Hank shares some insights on his quest from Jahan -- and an update on his search for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe...

Hank shares some insights on his quest from Jahan -- and an update on his search for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe...


  1. Tecthulhu everywhere.
    I think that like there is a piece of +A Detection Algorithm in every scanner there is now a Tecthulhu piece as well (and now there are many).

    This might explain how Oliver Lynton-Wolfe message entered the scanner. I thought this was a trick only A Detection Algorithm could do.

    Maybe interacting with a Tecthulhu gives the ability to manipulate time and space.
    Maybe a Tecthulhu has traveled in time and interacted with sensitives who can now and in the past manipulate time and space.

  2. Like I said before, i dont think Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ is fully able to control his techthulhu's version. I'm sure is more the machine is in control, and the mind, the soul and the essence of OLW are lost into the portal network, like the shards that time ago.

    This kind of anomalous zones remind me in some parts that idea that "the dimension behind portals" is a sort of space trought others spaces. Really, in this, OLW can be thinked IN/ON our world, but at the same moment in this 'elsewhere' we cant know from here.

  3. curious mention of Hydra - it has come up before -

    Sept. 2013 on Investigation board was called Teeth of Hydra - niantic.schlarp.com - investigation:images:pacboardsept302013.jpg [Niantic Project Wiki]

    A mention in a discussion here - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NianticProject/posts/Zhf5hU24ym3

    And ken mentioned it in a video when he was talking to Moyer

    Ken Owens has said in memos that "they" were the good guys - perhaps this is all coming to a "head"

  4. QuantumIngress EffectIngress Hank Johnson is more than a good friend of Jahan.

  5. Raanan Avidor A prospect that, if true, would change not just the dimaniche of history as we are living.


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