I was waiting for something tangible to emerge that might shed light on what has happened to ADA.

I was waiting for something tangible to emerge that might shed light on what has happened to ADA. I started to hear chatter from a number of contacts who work in separate data-centers around the world. One of them sent me this conversation they'd…


  1. Yet again we get punished for winning. I think Ingress​ is trying to tell us they want a Resistance story...

  2. Well, take out ADA, lose ADA refactors. Makes sense. #damnedifyoudo...

  3. You know what would be another consequence of this? If Jarvis became strong enough to prevent any benefits from Resistance fracking of Enlightened owned portals.

  4. They've got something against slack profile pictures?

  5. sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

    Ok. That was ... unexpected. Over cluster boundaries all data is wiped? What is with the data in the offline backups? On Tape? I am sure there are traces of A Detection Algorithm .
    It is also strange to me that you can monitor "what was written last time". Also, when I see that the storage is used on my machines by some "strange proccess" writing "undecryptable data" I assume being compromised and shut the whole thing down.

  6. I think that the data is normally spaced the same on the hard drive, so my theory is it's not about the 0's but check the distance on the hard drive to see if there is a change in the distance. If there is, that can cause a change in reading speed, that can be read as morse code.

  7. Taman-Tyler Grafton I'm not sure what logic got you to that conclusion. After winning 8 straight anomaly series, Resistance had no tangible result to show for it. Enlightens wins two and gets tangible results both times.

  8. Every victory comes comes with a price.

  9. Niantic has completely lost his mind if this really happens. If they want us to play that PoGo thing just let us know -.-

  10. Sarah Rosen​ we only won 7, but it was two straight years

    And they always punish the winning side, though this is particularly amusing

  11. Yeah, the deal is: If you win, the story or the mechanics turn against you. It represents a fun challenge, though is a little ridiculous.

  12. enl knew what would happen, it's all their fault. if anybody would care about the story, they could put the faction bias aside and do the right. but we all know that will never happen, so niantic should just turn to not chosing enl strongholds as final sites if it doesn't suit the storyline.

  13. Don't panic everyone. We have one datacenter losing strange data. We'll see what happens - if really all instances/backups/binary blobs/whatever of ADA gets deleted.

  14. Maybe its bad for BAFs, but lately people have been using ADA and Jarvis out of laziness to save gear.

  15. The factory reset is proceeding well. On to the next phase. Don't worry we don't wanna delete ADA.... Merely a simple reset. #factoryresetADA

  16. If the AI entity no longer exists to host ADA's spark I wonder if we'll find a new simulacrum recursing somewhere ancient to fill the void?

  17. Sven W Nobody knowed that it would happen, it's ridiculous. I can't remember Jarvis Viruses disappearing when Jarvis died, do you?

  18. Flint Dille said in Paris that there would be an advantage for winning.

  19. Martin Brenner Do you have a source for that quote? Or did he tell you 1:1?

  20. I'm trying to follow this but it's all over the place.
    Ignoring the back story for now...
    2 years of Resistance wins have no effect in game.
    2 Enlightened wins both affect gameplay (already mentioned in this thread).
    Each Enlightened win brings results detrimental to the Enlightened. First the XM drought (in story that's the last thing they want) and this time the loss of ADA Refactors, which are far more use to the Enlightened than to the Resistance.

    We shall moan, bitch and complain: we always do;
    but we shall adapt: we always do.

    Though is it just me who is confused by the whole cause and effect thing here?

  21. Martin Zehetmayer Not his exact words and it has been some time ago, but it was in his speech, that there would be consequences depending on which side wins. The other interesting thing was the question he asked about what will happen when the protection of the Obsidian shield is gone.

  22. Lol our local smurf will not know how to play ingress anymore because he won't be able to flip high level green portals

  23. Are you kidding? ENL wins and you make ADA not hackable???

  24. I like it how those guys are using Slack XD

  25. Jannes Van Slooten​ Everyone was warned that this might happen. If you didn't know, It's your own fault for not paying attention.

