A source just sent these documents my way.

A source just sent these documents my way... it appears that an XM research group in Japan (if I had to guess, it would be IQTech-East) has been working with Willer Travel on a project called NL-PRIME.

Based on their research, it seems NL-PRIME is a hyper-saturated mobile XM environment that can be used to identify 'extraordinary' sensitives for future recruitment. The feats these sensitives seem able to perform are remarkable. Read on for the details.



  1. Wait a minute, wait a minute. What have we here, gentlemen? They have themselves an RV!

  2. ん?Willer Travelだと?

  3. A bus that can't go faster than 35mph. Wasn't there a movie about that?

  4. @@spect Transformer Prime, note: Everything you see in here is classified.

  5. INdia a on a
    Hfjjkdkdj jkdirjrorj

  6. I gotta know ... does it transform into an enormous living robot?

  7. Norman Hamer Not enough people are getting your reference but I love that line and how the actor says it in that movie.

    Sounded like he ad-libbed it and it was pure gold.


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