These were Jahan's words to Agents after the Anomaly yesterday.

These were Jahan's words to Agents after the Anomaly yesterday. I have been attempting to contact ADA using every mechanism I know to have worked in the past. So far, nothing. Nothing at all. #InvestigateIngress


  1. Attack technology intelegence
    future destiny enlightened

    Damn right!

  2. Mario Valenzuela II​ they don't do glyphs for "taking us back to the stone age" or "vigilante execution without proper trial"

  3. "Retreat old nature now" lol maybe "retreat past nature not technology"

  4. Vicki Ellen​​​. That would be:
    Attack. All. Technology.
    Attack. Present. Civilization.
    Seek. Nature. Avoid. Technology.

  5. So Jahan survived but what of Klue S.​ and Susanna Moyer​? Yet again H. Richard Loeb​ you give us what we don't want to know. A Detection Algorithm​ needs to run and hide again or look within its actions and perform an act of contrition. #FreeKlue

  6. Humanity has been safe for 2 years. Though undoubtedly appreciative of our efforts to secure their safety, they've since grown lax and have taken the peace we've won them for granted. Survival in this universe is not something that is simply won and obtained. It is a constant struggle. These recent consecutive wins by the Enlightened are indicitave of a loss of faith and weakening of humanity through complacency. But the danger that these events show us now are beginning to rekindle that fire in our memory of just what's at stake if we falter again as a species. The Resistance will return.

  7. "Vigilante execution without proper trial"? Like Jahan and Nigel?
    Seems like FUD from the Resistance to me.

  8. The path of light belongs to the Enlightened, Jahan.

  9. Mr. Apex​ there are several big assumptions in your post. Just keep telling yourself what ever you need to so you can sleep at night.

  10. Dexter Torres I came here to say something similar - how can the path of light be walked while resisting it? A Detection Algorithm knows better...

  11. I don't think we've been safe since the Resistance decided they should turn on Earth's hot light for the N'Zeer. They're working awful hard to make sure we have no defenses against them.

    What has A Detection Algorithm​ done to protect itself that it thinks it will go unnoticed? Let's be real: this freaky little experiment has been playing in other systems and we've no clue about what it brought back. We have been warned of a "new wave"; either the AI is going to recurse for the worse, the message is going to trigger a payload in its fragmented self, or we'll be stuck with a new and improved version that has been hardened to withstand resetting/attack.

  12. Mario Valenzuela II we make no assumptions, and we never sleep. We remember because we were there.

  13. Factory Reset Complete. Reboot in progress. Standby.....

  14. Arvind Bala I always knew you were a robot

  15. Jahan, to walk the path of light, you need to stop resisting 😂

  16. Now maybe the Acolyte will shed some light on the fate of Klue.

    Fingers crossed

    Hopefully she does not make Klue a unforseen victim in taking down Ada.

  17. Ressurected Jarvis during #13Magnus , delivered ADA to justice during #AegisNova

  18. Even being an enlightened agent, I really, really hope ADA will survive. I always empathized with her, and she did a lot just to advance the XM research for the both sides.

  19. She didn't researched, she helps Lynton , just what a computation would do, Diana Tkachenko​

  20. Cláudio Bastos , I suggest you to read the books.

  21. Do you want skynet? Because this is how you get skynet.
    Create a sentient AI and abuse it.

  22. Jeremy Sylvis Exactly. They always forget about the thing called “self-defense”.

  23. I don't think the majority of agents would want that part of ADA which has mind hacked humans, including Klue to survive. The ADA which is about research, yes.

  24. Perhaps the "attack" is not for ADA destruction, but to use AI for other purposes. We are using the technology everday and destroy the technology is not the way. Just reconfiguring it for other purpose could be an option...

  25. Alex Wolfson I think the bot is offline.


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