  26. That could actually mean two things:
    1) ADA’s actually going down;
    2) she tries to hide deeper.

  27. Jannes Van Slooten I don't remember Jarvis actually dying. Do you?

  28. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  29. Sarah Rosen He was killed by Aymeric Doridam , we have photos \o/

  30. I wonder what it says about H. Richard Loeb​ that he is digging for any information about A Detection Algorithm​ but nary a whiff about Klue S.​

  31. Etienne Dumont If Jarvis is dead, who is the Acolyte talking to?

  32. Sven W Tokyo was a moot point. The series was already won.

  33. Buy, sell, trade. Get your ADAs for $100. Limited supply, act fast before we run out. (Limit 10 per order)


  34. Just make it impossible for Resistance to use ADA and for Enlightened to use Jarvis. Makes the game more fun!!

  35. I have an ADA Refractor code. Will trade for cool swag. I like coins.

  36. Brad Tissi yes I should have called it different, Niantic chose only one res stronghold for the whole series. But I was impressed by some sites were res won unexpectedly. ;)

  37. Well fuck me, how am I going to flip GPs? This is an outrage.

  38. The MUFG changed the availability of VR items. People immediately put all their VR items in the first MUFG. Eventually the replication rates were adjusted for VR (and sponsored) items, but not before these items became plentiful. A (temporary) unavailability of an item will restore the game and promote communication between players as they look for those that hold the items that they want.

  39. you seriously can't expect enlightened to let the resistance win an anomaly, because it will have consequences. But it would feel better if the change would be a slight benefit for the faction that wins. On the otherhand, if you give the benefit to the loosers, that might balance the next anomaly a bit. However it is bad that this only happens when enlightened wins and doesn't happen when resistance wins.

  40. One pass of zeroes is not enough and even those zeroes have a pattern. C'mon, H. Richard Loeb​.

  41. Frans van hoesel You're forgetting about the relentless amount of consequences that came from Resistance wins in the past.

    Realistically, this would have happened regardless of who won. If Resistance had won, I'm sure we'd just stop getting Jarvis Viruses from the portal network. In this case, ENL won .. so ADA was the one impacted.

  42. Endaeias Morgan
    you mean double ap output? or what are you referring to?

    but indeed something would have happened regardlessly of who had won. but is it even true that ada stopt appearing and jarvis are still available. The poll in ivestigate.ingress.com showed that ada's were hacked today.

  43. ADA Refactors have disappeared from the Portal Network... but do you notice if Jarvis viruses increments?

  44. Just because the screen display zeros, does not mean that ADA disappeared, ADA was attacked, so she is adapting her interface.

    The fact that her activity does not allow ourselves does not mean that an intelligence like hers, stop processing information.

    She is a software in the web (Like SkyNet)we cant just disconnect her.

  45. Sorry for your loss H. Richard Loeb​​ you were obviously infatuated with the virtual persona of A Detection Algorithm​​ and less so with the real woman Klue S.​​

    Which system was A Detection Algorithm​​ originally born in? I mean when Bowles and Calvin called you in to help at the start of the Niantic Project​​? May be there's a chance of calling the next one ALICE

    BTW We haven't heard anything concrete though on +Klue S in the Acolyte's compound.​ or Susanna Moyer​​ at Jahan's Indian castle.

  46. Marcos Rodríguez Herrera That's not about an interface, that's about ADA herself.
    It seems she was hiding in the “empty” areas of some corporate hard drives, and now those areas are being wiped.
    If the Acolyte was correct about the nature of the attack (“the AI will turn on itself”), then it could mean the attack was successful. Or, as I said earlier, that she hides even deeper.

  47. What if OLW and ADA eloped? No seriously, if OLW saved ADA by allowing her to merge with him?

    Hey H. Richard Loeb​, I think Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ is beating your time with your girl, A Detection Algorithm​.

