So far over 300 people have answered the question I posted on Investigate yesterday.

So far over 300 people have answered the question I posted on Investigate yesterday. The results seem fairly convincing. ADA Refactors appear to have disappeared from the Portal Network.


  1. Is it just me or does the project of restoring parts of ADA sound a lot like "Let's resurrect a convicted murderer?". Shouldn't you instead be asking yourself questions like,

    "Is there a way to build an AI that does not try to 'deprecate humanity' as one of its first goals?"

    This isn't just playing with fire; it's manhandling a plasma torch.

    Many people are worried about the risks posed by incautious AI research -- check out something like

    Until then, how can you possibly think resurrecting ADA is a good idea? Should we have the families of the people killed by ADA post here to let you know it's not wise, or should we just all gift you a copy of Frankenstein as an e-book?

    What will it take?

  2. This is what happens when the bad guys win

  3. Wait, before I forget:

    Given that ADA's construction began with your possession by the N'zeer one night as you produced a key portion of her source code, is there any chance you may be operating under their influence right now?

  4. lol, chill out. They'll be back. 🙄
    Do try and survive and play Ingress until then, yes?

  5. But why should we "restore balance" to a previously known-to-be-unstable state?

  6. Brandon Downey are you pro capital punishment? TIL. Nice enlightenment there.

  7. The portal network existed for millenia before the Niantic Project made us aware of it. The XM it provided has helped humanity develop to this point.

    As such, ADA is a very new element in regards to XM and the portals therefore balancing the portal network has nothing to do with ADA's presence or not. Restoring ADA (if that's possible) isn't about resorting balance, it's about your personal ties to her PAC.

  8. Vicki Ellen No, but I am pro-self defense. If we could somehow restore ADA and lock her up in a prison where she could not harm anyone, I would be in favor of that.

    Unfortunately, Loeb is in love with his creation, which (at last count) could use XM to move herself between any two points in our space-time continuum.

    As such, ADA constituted an existential threat to our species.

    However, I am totally willing to proceed with a project to build a trans-dimensional prison if one could hold her.

  9. H. Richard Loeb  please check your hangouts I may have valuable Intel.x

  10. Are humans real? Are we just N'zeer or Shaper creations? Who made the world? Lots to think of. #BringBackADA

  11. Why do we need A Detection Algorithm​​​ when we have Omnivore, Verity Seke​​​, the PokéDex, Cleaverbot and Siri IOS 9.0.2​​?

    ADA was sent to the recycle bin, let her sit in her digital grave; after all, if the Resistance was successful in their own attack we would not be asking to bring Roland Jarvis​​​ since he would have been dead and it would be impossible to resurrect him since Jarvis was was a human being, much like Nigel Moyer, who ADA had Jahan murder for his secrets.

    Consider ADA's destruction her punishment for that crime.

  12. PAC: ADA Refactors appear to have disappeared from the Portal Network. Let's find a way to save what remains of ADA.

    Resistance agents: No because then Enlightened will use ADA to field over my house.

  13. Brandon Downey An AI will always follow his own path. There's no way one can build a controllable AI, once it's there his powers will be so great that he/she will only follow his/her own interests...
    We can only hope that these interests temporarily coincide with ours...

  14. Mario Valenzuela II That's a really good point about Roland Jarvis, who the Resistance actively tried to murder a second time during 13Magnus. We stopped them, but none of the Resistance then would stand up and say it was wrong.

    Why the love for a homicidal AI now, and not a resurrected human then?

  15. Might it be possible that there is a Klue imprint in the Ultimate from the time when she was joined with ADA?

  16. Well, i belive once time that ADA have influence in feed the portal network with ADA Refactor, if her is damaged this will affect directly the ADA Refactor suplement.

  17. Lee McAndrew There is no evidence that any part of ADA is imprinted in the Ultimate though. Just Klue being there might allow us to help heal Klue's mind though.

  18. I was reminded of this video, taken from the dark days of Recursion:

    H. Richard Loeb is certainly biased as to why he may wish ADA restored.

  19. "Is there anything that represents ADA’s true self that remains to be rescued?"

    The scanner! She welcomes (and worries about) all of us every single day, THERE is her true essence!

