An excellent piece of community journalism, Investigator Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater) put together these theories...

An excellent piece of community journalism, Investigator Ariel Diana (Arielsmurfeater) put together these theories about the 13 Archetypes identified in the NIA leak from a few days ago...


  1. The Explorer: Hank Johnson; the Enlightened Explorer
    The Dreamer: Yuri Nagasa; lived among the Anaztec and told their tales.
    The Alchemist: Victor Kureze; Niantic researcher and physicist with Clearance Level = Alchemist, who worked on XM experiments, died in the Niantic facility.
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich; lead scientist, creator of the Portal Virus.
    The Spiritualist: Roland Jarvis; sculptor and original spiritual leader of the Enlightened.
    The Omniscient: A Detection Algorithm; the all-seeing artificial intelligence developed by Niantic.
    The Interpreter: Stein Lightman; Quantum Theologian, deciphered Shaper Glyphs.
    The Trickster: Misty Hannah; XM sensitive stage magician, used illusion and "magic tricks"to mask her abilities.
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert; XM researcher, pulled into Niantic to play the skeptic and argue counterpoints.
    The Listener: Enoch Dalby; XM sensitive and XM-tuned musician.
    The Visionary: Carrie Campbell; original pioneer of Shaper Glyph research, went on to to discover the Shaper Glyph language, writing down her initial thoughts in what she called her “Vision Journal”, deceased.
    The Patron: Ezekiel Calvin; NIA field agent who instigated the Niantic Project and recruited all of its members
    The Catalyst: Oliver Lynton-Wolfe; XM Chief Engineer who created the Ingress Scanner and XM constructs. His hypercube experiment caused the events of Ephiphany night which caused the entire project except for Hank Johnson to be exposed to high levels of XM.

  2. #free42 #free_j3n5 #freedaluko #freederbluthund #freeallididnotmention #GiveBackOurRESAgentsAccounts #NoMoreDiscrimination #StandUp #TurnOffScanner

  3. Vicki Ellen Now I wake up from this awesome dream and get to work (both in RL and in the investigation). I'm looking into a suggestion about archetypes and possible correlation with astrological zodiac signs..... grins

  4. You know - thinking about the molecular level (your image sparked this idea) - many molecules that only exist in certain forms and when ions exist in a medium - they are drawn to one another and form the larger molecules. Then there are some materials where you have the same elements, but the way they bond creates very different materials; the classic example being Graphite and Diamond - both made just of the element Carbon, yet bonded in two different structures that make for very different materials.

  5. Now here's a thought.

    What is the Archetype?


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