  48. David Caldera how about something called xmps

  49. Oh no thats horrible - you're using slack? 😂

  50. David Caldera pew pews,boom booms,bursters,you know the things you usually go farming for

  51. The winner of each anomaly become the bad guy in the next chapter. I'm glad the enlightened one this series. I was getting sick of being stuck as the White Knight for so long, while the resistance went around opening gateways for alien invaders. That's supposed to be my job, and I hope I can have it back soon.

  52. Diana Tkachenko Yeah but the screen is an interface the real ADA is just a code.

    We can only communicate with ADA through a man-machine interface.

  53. So let me get this straight: the Resistance (who should be against the use of XM) wins anomaly after anomaly, and the outcome does not affect gameplay negatively. The Enlightened ( who are in favor of using XM and use it for progression of mankind) win Obsidian and we get an XM drought. After Aegis Nova, which the Enlightened win, a flipcard gets taken out of play... Where is the sense in that?

  54. Marcel Knopf Because in Ingress, every victory is a Pyrric Victory.

  55. As for those that say that bad things only happen when the ENL win: Are you forgetting (or were you not around) about 2 years ago when the updated portal virus was activated and portal decay became 4 days (instead of 7)?

  56. Trinyan X​ that's funny since if the Resistance's aim was to resurrect Hitler, PAC would spin that as being a good thing. Even though the Resistance's actions over their winning streak made them out to be evil it was always spun as being for the good of humanity and everything the enlightened did to counter that was viewed as being absolutely evil even though we were being reactionary.

  57. Can we make the storyline reflect more of our community members? Or at least take input from the community members who've put up with the absurd adventures the apprenticing storycrafters or 'writers' have been giving us for years? There are BOOKS on ingress fiction that surely have to be less convoluted and less biased than what seems to keep happening with the canon story from in-game (reality/world) characters.

    Or, you know, you could just #Free_Aka , or help us understand that ban (and many others under the #-free_agentname trend), or give us back portal submissions, or stop seemingly punishing ENL for winning after almost ever. #PokemonGo #PokemonGoSucks #Feelsbadman

  58. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect all the enlightened did was kill a malicious computer program that wanted to render humanity obsolete. That's the opposite of "endangering humanity." If you guys didn't fool around with the obsidian shield, we would have completed your goal of cutting off the portal network from extra dimensional threats, which if the shield was still in place would have meant that the earth was safe from everything, shapers, N'zeer, and AI. You're welcomed.

  59. Frans van hoesel we had negative outcomes whenever we won, generally in the plot. I'll think of what they were...

  60. Mario Valenzuela II​​ That’s where I get confused. The shield went up and, boom, we're protected from everybody. I was ok with that.

    ....all of a sudden we gotta tear down our protection and saving a tainted program that wants to insert/imprint itself in everyone's consciousness is good?

    Doesn't make sense.

  61. Yik Sheng Lee​ This "erasing" business might all be for show. A Detection Algorithm​​ last posted about being unnoticed and "time for something new" on a story with a picture of a blue human male body. The AI doesn't have much concern for human life, so I doubt a story about prolonging our existence matters. It bodysnatching a woman's already been done. A man, otherhand, would be a novel experience and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ likes his autonomy.

    H. Richard Loeb​​ could be genuinely upset about his program missing, but the man doth protest too much and this leak from a lab is too terribly convenient.

  62. Kobalt Blues A Detection Algorithm​ has already ingressed a man before 855. ADA would need some sort of networked device to reach its target. 855 was hospitalized in a coma after a car accident also created by ADA. At that point in time Klue S.​ was on the run with H. Richard Loeb​

  63. Gr33n Wra1th​ What if, this time, it's playing for keeps?

    It told Loeb everyone's got a unique code. It and OLW have an awful lot of sequences to work with now because of the survey. I'd try them on all the locks I could....you know, for science.

  64. Kobalt Blues​ true and we all handle a device that has a little bit of ADA in it - our scanner - may be ADA will hide in one of us - the best of us - an elite v agent may be?

  65. Funny looking at it now elite v can also mean elite defend/defence if you take v as a glyph

  66. Gr33n Wra1th We're all sensitized to the glyphs now. Step one complete.


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