Obsidius and Cybella's strange journey through space and time continues.

Obsidius and Cybella's strange journey through space and time continues. Where are they now? Where are they transported to in the final words of this fragment?


  1. The palace they visit and the woman sound a lot like Jahan....maybe that visit is our present?

  2. Next time on the Obsidian Time Travels Logs, we will visit the Acolyte's Enlightened Summer Camp!

  3. The trees could only be California Redwood.

  4. Last time who was closest to the palace was Susanna Moyer​. Maybe they are tryung to contact her instead of Jahan.

  5. Could be anyone in Jahan's matrilineal ancestry.

  6. So is Obsidius a true cross faction traveler....

  7. Maybe they are looking for a corporal recipient where to stay and need a primal artifact to go trough. Maybe it's the so called New Wave Agent group... People looking to be the recipient not only for ADA...

  8. Hopefully Obsidius and Cybella have no irregularities in XM density to expect during their strange travels through the spheres otherwise I guess it could lead to a catastrophy for them being disrupted into shards

  9. Jahan's relics and artifacts, she seems almost desperate in her resistance of the truth. She controls nothing it is we that act as the catalyst.

    Redwoods - can it be ?

  10. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​ Mist = water vapor. Since it was blue, one can conclude that the Acolyte utilizes a fine mist of smurf tears as a cloaking mechanism to obfuscate the camp's location.

  11. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect "Post Abandon" alignments mean nothing since OLW is supposed to be enlightened, however he still is acting upon his own whims and is still screwing both factions over in his quest to become a god.


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