This transcript sheds light on some important pieces of information: It seems the Acolyte and Dr.

This transcript sheds light on some important pieces of information: It seems the Acolyte and Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe have been actively collaborating for some time, and in fact, OLW may have been critical in the activation of the Obsidian Shield.



  1. I still feel that "where the Xm is going to?" Is important. The way i picture it is that the Obsidian Shield is no different to a metaphoric dam. Sooner or later, whatever its holding back, is going to overflow with XM. Or maybe thats a possible solution? Maybe a high amount of XM will bring down the Shield.

  2. Ok, my advice to the acolyte, that will be probably backed for many others, don't put any advice from Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ over an advice given by Hank Johnson​. We all be safer and happier if she have learned this lesson. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ is the genie that corrupt all your wishes.

  3. The Acolyte had been collaborating with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and had been taking his advice.. As H. Richard Loeb mentioned it is not at all surprising given what happened.

    The bit about the silence of Jarvis is also interesting. Has the shield interrupted his connection with the Acolyte? Has Jahan lost contact with the Nzeer in a smiler manner?

  4. Sachith Maduranga I wouldn't be surprised if Jahan also lost contact with the N'zeer. Of course both the Acolyte and Jahan want to reestablish the connection to the N'zeer respective Jarvis and the Shapers. The next anomaly series deal obviously with this: 'Who puts the genie in the bottle first'. 

    I am interested in the 'behavior' of the shield that OLW finds interesting? Refers this to the increasing Powercube output of the portals (which some agents reported)? What is so interesting he wants to keep the shield u p?

  5. And we raise again the possibility that had the artifacts been in more competent hands the outcome would have been different.

    OLW seems to suggest that it was the assembly/activation instructions from Jarvis that are incorrect. In different hands, with different instructions, would the result have been the same?

    We can't say for sure, but the possibility can't be eliminated either.

  6. Emergent behavior. Of portals? Of XM? Of people?

  7. I'm happy to see Oliver Lynton-Wolfe back at work doing what he loves.

  8. I have a question: Isn't an engineer supposed to be able to point out flaws in a design?

  9. Sarah Rosen: one can only imagine how much worse things might have been without the best XM engineer in the world working on this project.

    Alternatively, one can only imagine how much better things might have been without the craziest XM engineer in the world working on this project.

    Really, how much time are you going to spend trying to blame the other faction instead of solving the problem? We could spin hypotheticals both ways forever. Look to the future, don't cling to the past.

  10. One thing is certain: The experiment was also impacted by Jahan, who sought to selfishly manipulate its outcome in order to plunder the poisoned apple of N'zeer knowledge.

    While restoring XM is something everyone Enlightened wants, we can at least rest assured Jahan's ambitions were thwarted.

    Why is Resistance even concerned about missing XM again? I thought they were busy spreading the lie that it harmed humanity?

  11. Disculpen que no lo escriba en ingles Inicio con una pregunta: Que es el "escudo de obsidiana"? Mi opinión: el escudo de obsidiana no es otra cosa que una bomba de tiempo, explotará y eliminará todos los portales del mundo, recuerdan la vision de Obsidius? "una única estrella bañandolo todo..."

    Lo que para OLW es: "emergent behavior" en realidad es una bomba de tiempo, y cuando tenga el suficiente XM eliminará los portales.

    "De vuelta a la era de las cavernas"


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