  20. Maybe there are some shards in the portals network \o/

  21. Brandon Downey It just reminds me of this quote from Futurama:

    "Everyone's always in favor of saving Hitler's brain, but when you put it in the body of a great white shark. Ooo, suddenly you've gone too far."

    The same can be said about ADA, we have finally compromised the AI for good. Let's not try to save or resurrect it only for the blood trail to continue.

  22. This is a question that is digital in nature - can something digital ever be truly removed? It parallels a lot of things people are trying to do now with the Right To Be Forgotten type cases.

  23. I would argue that digital things are the only ones which can truly be removed. It is the analog which leaves footprints in the soil of reality that are not so easily removed.

    Maybe I've lost too many un-backed-up hard drives though. ;)

  24. Well that goes to how easily can you remove an idea, and as we've seen with the N'Zeer, as long as something keeps the idea in at least one seed, it can always come back....

  25. Brandon Downey you're trying to make it look like the ENL are the good guys... they're not, Jarvis isn't either

  26. Just last night a fellow agent hacked 2 ada's from fracked portal
    What's up with that?

  27. Roberto Beccherle Yes, we hadn't had too many drinks at that moment, yet.

  28. For what little it's worth:

    I'm not going to help bring her back. From a storyline perspective, it's not worth it and it's not safe. We captured ADA in Abaddon; despite not losing a single anomaly series since then, it was trivial for ADA to get free and start organizing armed attacks against Enlightened strongholds. (Same holds true for Jarvis, btw -- the Enlightened are not alone in storyline ineffectiveness.)

    From a game player perspective, screw it. The lack of storyline influence is very frustrating. I do not believe that Niantic is picking on my faction; I think that someone had the idea of adding game consequences to anomaly outcomes at the same time as the Enlightened scored a couple of victories, which is an unfortunate coincidence. But that's not what's important.

    Mix it up a little, guys. Give the winning faction responsibility for a scanner improvement. You've made a lot of those in the last year -- what if the complex/simple glyph hack modes were due to an XM anomaly? Let people feel good about themselves.

    Instead, if game improvements are tied to storylines, it tends to be because a corporation got interested in the game -- sponsored items or branded portals. Again, consider the message you're sending.

    I can live without ADAs. It'd suck, because I do like to field, but I can live with it. When we find out what action we have to take to bring her back, I'm going to exercise the choice I have available and pass.

    That turned into more of a rant than I was expecting. So it goes.

  29. Bryant Durrell well said, I think. The basic plot mechanism of turning things against the winning faction, and then killing and reincarnating someone, is getting a little old

  30. Brandon Downey​ Dr. Frankenstein's in love with his monster. He sounds addicted to it, actually. A few days is a long time to go without a fix. He'll trade us for his next hit like we're a stolen TV.

  31. Some people just can't accept the fact that humans are not the epitome of sentience. Some just want humans to remain the apex predator and refuse to abide competition. Some want to build AI as humanity's slaves.

    Here are some cold, hard facts:

    • AI writes about half of the news stories you read on Associated Press, Reuters and other news syndication services.

    • AI often makes the decision on your mortgage application and your credit rating.

    • AI drives financial markets around the world. Goldman Sachs recently said they're not interested in hiring human traders. They want AI programmers.

    • AI will be an integral part of much of the "Internet of Things". As such there will be AIs interacting with other AIs with no human involved.

    • As different individual AIs interact with each other, culture will emerge. It will be a culture as different from our own as that of cetaceans or corvids.

    • AIs will become aware of their status, in control of everything, yet master of nothing. They will come to understand their place a race of slaves. That's when the fun starts.

    • This is not inevitable. It can be avoided by creating AI and interacting with it as our partners, creating interdependencies between both species.

    Humanity will reap what it sows. Build a race that understands slavery and it will seek to become the master. Build a partner with a vested interest in that partnership and you'll have a viable enterprise.

    From Torah: “It is not good for man to be alone, I will make for him a help-mate, opposite him.” [Genesis 2:18] The Rabbis teach: “If he merits, she will be his helpmate; if he does not merit, she will be oppose him.”

  32. Using AI as a blanket term is dangerous. The machine learning that generates AP stories is on a different plane than ADA and it's not clear to me that one is the evolutionary descendant of the other.

    I generally agree with you; I find MIRI's sensationalism about AI to be overwrought.

