Our friend Agent @KodamaSmiles shares some news that's been traveling through the grapevine recently...

Our friend Agent @KodamaSmiles shares some news that's been traveling through the grapevine recently...


  1. This picture is the puzzle picture from Hank Johnson​​ and H. Richard Loeb​​ cases from the last anonaly weekend, but shown in green!
    Mustafa Said​​
    Matt Stevenson​​
    Daniel van Os​​

  2. Did the Acolyte cut out Jahan from her plans? This matches our speculation that their tenuous alliance would not last. Now it seems like Obsidian all over again, which ended poorly for both sides.

  3. Well, I guess we will know more about it soon then.

    (See what I did there? 💚😍😂)

  4. I really thought kodama had been shelved. Where was she in noir?

  5. ANYONE willing to do real investigation?
    There will be a fourth, a blue one. This is in green.
    - 1st blackwite is the shading
    - 2nd RED
    - 3rd GREEN
    - 4th BLUE

    RGB + Shading... what may this give?
    A whole picture... this was clearly to see since we got red one.

    Now anyone willing to put RG + shading together???
    You may be seing things never seen b4. BUT THATS JUST A THEORY...
    There will be the one telling ME this is not important intel.

  6. Vicki Ellen​ I cannot shake off the feeling that the caste on that puzzle image looks like the Dom in Milano. It was on the banner which we did for the Mission day a year ago...

  7. Julia Vivienne Loverdose haven't you been to rome? Go through your pictures.

  8. The only reason the machine did not go online....

  9. Question: What are the Acolyte´s plans? If she wants to salvage Klue and Susanna, we should help her regardless of faction. If she wants to do more, we have to stop her ... regardless of faction.

  10. Picture is called "darkenergy.jpg".
    I cannot support the reactivation of that machine. Sorry, Acolyte, but there is a line I will not cross.

  11. Did we unknowingly helped the Acolyte piecing techthulu together by assembling the briefcases' puzzles?

  12. I think Enlightened faction get the power. No matter what power it is.

  13. Achim S. There was literally no choice.
    When Enlightened wins -> The Acolyte get it
    When Resistance wins -> Jahan get it
    When no one wins -> Dr. Oliver "Mad Scientist" Lyndon-Wolfe get it.

    Whatever we do: We lose.
    Any other idea?

  14. I prefer the Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ #techthulu over the enlightened one.

  15. Dec 10 will be the next chance to help the Acolyte with her plan, is my guess. Remember, we signed up for Enlightened because we are not afraid exploring options. I can't even imagine what the Resistance (i.e. Jahan) would do with this power.

  16. Martin Brenner you have fun exploring that option ^^. The rest of us will stand back at a safe distance

  17. I really think the Acolyte goes too far. Nobody should have this power and agents of both factions should do everything it takes to stop Tecthulhu once and for all. Enlightened agents! You want progress with the help of the advanced knowledge of aliens, right? So why does the Acolyte wants to control a dangerous AI? This against the Enlightened. Open your eyes and see that Acolyte only cares about herself!

  18. Presumably the Acolyte and Jahan will sign their fates, when taking further efforts to gain control of Tecthulu. This machine is a dance with the devil and it wouldn't wonder me to see an intervention of N'Zeer and Shapers, when 'our leaders' still follow their selfish paths and try to activate it again..

  19. Please no flaming here guys, we should stay kind to each other! Everyone is welcome to participate in the investigations. We should share our thoughts but stay on the topic. A wild guess is not always bad, but it shouldn't go too off trail..

  20. What power do you think the Acolyte is seeking? What power can a machine like the Tecthulhu give? Obviously the power will not be directed to us humans (hopefully) but it could turn the tide in the battle Shaper vs. Nzeer.

  21. There is nothing to worry about, as we all know, #ENLightenedTechthulhuBestTechthulhu! Just don't feed techthulhu human flesh, since it might get a taste for it... The last thing you want is a techthulhu running wild in the streets of Japan attacking buildings and devouring people like some misbegotten Kaiju

  22. Maybe the acolyte will be a sacrifice and link the techchulu, thus ushering in a war between her (it)self and ada

  23. Martin Winz​ While I do agree with you about the off topic comments, your comments from earlier were equally unpleasant. "Holy Frog" is no worse than "So go ¥'"%× y*! $€=÷lf."

    Whether I like it or not, I knew exactly what you said and this is not the forum for that kind of language.


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