. Clearly, based on what we've read in recent memos, 'synthetic magnus' are a thing. And this (the NIA magnus we are recreating) is one of them.
    But, as has also been made clear in publications by PAC, if we are operating a scanner we are more likely to be an XM sensitive. And this has been suggested as a contributing factor to Magnus membership.
     So why couldn't the most sensitive and archetypical amongst us form our own?

  33. Howard Sanchez Yes, good idea. In fact a recent document talked about other potentially unknown Magnuses. And as we operate the scanner we put our emphasis in different aspects. There are fighters, explorers, planners, researchers. Now the question is do these specializations define an archetype or is an archetype more like a formal training or XM conditioning which helps sensitives perform certain functions better and contribute to the goal of a Magnus.


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