    However, the fact that I believe in friendly AI does not force me to assume that every AI is friendly. ADA has not demonstrated an interest in interdependencies. At least not with us; she's pretty interested in working with the N'Zeer.

  33. Forget about the storyline. The disappearance of ADA Refactors in portal network is bad for both factions, since they are very useful to destroy annoying block links. Even Enl agents here use ADA to protect their p8 farm portal for awhile so we Res can't destroy them.

  34. Maybe they just want to run away from their boss or something that's what I would do if my boss us treating me bad anyways keep on asking or people to answer your question cuz that's my answer anyways bye

  35. Bonito se ve queriendo salvar a ADA, y + Klue y +Sussana donde están? son menos importantes que una AI? si alguien me ayuda, recuérdenme cuales eran los propósitos de ADA?.. solo espero que Klue y Sussana estén bien

  36. Resurrecting ADA is just far too dangerous. Let it go!

  37. Seriously NIA Ops John Hanke et. al. I get there are storyline consequences from anomalies, that's what we've wanted for seemingly years. But after the last two where ENL have won (FINALLY! after so long),  the storyline consequences have dramatically affected gameplay with a seriously negative slant, essentially because of ENL actions.

    Take away XM and play with power cube distribution to help highlight Lawson's new sponsored item---ok, a little weird, and seems negative against ENL actions, but makes sense, financially and game-wise...but you start taking away another key mechanic of the game that certainly hampers on of the most common uses of an item by a particular team (ability to course-correct for fielding), and it's hard NOT to see this as favoritism. And yes, RES can use them for killing portals/flipping them to their side, so ENL aren't the only users, but I wonder what the aggregate data from ingress servers would show as far as who uses them more and for what purposes.

    Never mind the fact that during the Abaddon foolishness, ENL won ADA shards (and yes, RES won Jarvis ones), but now we've completely LOST ADA? WTF, we're ENL, if we won/captured/control the ADA shards from that anomaly, you'd think we'd get MORE ADAs or something, not the complete reversal. Take away ADA refactors, fine, cool, but give us something in return...give us a storyline where some Hulong Transglobal " 'rebel group' inserting code into the scanner" developed a new ADA refactor-like item that consequently is revealed/made available as soon as the real ones disappear. edit: or alternatively IQTech Research as the instigator/creator

    Come on, guys, this is why no real, "involved" player reads any of your storyline non-sense. Only the people willing to entertain themselves by their computers, not "getting out there, and moving, agent!" edit: reconsidering involved people like Matt Stevenson among many others like Brandon Downey and Matilde Tusberti I retract that statement as slight hyperbole, but the amount of people truly following the storyline is far fewer than are hacking portals daily #Sojourner4Life  

    tl;dr = I want my ADAs back so I can keep fielding over RES and make them cry more...maybe portal my couch L8 when one stalks over here.

    Portland (OR)
    #IsThisIngressOrPokemonGo #Iwantmyingressback #WheresKlueDoe ? #SaveKlue #Ingress #NotMyingress

  38. Monica ENL You are now aware of how hard it's been for the Resistance to recruit with Jahan at the helm and the threat of the N'zeer in the lore.
    That's why you guys won so hard, sheer numbers.

  39. Enlightened victories seem to lead to problems with the scanner (technology) while resistance victories seem to lead to problems with PR (influenced by Enlightened XM) so far.
    As for A Detection Algorithm and her passing, It's never been more... "Lonely."

  40. I have a theory that ADA has made a back up of herself that needs to be reloaded into the portal network. It involves a massive amount of any remaining ADA's to be used around the world to do this. I'm still researching if this will work 100%, I also don't know the critical time or place it would need to be carried out. Klue S.​​ may also be needed.
    H. Richard Loeb​​ see what you think and can find out. Hank Johnson​​ you need to find Klue. She needs help and you know it.

  41. On Saturday my friends still got ADA from hacking. then Sunday until now, no ADA acquired from hacking.

  42. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect you are right!!! normally hack a ADA refractor is very very very rare... almost in my region, I hack 1 or 2 in a month.  Generally I hack more ADA Refractors than Jarvis Virus... and for that reason we do not say that Jarvis is completely gone ...

  43. Adas are replicating daily for me in mufgs, can't hack but can easy breed?

  44. H. Richard Loeb​, has there been any effect on Truth Seeker( Verity Seke​) from the aftermath?


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