Reports are already coming in from those answering Jahan and the Acolyte's call to break ones patterns and spread...

Reports are already coming in from those answering Jahan and the Acolyte's call to break ones patterns and spread through the Portal Network. Agents around the world are taking their words to heart, interacting with new Portals and discovering parts of…


  1. "Gotta capture visit them all!"

    I think most people don't care about what Jahan and the Acolyte said, but instead heard the words "new achievement" and that was enough for them to jump onto the treadmill and chase imaginary carrots.

  2. The 'achievement' is maybe a trick to bring agents 'who do not care' on the road to work forward the goals of the Acolyte and Jahan.

    New portal, fresh XM - maybe they need this XM to build something new, a new form of XM entity? Or maybe to awaken something (ref Lovecraft) which sleeps in the Portal Network.

  3. I don't care about what they said. I visit new portals following my heart. Not for their plans.

  4. A few weeks ago NCC1701R​​ wrote a great and amazing summary of flint dille​​ visions:

    Hank Johnson​​ wrote in july 2013 about a theory, known as the Nomad Hypothesis, that the Exotic Matter drifts outwards from portals over thousand of years.

    Roland Jarvis​​ told in his manifest up from the beginning to seek out for new portals.

    What do they have in common? flint dille​​ warns about the darkness that follows light, Hank Johnson​​ searched for dark places and Roland Jarvis​​ was directly touched by the darkest energies.

    Dark XM

    I'm certain that both, Acolyte and Jahan, are searching for that extremely rare kind of Exotic Matter.

  5. Ahimsa Forworld Everybody is following his heart.
    That's the plan... 😱

  6. I'm not sure, but, if XM is a kind of energy, I will have one of the hypothesis.
    I know that the energy was stagnant does not necessarily lead to better results.

    It looks so that the temperature of the sea water had too high is similar to that is causing the bleaching of coral.
    There is a phenomenon in which there is an effect of lowering the sea water temperature.
    It is a typhoon.

    This time we mission imposed "Lux Adventure", I imagine in the following manner.
    It's the most important thing is the "stirring of XM".

  7. Hey, that's my flood picture. #thatskindaneat lol.

  8. Via Lux, new light. We have literally been told to go and make new light via portals. The question as to why I have some serious concerns about because both the Acolyte and Jahan are un-trustworthy. Whatever they are after will not be good for us. Energizing that many new portals is going to create massive amounts of XM. XM is only used for one thing, power. Power to do what remains a mystery although given the past I have a few suspicions. Same old story, Shapers or N'zeer. Never humans. NWE are for humans, come and join us and we will band together to protect ourselves. The Acolyte and Jahan are not going to do that. Both in their nievity think they are but look at the results. Hold onto your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride with the massive XM headed our way. And yes, I am doing all I can to add to it😊


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