Hank Johnson shares these thoughts with Agents and Investigators in the aftermath of the #ViaNoir Anomalies...

Hank Johnson shares these thoughts with Agents and Investigators in the aftermath of the #ViaNoir Anomalies...


  1. It's curious that Jahan and Acolyte are cooperating, or at least pretending to cooperate, but when they struggled against each other to control the Obsidian Shield. Maybe they learned after the consequences of the Obsidian Shield, but this incredibly tenuous alliance can only end poorly and we won't be surprised if Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is the only one who harnesses the power of Tecthulhu.

  2. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ is unstable and, frequently, shady. I would stop short of calling him stupid. Yes, he may have bitten off more than he could chew this time (if his videos aren't another red herring)....but don't underestimate his patience for the long con.

    Has anyone seen Agent KodamaSmiles​? He seems to have it out for her because she knows too much about who he really is. Devra Bogdanovich​​ is probably on his list for trying to mobilize everyone to stop him during the anomaly.


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