This leaked transcript confirms the rumor that Jahan plans to reach into the Ultimate using the energy from the...

This leaked transcript confirms the rumor that Jahan plans to reach into the Ultimate using the energy from the Aegis Nova Anomalies.

If the Resistance win and she succeeds, she will have gained access to Nigel Moyer's memory of the encryption code that hides his research.

With that research in hand, her goal of transforming the Aegis Nova shield into a weapon to use against Jarvis will be within reach.



  1. And what happened last time when OLW tried to attack Jarvis? He got decimated in San Francisco.

  2. Kill them all. Give them to their ET gods.

    Earth for Humanity. Give us a real Resistance, Niantic Project

  3. Agents are not slaves of such crazy leaders anyway.

  4. So... when will we get a say in what actually will happen, instead of some self-appointed 'leaders' who seem to have lost touch with their own factions anyway?

  5. Sounds like Jahan wants to do a forceful retrieval from Nigel Moyer's mind.

  6. Jahan must be stopped.

    Think about it;. If you can write date to the ultimate, read that data, when what stops your from overwriting the original source of that data? Nothing. Jahan is in the process of finding out how to do that...

    ADA already knows how erase and install herself into people that using glyphs and technology, but what Jahan is doing may give ADA the ability to tamper with people remotely using the portal network itself without the target having to experience a glyph sequence (since she will no doubt co-opt Jahan's research for her own agenda and will figure out how to attack a xm clone with glyphs) .

  7. What a disgusting plan.. nobody should be allowed " make windows into men's souls and secret thoughts" (Queen Elizabeth).

  8. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect I mean Jahan. I don't think that the Ultimate can be considered as a person.

  9. Nothing new in this conversation but some passcodes. I said everything I have to say before. Therefore I´ll stick to the words of my grandfather: "Why don´t you shut your mouth if you have nothing to say?"

  10. Yik Sheng Lee​ tl;dr. Jarvis and Acolyte also: at all cost.

  11. Sarah Rosen so what is the Acolyte doing, at what costs? The only thing I can think of is healing Klue S. [who was damaged and tortured by A Detection Algorithm] , on the costs of Jarvis and herself. Jahan on the other hand, tortured and murdered Nigel Moyer and now she is trying to steal his secrets - with the purpose to strike on Jarvis, who is sacrificing himself to #saveKlue. If we don't stop Jahan now she will probably abuse Klue again.

  12. Besides that, please keep in mind that the source that predicted Nigels death also warned us that Susanna Moyer would be properly next. We need to stop Jahan now.

  13. Jannes Van Slooten they sewed a device to her face. That doesn't sound like consent to me. She can't take it off.

    And while we're at it, is there any other involved in this who hasn't acted "at all costs"? Devra Bogdanovich has been particularly reckless. Calvin. Bowles. Loeb. All of their actions are "all our nothing" "one roll of the dice" affairs.

  14. Sarah Rosen I wouldn't say that "all our nothing" is definitely wrong, sometimes the stakes are high. The point is that Jahan has clearly improper motivations, and is using improper methods to reach her goal. On another note, I don't think that Jahan is working towards her goal 'at all cost'. She is working on it at somebody elses costs, only to save her own skin. She is corrupted by her own powers.

  15. Jannes Van Slooten And Jarvis and Acolyte are not?

  16. Sarah Rosen I don't think they are perfect but I believe they have sincere intentions.

  17. Sarah Rosen​​​​​ where are the pictures of this device sewn onto Klue S.​​​​​'s face? Scott, or whoever that guy who conveniently disappeared was, had all the time in the world to document this but all he did was take pictures of coconut altars green buildings and camp signs (that could have come from a stock photo repository).

    It's a psyop and you fell for it. Seriously, if it wasn't then why haven't we heard a word about him since the anomaly? It's funny how a "truth seeker" and journalist would drop the ball on a lead just because his faction lost an anomally. It's like THEY NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE and were conjured up just to give the resistance a reason to show up to #AegisNova1.

    As far as we know, Klue could be taking part in a three month long bender with the Acolyte and decided not to check in because she hasn't paid her phone bills.

  18. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect if A Detection Algorithm​ would have tortured me like she did with Klue S.​, sure!

  19. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​ if I had a piece of malware in my brain, yeah...


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